LordMarius5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )


Cant wait, omg
Freaking epic, GOTY

deadreckoning6665199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )


GOW3 TRANSCENDS fanboyism. U can't possibly hate on this game from any angle. I'm LITERALLY breathless. This is gunna shut EVERY PS3 hater up.

Edit: I'm watching the trailer again and I STILL can't believe this. I don't think I'm ever going to spend $60 on a multiplat ever again. Just so everyone on this site knows, I'm OFFICIALLY a PS3 fanboy now.

UnSelf5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOTY CONFIRMED!!


@deadreckoning we've been expecting u, welcome aboard!! wait put ur wallet away, we can game for free!!!

Cyrax_875199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

*ducks out to go to the internet cafe around the corner*

EDIT: OMG(oW), for some reason I nearly burst out laughing at the cafe, it was that epic!

Simon_Brezhnev5199d ago

yeah it beats Uncharted 2 in graphics just like i thought it would :). I want this game now.

5199d ago
5199d ago
Megaton5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Absolutely stunning. The scale is just mind-blowing. NEED MOAR!

jwatt5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

OMG I just downloaded it and watched it in slow motion. It looks amazing and Kratos fighting in the dark omg!

Edit: I dare you guys to watch it in slow motion, your gonna go crazy.


swiftshot935199d ago

I take back what I said in the other thread. After watching it again, HOLY SH1T!!!!

Seriously, I know graphics arent everything, but DAMN. Seriously the most epic thing Ive seen this generation. I know Im just off of seeing the amazingness of the game, but my prediction is that this will be GOTY.

solidjun55199d ago

But I need to get some napkins.

Rainstorm815199d ago

Needless to say this will probably be the most EPIC action adventure slasher ever.

Sorry Ryu, Dante, Nero, Bayonetta

There is only one God of WAR!

SullyDrake5199d ago

Hands down the best looking game ever created. Even tops Crysis, Heavy Rain, and Uncharted 2.

Everything else will be just as awesome. Game of the year.

Storm235199d ago

There is no way I am watching this...even though I REALLY WANT TO!!! I want this game as fresh as possible. Don't want to ruin anything. Can't wait!

Major_Tom5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Alan what?

PS3 keeps pushing the bar so high that no one is able to catch up.


Outstanding, speechless.

I had to watch 2 times the trailer to process the explosive emotion of this video.

TheHater5199d ago

I need to toilet paper because I just sh!t myself watching that.

SnuggleBandit5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

HOLY ***** **** **** ***** at the scale and graphics!!!!!

*picks up jaw off floor*

NinjaAssassin5199d ago

epic scale and it looks good, but are do you guys seriously think this looks better than uncharted 2? no way. pause the video at different points and just look at the graphics. the textures and lighting are far inferior to uncharted 2. the game looks exciting, but let's not overhype things.

thereapersson5199d ago

The video isn't loading more than halfway for me!

And what's this requiring sign up before downloading videos? I don't have a facebook account!

-Alpha5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

By Keighley. He just wanted us to watch his show and I really was mislead by his twitter hype.

Still a good trailer but I want more. The first trailer is still the best. Damn these teasers, always makes the wait harder.

I love the scale of the titans, this is probably one of the really cool subtle things with this trailer.

The first Chaos trailer and the extended trailer after that really set the bar, and I dont think this one touched it.

colonel1795199d ago

hours before the countdown is finished?

TheBlackSmoke5199d ago

My god...it looks like cg. Cant freaken wait!!

Blaze9295199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Of course. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so. I know we'll get a bunch of disagrees for saying it but the trailer wasn't that great in my honest opinion - at least what I was being led on to believe by N'Gai, HHG, and Geoff Keighley. Still an epic trailer though...I guess. Some of that footage looked insane.

Oh, and Hades is one bad mother...

Danteh5199d ago

holy sh!t looks like CG lol :OOOO

-Alpha5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Sorry, I can't hear you, too much excitement in this room lol.

Don't care about the people hiding behind the disagree spamming, I can understand that they are swept away by the trailer, but am I really the only one that expected more?

