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N4G Explained: A Story Within A Story

Cat|4643d ago |Blog Post|17|

Questions, we get a lot of them, and for the ones that achieve some sort of critical mass I thought it would be helpful to post about them for all you information go-getters!*

"A Story Within A Story" is part of our News Guidelines ( http://n4g.com/site/newsgui... ). Here's the relevant bit:
"Sometimes a site does an interview with an industry professional where newsworthy information is revealed deep inside the interview. Other websites often create separate news stories focusing on specific bits of information that are of special interest to their readers. Even if the original interview is already posted it is ok to also post these side stories if the original post did not focus on this newsworthy information."
The first criteria is that it be revealed "deep inside the interview". This means it probably shouldn't be on the first page of the interview, and definitely shouldn't be included in the summary for the interview - the one at the source or on N4G. Don't think about just the title, think about the information in the interview, what the questions are, and how the answers relate. Think about the N4G reader, because that's what the Mods and Admins are thinking about when they review a submission.

Next up, "separate news stories focusing on specific bits of information that are of special interest to their readers". Think in terms of interviews with celebrities that go on and on about their workout routine and the latest awards show but maybe they mention in one question that they're going to be co-starring in the Uncharted movie. That tiny part of the interview is gaming related - the rest? Not so much. Also, think of financial reports or similarly boring things that people discuss around conference tables while drinking bad coffee. If on page three of a financial report from a publisher or game company something interesting or relevant is revealed, that fits the bill.
IMPORTANT: Notice how in this criteria both examples also fit the first and primary criteria - it's buried information. The first criteria should always be met.

"Even if the original interview is already posted" - if that original interview/story/whatever belongs on N4G (doesn't fit the above paragraph), it should already be submitted here. Otherwise your submission is going to get hit with "Wrong Source".
IMPORTANT: Notice how in this criteria it should still fit the first and primary criteria - it's buried information. The first criteria should always be met. Am I sounding redundant yet? :)

And lastly, "if the original post did not focus on this newsworthy information". This is a double whammy - it reminds us again that the original post didn't focus on the information, but it also mentions that the information should be newsworthy. Mainly, it should be timely, significant and relevant to the NewsBoiler site it is on.
IMPORTANT: Yeah, you know...

Stating the obvious for fun: correct sourcing and citation is needed. None of the above is going to fly if you don't give credit where credit is due. This means that on your site you need to be correctly attributing information, and on N4G you should be making use of that "credit URL' field. Also, copy-pasting work without any of your own content or with the bulk of the source material copy-pasted is PLAGIARISM even if you cite the source! We don't like thieves.


*Standard internet disclaimer: we work in a changeable space, The Internet, and more than that this is a community-driven site so while we have learned and adapted over the years there's more learning and adapting to do as the community continues to grow and change. Your feedback is always important and helps steer the bus.

That said, these posts will focus on the here and now with the aim to be informative of things as they are - not as they could one day hypothetically be. So I ask of our experienced members that your comments be helpful and constructive to members with questions that are trying to learn.

dark-hollow4643d ago ShowReplies(1)
MidnytRain4643d ago

Does this mean that I can submit an interview, then submit news of information in said interview at the same time?That would be great for snagging points; like a combo.

Christopher4643d ago

If it follows all the guidelines, sure.

But, gotta say that your purpose of submitting the news in that manner doesn't seem to be in the spirit of sharing important and pertinent gaming news so much as it is about getting some electronic points.

MidnytRain4643d ago

Lol, getting hot articles IS the spirit of N4G. The amount of flamebait that gets approved is hilarious. You don't visit the front page much, do you? Kinda weird seeing as you're a mod and all...

Christopher4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

First, your attitude towards what is being attempted here is disappointing, to say the least. I think one of the questions everyone here who submits news and approves it needs to ask themselves is how much they care about the news they see and how they can make it better. The truth is, it only takes a few to work against the many, but that doesn't mean you don't stop working to improve it.

Second, your ridicule towards me does nothing to change that some of us desire to achieve the spirit of N4G rather than what you view the site to be.

If you truly believe the point of N4G is to get hot articles and not gaming news, then you are doing it wrong.

MidnytRain4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

I wasn't ridiculing you...

All I can say is that I've given up on taking anything seriously here; it ends in frustration. I mean, I seen people complain like I did, but it's hardly worth the energy. I think you can remember when I used to complain a lot. ;)

Just enjoy the ride, I say.

