
10 ways to max out your playstation 3

Here are our ten ways to make the most from your PS3

Since the PS3 is in the half way of its ten-years life cycle, time to get the most out of it. Your Playstation 3 is more powerful than it first appears. Buried in the XMB’s hidden menus – and locked away in obscure PC applications – are the tools to turn your machine in to the most powerful media player in the world. You can also turn any Play station into your own customised Kingdom; make it the deserving centre of living room and save a few pounds while you’re at it.

Here are our ten ways to make the most from your PS3

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CynicalVision4477d ago

What's the point in saying 'Play every movie ever without worrying about codec’s' when the next sentence points out that you need to convert the ones that don't work.

Bashiii4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

i have changed it to "Use the PS3 Media Server",any suggestions are welcome.

morganfell4476d ago

The PS3 Media Server is the best thing for multimedia streaming you can have on your home computer. It works under Linux, Mac, and Windows. By doing a custom install it now works fine in the new 12.04 Ubuntu beta we have been running. And since the PS3 Java Media server not only encodes on the fly but will also decompress on the fly it is handy for movies, music, pics and photos, and even some documents regardless of how you stored them.

Simon_Brezhnev4475d ago

Yeah all i use is PS3 Media Server every single day one of the best apps available for PS3.

Reckless7184476d ago

ps3 media sever is the best thing ever you can play 1080p mkv files without converting them

h311rais3r4476d ago

MAX IT OUT! That title sounds retarded cuz ur stuck with what u got. U can't change parts.

bwazy4476d ago

You can change the HDD. Your argument is invalid as your grammar.

reynod4476d ago

Lol so upgrading a HDD now is maxing a system out. Console gamers are funny.

rezzah4476d ago

Well the word "max" implies "most", to reach "max" or "most" you must first get "more" (upgrade).

Max = Most

To have Most, first you must have More.

More is synonymous with Upgrade.

Upgrade = step closer to, or until you reach, Max.

So if you upgrade your HDD for more memory then that means you are closer maxing out your console.

You can only max out your console when you have used all best possible upgrades. Only then, like a PC, is when you have maxed out your console.

ClimateKaren4476d ago

He didn't say upgrading the HDD is maxing a system out. He was pointing out the inaccuracy of your statement, "U can't change parts."

For the record, a HDD upgrade is actually a really effective upgrade for a PS3 owner who has lots of games, music, and/or video on the console. Just because it's not a performance upgrade doesn't mean it isn't significant or important.

Army_of_Darkness4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

lol! pc fanboys are funny;)

specialguest4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

Trying to be a PC elitist, but end up getting owned by rezzah.

You may be running with the PC crowd, but you're no alpha dog. More like a pup in the PC elitist world trying to show his teeth with no bite.

Statix4475d ago

@reynod: There's nothing "funny" about upgrading to a super-fast SSD or hybrid Seagate Momentus XT. It yields a huge improvement in overall performance.

mindedone4475d ago

Choose One:

Your argument is invalid as is your grammar.
Your argument is as invalid as your grammar.

For now, "your grammar is invalid as your grammar."

reynod4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )


And how do you intend to trim that superfast SSD? I bet most of you here dont even know what trimming a SSD means?

Lets just say when a SSD has been used and the same space is erased, the data doesnt really go away, it stays there. It later needs to be trimmed so that the data really goes away and the SSD maintains its performance. How do you intend to do that on a console lol. Please enlighten me. You would need to remove the SSD every few weeks hook it up to a PC then send a Trim command, which would probably mean formating all the data on the SSD too since the PC may not recognise a console formated SSD.

What a waste having a SSD on a console, the performance wont last. Try educating yourself before suggesting solutions that are not really feasible.

Statix4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

@reynod: Please explain to me how my suggestion is "unfeasible." An SSD works perfectly fine in a PS3, even without periodic TRIM'ing. Even in its non-TRIM state, it's still going to be faster than a regular HDD. Worse comes to worse, you can TRIM it manually on your PC on a periodic basis if you're desperate for that extra speed. I've been using an SSD in my PS3 for ~3 months now, playing streaming-intensive games like BF3, Skyrim, Deus Ex, and RAGE, and it's still working like a charm.

Besides, TRIM is only required to maintain WRITE speed, not read speed, and it's ultimately READ speed that's important when it comes to loading and streaming performance on the PS3.

Furthermore, there are SSDs out there with built-in TRIM support on the controller itself, so your entire argument is moot.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4475d ago
Chidori4476d ago

I whore out the ps3 media server every single day. It's wonderful for music, movies and tv show streaming. I really should do the vacuum cleaning method before it's too late. I could imagine how dusty my ps3 must be on the inside after 5 years...

trenso14476d ago

insanely dusty i took mine apart like a month ago. it died from YLOD :(. clean it before you lose a good friend lol

MrHeiis4476d ago

The grammar in this opinion piece is awful, how did this get approved?

GribbleGrunger4476d ago

i always avoid pointing things like that out, especially when i know i'm going to make a mistake or two, like not having capitals for I or not putting a full stop after 'awful' and starting the next sentence with a capital.

Biggest4476d ago

I'd bet MrHeiis doesn't get it.

A_Forsaken_User4474d ago

If he was to replace the comma with a semi-colon, he would've had something, but he failed. I also hate making a comment about grammar, but sometimes it has to be pointed out.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2637d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905081d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5081d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905081d ago (Edited 5081d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5081d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5081d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5081d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5081d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495081d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5081d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5081d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2673d ago
Bismarn2672d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One