Seriously though, I understand people are excited but for some reason I'm much more calm about it. The trailer was great, but way overhyped by Keighley. It skyrocketed my expectations. I'm not blaming the trailer, just the hype behind it.

The first trailer is still my favorite.

I love the titan stuff, OMG I can't get over the thought of scale vs. size. Shadow of the Colossus influence?


Forgive us for not having the same reaction as you, it happens when you are an individual. Look, I didn't say the trailer was bad so please offer something more substantial, just that I was personally expecting more based off of Keighley's tweets and HHG


Maybe HHG but Keighley was really hyping this trailer. Maybe I just got too excited with it, but I was lukewarm to be perfectly honest.
The in-game scenes really look alright but nothing near Uncharted 2 so I don't get where all this "new graphics king" stuff is coming from.

The scale on the other hand was awesome.

we won5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Please... Stop over exaggerating the trailer, you people's excitement is a exaggerated response to just what you just mentioned, MAJOR.

Simon_Brezhnev5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

i see alpha and blaze at it again LMAO

SnuggleBandit5199d ago

@alpha and blaze

im pretty sure they saw the actual titan gameplay (the fight with the water horse) not just the trailer.

In their video there was a jumpoff on a TV in the background...

JANF5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

The scale of the game is impressive, but i think Uncharted 2 has it in terms of lighting and textures. I was expecting much more (first generation PS4 graphics like HHG said), that what happen when game get to much hype.

LordMarius5199d ago

@ all the naysayers
What did you wanted, Spoilers?
This is an epic trailer showing the awesomeness without giving away too much

...and with that I wont be seeing any more videos because I have recieved my doze of epicness and now Im just ready to play the game...but first Heavy Rain :D

danthegardner5199d ago

That what Hiphopgamer and N'Gai saw was shown in december is different from this. They were shown a gameplay demo of the Titan gameplay versus the Leviathan. This is totally different because it shows nothing longer than a few seconds of gameplay.

Megan Fox5199d ago

I also have to say that the trailer was ok, but i was expecting more, i mean the hype behind this trailer was huge, i'm a little disappointed.

morganfell5199d ago

Ha ha ha. Next generation doesn't start until Sony says it does.

UnSelf5199d ago

@blaze who ever said this is what HHG saw?

Socrates5199d ago

It looks awesome, but not really to the extent some of you are hyping it to be. I'm talking graphics, not gameplay. I was expecting some bar raising CGI quality visuals the way people were hyping it.

Jamie Foxx5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

hhg and n'gai saw the WHOLE fight sequence (the game was running in the background, quite simple really)so there exictement is justified....what santa monica have produced is a 'teaser' ive seen you complain on games when spoilers are released and complain when not much is shown.....make your mind up

EDIT@ alpha...fair dues mate, i respect your opinion but also respect what santa monica have done,people always complain when spoilers are shown, what i got from this teaser is that the graphical bar has been raised,kratos himself looks CGI, deep down i do wish we could have seen more though if im honest this teaser was 'too much of a teaser' :)

thereapersson5199d ago

DOWNLOAD the video in HD! The GameTrailers stream is FLAWED by nature.

Bathyj5199d ago


Like I've said before, PS3 exclusives always look so good as you follow the developement, but then in their last month or two of work they seem to just jump up another level again. I dont know how they keep doing it.

Man, you think that Leviathons big, then you see they're fighting on a Titan's arm. Epic in the true sense of the word.

Those couple of idiots, still clinging to the hate, I hope that hate eats you alive. You're the only ones missing out.

jwatt5199d ago

yea there are some parts of the trailer that are ok but then there parts where the textures and lighting are some of the best. Like when it shows I think it's hades with all the texture of skin and when his weapon lights up the back looks amazing!

-Alpha5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

If you remember the first trailer, it was fantastic. Didn't show off gameplay but it did set a very great tone for the game and did what a trailer was supposed to do: create hype.

This trailer doesn't touch it. No, I don't want spoilers, is that my only option?