SilentNegotiator4643d ago

"But, gotta say that your purpose of submitting the news in that manner doesn't seem to be in the spirit of sharing important and pertinent gaming news so much as it is about getting some electronic points"

Then why on God's green earth does N4G reward the top posters? I know it's all about hits; that is website business 101....but it's so starkly contradictive nonetheless. So many largely faceless users will post stories all day, and half of them are garbage.

If truly isn't about Epenii and hits, then how about we look into a new system that doesn't reward such behavior?

(and it's not just "electronic points"....N4G has rewarded gift cards and money often in the past. That's actual monetary gain, not boasting points)

UnSelf4643d ago


its safe to assume that we, all of us here at n4g, staff included, understand that in order for the site to thrive, users and staff alike must continously submit articles.

This is no secret and the staff chooses to allow us to know how their business module work for a reason: so we can continue to submit. That being said, the users of the site are kinda like employees within themselves considering that without them the site wouldnt do very well at all, hence the nature of almost any website.

Users/Members/Visitors = Successful site

N4G.com therefore feels that their personal members deserve to be rewarded for their hard work and they choose to reward us based upon our love or aka diligence for the site, in the form of submissions.

We give, they give back. Its their personal thank you under the pretenses that we all know a website wouldnt function without hits

Christopher4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

Note: Below comments are my personal opinion and not that of N4G or any other affiliated sites or staff members. I do not speak on behalf of N4G.

***Then why on God's green earth does N4G reward the top posters?***

The same reason they reward a random site visitor, forum poster, or blog writer -- to reward those who are aiding/contributing to the community in one way or another here on N4G.

***I know it's all about hits; that is website business 101....but it's so starkly contradictive nonetheless.***

Only if you make it so. Only if you only care about winning said rewards rather than contributing to the community. Only a number of people that you can count on both of your hands will win something based on what they contribute in submissions, the others won't.

***If truly isn't about Epenii and hits, then how about we look into a new system that doesn't reward such behavior?***

Because opinions vary and you can't score the "quality" of an article. And, as soon as you set rules to quantify what is quality and what isn't, those people who don't do it for the spirit but instead for the hits will do whatever it takes to ensure their submissions match said quantifiers.

***(and it's not just "electronic points"....N4G has rewarded gift cards and money often in the past. That's actual monetary gain, not boasting points)***

For more than 99.99% of the people here, it surely is. And those points reset each month, forcing you to start all over again.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4643d ago
CaptainMarvelQ84643d ago

it is the readers problem in the beginning and the end,and for you guys to support it?
People here just want the information simply gained without reading too much,that's what made others take advantage of it and open up new-so called "stories".

So what's the point for the main site to bring the full story anymore? they should just release the same interview as bit's in every new article.
I believe that Crediting the main site in the sub stories does not sit well with them,because the credited sites won't get as much traffic as the "sub-news".

That's what i think anyway

GSpartan7774643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

"Other websites often create separate news stories focusing on specific bits of information that are of special interest to their readers."

Question! Are you referring to additional information to what is being quoted from the interview or can other sites simply quote saying "MW3 will have dedicated server" and write a three-liner? Because there are a lot of sites that submit short three-liners simply to quote a part of an already approved interview. Example

"In Herp Derp interview Derp said "MW3 will have dedicated server." Derp finally what we've been waiting for. Herp CODMW3 comes out later this year"

Like really, this is how most sites do it. That's where all the duplicate reports come from and the people from the said sites are quick to complain about it on the forums.

I'm also still wondering what N4Gs stand is on rehashed news - AKA news sites reporting 3/4 old stories in one and claiming it as new material with the author at the end saying "I think Sony is dead", because it was written a month or two later.

Cat4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

The section you're referencing doesn't refer to gaming related interviews at all, actually. Excuse the c/p, but I do think I said it best the first time :D :

"separate news stories focusing on specific bits of information that are of special interest to their readers". Think in terms of interviews with celebrities that go on and on about their workout routine and the latest awards show but maybe they mention in one question that they're going to be co-starring in the Uncharted movie. That tiny part of the interview is gaming related - the rest? Not so much. Also, think of financial reports or similarly boring things that people discuss around conference tables while drinking bad coffee. If on page three of a financial report from a publisher or game company something interesting or relevant is revealed, that fits the bill.
IMPORTANT: Notice how in this criteria both examples also fit the first and primary criteria - it's buried information. The first criteria should always be met.

Let me know if that still leaves you wondering...

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Hopefully they won't have any trouble delivering 60fps on consoles then.