I just was expecting a lot more. People hype these kinds of things way too much and I'm just not appealing to my emotions like others who seem to be upset that I dare have a different opinion on the matter. What kind of Nazi-hell thought system is that?

Anyways, I'm not upset with the trailer itself, just the fact that I let the hype get to me.

A trailer is a really delicate piece of work and I understand too much can't be revealed about it but this trailer threw a whole lot of epicness and I just didn't understand what the hell was happening. Like I said, I loved the titan parts-- I think the scale will surprise many people with this game. I'm not trying to be overcritical but people seem to hate the idea that somebody like me didn't like it as much.


Yeah, that's a good way of thinking: Clearly people who didn't like the TRAILER as much as you did must mean that they are haters of the ENTIRE Game. Sounds like a perfectly logical explanation. /sarcasm

5199d ago
Ichiryoka5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

All you are saying is trailer this trailer that, but man when will you ever talk about what (((IN)))) the freaking trailer. Ok we get it, the trailer could have been put together better. It wasnt, get over it. Now lets talk about whats in this not so great trailer.

The graphics for one are like cgi, look here this is epic..


check that out, those gifs...no words.

and how zeus slams kratos into the wall is crazy. Because if you actually look at whats IN the trailer you will see that Kratos was about to slam Zeus but that mofo reversed it.

now look at the trailer piece by piece... and lets talk about that.

Edit: OK Alpha I see what you're saying, no you shouldnt be doing backflips over a trailer you dont like. THing is though you cant deny thoe graphics, go to that link on neogaf and look how some people think its fake, that its all cg. Just go a few pages back and you can tell by the responses (majority) that the graphics and trailer itself is incredible. I can count 4 people here that did not like the trailer and maybe 30 that did.

RememberThe3575199d ago

The trailer was bad ass.

Kratos fought a water horse monster, hung from a Titan, beat a golem with the biggest hammer I've ever seen, attached himself to a rock being thrown through the air, and ripped a monster in half. And all of that with no spoilers.

How the hell could anyone be underwhelmed?

5199d ago
-Alpha5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

That's a fair explanation. However if you look at the comments I made ONE comment on how I personally was disappointed and people got defensive about it and started bashing. So please don't tell me to get over it when it's these insecure people who can't accept the fact that I'm not going ape Sh*t over this. Am I not allowed to have a perfectly calm reaction? Am I supposed to be doing backflips?

Why is that I am expected to have the same opinion? I refuse to have an extremist perspective like the majority here, so that automatically makes me a "Xbox Defense Force"? It's pretty sad that people are forced to behave certain ways in fear of being taken away bubbles or getting spammed disagree buttons just because they fail to comprehend opinions outside their own.

It's really nice to see people have common sense here.

Like I said, a trailer is hard to craft, I get that. I much prefer the continuous trailers over the ones that mash up random scenes to make it look effective.

The Last Guardian is a perfect example of a trailer that is "continuous" and relays a connection with the viewer.

I never said the trailer was BAD but insecure fanboys here quickly assume that to be the case. I happen to have loved the first two-three CGI trailers and showed my Xbox cousins it. This didn't get me excited as much. I got over it as soon as I saw it but then people had to childishly say I was being a xbox fanboy just because I didn't pee my pants like they did.


Thank you, I respect your opinion too and I appreciate the fact that you have the sense to engage me instead of hiding behind the disagree button. But it's a bit ridiculous how people oppress other users here. I gave a simple NEUTRAL opinion and people act as if I robbed an old lady. I respect SM Studios too, and I certainly didn't disrespect them in anyway by stating that I didn't like the trailer AS MUCH as others seemed to have liked it. Pretty blasphemous of me, right?

TheBand1t5199d ago

Figures we'd see some downplayers in here.

nix5199d ago

this march... CHAOS WILL RISE!!!

Dutch Boogie5199d ago

O......M..........GOOOOOOOOOOO OOD

This is absolutely impossible. My mind is going nuts with disbelief. What an epic adventure it's gonna be. Plus they doubled the graphics and improved on the E3 demo.

GOTF'ingY right here people. OMG!!!!!

Perkel5199d ago

rotfl @@@


Simon_Brezhnev5199d ago

lol @ alpha

im not taking it that serious so defensive lol

ABizzel15199d ago

I agree with the two who said the trailer wasn't that great. It wasn't that great to me, because each clip was like 1 or 2 seconds long, but you can tell the game looks absolutely amazing. I'm ready to see full gameplay now from one of my top contenders for GOTY no matter what comes out.

Ravage275199d ago

trailer is a bit on the short side but what they shown is f#$%ing sweet!

villevalorox5199d ago

So tasty, *HOMER TRANCE ..mmmmmmm. GOD OF WAR.

OmegaSlayer5199d ago

@people who say Uncharted 2 graphics are better.

I don't know if God Of War 3 graphics are better but I know that I'm watching a compressed HD trailer and I have played Uncharted 2.
That's very different.
Uncharted 2 footage looked much worse than the real game, take the train gameplay trailer for example and then compare it to GOW3 trailer.

Then, I was blasted by the trailer and I don't even understand what happens.
Epic to say the least.

DeZv35199d ago

Holy shhiiiiiiiaaaaattttt!!!! :O

topdawg1225199d ago

Some of you haters are ridiculous, " I expected more" shut up, just look at the scale of this game. Its all ingame too damn!

Rock Bottom5199d ago

I have to agree with you to some extent, while I thought the trailer was going to be better than this(Only possible outcome after such hype) I still think this was the best trailer in 2010 and by far the best GOWIII trailer yet.

butterfinger5199d ago

only sad little people get extra disappointed over a teaser trailer. Why don't you wait until the game is out to let all of your disappointment sink in? It just seems stupid to get your panties in a bunch over this. If you liked the first trailer better, go watch that one over and over again. Obviously, most of us disagree with you. Also, @Alpha, why isn't it OK for someone to disagree with your opinion without stating why? Isn't it PERFECTLY CLEAR that by hitting disagree, that they *gasp* actually enjoyed the trailer? You come off looking like a snot-nosed kid.

execution175199d ago

freaken epic, march can't come soon enough, on side note makes you want to say crysi what??? in how awesome it looks :O

xTruthx5199d ago

Dang, this game looks ridiculously awesome

davekaos5199d ago

when he is pounded the sh!t outta something on the floor all his facial expressions are like wow. they have animated everything.
There is only 1 god of war

andron5199d ago

Great stuff, can't wait for this one...

gameraxis5199d ago

RIGHT? lol at the people who were like, "they havn't shown anything, and U2 will look way better"

i had NO DOUBT, not this game... people don't understand GOW on the ps2 was the ps2, BUT NOW, CHAOS WILL BE UNLEASED ON THE PS3!

disclaimer- does anyone actually know what that line means, "chaos will be released again" it has more meaning than many of your may think, wiki it, greek mythology.... I CAN"T WAIT OMNGGGMMFNGOMFNGOMGNGO lol

darthv725199d ago

Except for the chains and blade thing the rest is all gameplay footage. Nice. From the demo I played I do like how it goes from gameplay to cutscene are virtually indistinguishable.

More of a teaser than a trailer but still worth the watch.

Day before day 1 for me (I got the hookups).

TheTwelve5199d ago

Forget about it. All other games will step aside for this.


FACTUAL evidence5199d ago

remember all of the "Bayonetta kills kratos" Articles?..bet that changed now. GOTY right here.

ape0075199d ago


this looks super duper extra vagansa fully loaded AWESOMENESS

the graphics are unbelievable

the game itself is unbelievable

guys that's it, this year is the best year in gaming ever since I don't know

alan wake trailer then this

happy to be a gamer

cmrbe5199d ago

can we stop doubting SM and comparing Byonetta and DI to GOW3 seeing what i have always said that GOW3 has no equal?.

ico925198d ago

i need some lotion and towels after seeing that, but seriosly that crab horse battle whatever the heck it is looks epic

ShadowCK5198d ago

Wish it was on Xbox as well. =(

+ Show (80) more repliesLast reply 5198d ago
UnSelf5199d ago

OMGOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

xskipperx825199d ago

ok i'm really hyped for this game but that trailer sucked

qface645199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

that trailer sucked? you either must be crazy or blind

they showed allot without showing too much it was done right

-Alpha5199d ago

From the way Keighley was hyping it, I expected something totally different. We saw some old and new gameplay which was nice, but this is hardly enough to satisfy the hunger.

IMO the first trailer was still the best. Seeing Kratos' eye was freaking awesome. Sure it was CGI but it got people hyped like a good trailer is supposed to do.

The in-game stuff looks great, but Uncharted 2 still looks like the King of graphics to me.

NinjaAssassin5199d ago

that's what i am saying. uncharted 2 deserves all the credit it gets and shouldn't be pushed aside just because people are a little overhyped about something. god of war 3 looks really good in terms of its scale and art but even the older god of war games had huge scale and great art. but when i pause the game and look at the textures a lot of them look very flat. you almost can't find a flat texture in uncharted 2. so anyway, i agree with you uncharted 2 still looks better from a technical standpoint, but god of war 3 might be more interesting to some people because of its art.

Megan Fox5199d ago

i have to agree with NinjaAssassin, Alpha-Male22, xskipperx82, i'm a little disappointed.

LordMarius5199d ago

well Megan Fox, I'm disappointed with your acting
yeah take that

5199d ago
qface645199d ago

seriously what's wrong with you guys?
allot of you guys are making it sound like the game was just released and it was a big disappointment it was the trailer

how do you get disappointed from a trailer? seriously

masterofpwnage5199d ago

really now why the hell do you go in the ps3 section everytime and then pick on it and then give a long comment complaining about it.

" Oh MY GOD!
THAT is what I call a trailer!

My excitement for this game just shot through the roof, the adventuring/mystery sci fi aspects seems amazing!

My God come to the PS3! "

yeah thats you and it was over alan wake trailer, really now. why wont you ever be like this to any ps3 news related stuff.

Nicaragua5199d ago

Jeez, when did you turn into a whining vagina ?

All you ever seem to do is post something (so far so good) and then if someone disagree's with you then we get subjected to these 4 page long whiney dialogues about how you have been wronged or misunderstood.

Just state your opinion and move along. Your entitled to say what you want and people are entitled to disagree with you for any reason.

BlackAvenger75198d ago

I thought I was the only one who thinks he's annoying as hell!!

Anyway I downloaded the full HD traier and watched it on my PS3, and WOW! can't wait!!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5198d ago
xskipperx825199d ago

that's what we've been waiting for?

Hell-Reaver5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

I'm a huge gow fanboy i can admit that, but that trailer wasn't anything special with the amount of buildup it had. It was a great trailer, dont get me wrong. But it was not legendary by any means. The games going to rock, and i've got my collectors pre ordered for day one.

but waiting that long, for that little glimpse of stuff we've already seen. not really worth the hype.

watched a couple more times, slo mo'd it, it is pretty bad ass. guess i wasn't in the right mindset the first go. kinda tired lol. Still sad it's more than 40 seconds of nothing cept signing on. could been all game play in my opinion. but obviously this will be the commercial for tv.

deadreckoning6665199d ago

@xskipper- I want to respect your opinion, maybe ur joking, maybe your not. However, if that didn't impress you, maybe your dead inside. No disrespect. I'm in TEARS right now. God of War 3 BLATANTLY BLATANTLY BLATANTLY just destroyed everythg thats out on the market right now as far as graphics are concerned, even Crysis.

DeepInterludium5199d ago

This is still a short teaser.

Plus the terrible Gametrailers encoding loses a lot of detail.

playstation1235199d ago

Would you guys rather let them spoil it for you???

xskipperx825199d ago

@deadreckoning666 Yes the game does look stunning but just the pure amount of hype for this trailer made me think it was gonna blow my mind and it didn't. I already reserved the ultimate edition like a month ago and can't wait for it. But as far as this trailer goes....sorry. Not very good

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5199d ago
saint_john_paul_ii5199d ago

HOLY S**T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! 0_o

xskipperx825199d ago

no no no that CANT be what we've been waiting for!?

saint_john_paul_ii5199d ago

dude are you F**king blind? didnt you see that? yes it was short but it showed alot. clearly a graphical upgrade from the E3 Build.

xskipperx825199d ago

No i'm not and yes i did. was it cool? YES was it worth the 4
month+ wait? no

colonel1795199d ago

you got to realize that SSM doesn't want to spoil anything before you play the game, that is why the trailers shows just a little bit to get you excited.

Anyways, the trailer was awesome, and I got really excited!.. I just don't want to get spoiled anything before I played it.

IMO, Perfect Trailer and achieved its goal

bjornbear5199d ago

your meant to be waiting for the full game

this is just...a small appetizer,

the smaller it is, the less it will ruin ur appetite =)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5199d ago
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JL2930182d ago

Both requels over 2 and 3? Clowns. Those are two of the most boring games I've ever played.

Snookies12182d ago

GoW 3 was amazing, but I personally hated just one thing. (This is on me alone, because I was dumb, lol.) I hated that you couldn't skip cutscenes on repeat playthroughs. I had to go back through the game a third time because I missed one trophy accidentally on my way to the platinum... The cutscenes were great the first go round, even the second... But the third was pretty agonizing.

Haven't played Ragnarok, but I still think GoW 4 is a wonderful game in its own right. Not sure how I would stack them up against each other honestly.

Monstieur182d ago (Edited 182d ago )

I don't consider the reboot part of the original series. The original series were high-skill games with combos and rewards for mixing things up.

solideagle181d ago

lol square, square and triangle is the only combo you needed. I have played all of them on the hardest difficulties...

Golfcoachh182d ago

Maybe I’m just old school but I just couldn’t get into the last two. Maybe it’s the slower action and more story telling but the original trilogy was by far my favorite.

Crows90182d ago

It's not that youre old school. They're different genres

JL2930181d ago (Edited 181d ago )

Me either, at all. It's just yap yap yap. They try to be a RPG's instead of being action games like they used to be.

Fluke_Skywalker182d ago

I'd put the two psp games over 3 in terms of story any day. But not over 2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 181d ago
TheEnigma313182d ago (Edited 182d ago )

My favorite was part 2 and I think Ragnarok is better that 2018.

Shane Kim182d ago

The newer games are better imo.

ravens52182d ago

There is no worst. Except for Ascension, only cause I didn't play it lol. They are all masterpieces. 1,2,3, 2018 and Ragnarok. 1 of, if not the greatest video game franchise...besides MetalGear.

Snookies12182d ago

Oh wow, I actually forgot that Ascension even existed... I never played it either.

Crows90182d ago

I like ascension. It was different and some interesting combat additions.

darthv72182d ago

If you didnt play it, how could you call it the worst? Its not as bad as the media portrayed it. Honestly the worst are those flash games. they arent even considered true GoW games but in name only. At least Ascension is a real GoW game.

ravens52182d ago

Not saying it's a terrible game. Just mean it's at the bottom of my list. I played a little bit of it. Jus to me, compared to the other main games, it's last.

Fluke_Skywalker182d ago

Ascension is the only GOW game I never finished. Hated it.

Inverno182d ago

Can't agree, older games do so much more than the last two. More weapons, magic abilities, enemies are more varied, level design is also more aesthetically pleasing, and agree with those who say that they shouldn't have removed jumping. Was a time I'd agree, but those old games are so so much better, that they really should've looked into bringing into the reboot/sequels.

Crows90182d ago (Edited 182d ago )

If a game is good then a game is good. Doesn't matter what came before or what comes after.

Inverno182d ago

Of course it matters. If not for what what came before there wouldn't be an after. And if something is great before then you strive to make it just as good if not better, after. I personally don't think there's a fair way to judge the new with the old because the newer games are still essentially a reboot, and went a way different direction. But I still believe the old games did it better. I'm probably bias though since I've been going back to old games and have been finding that they lack all the annoying aspects that devs have shoehorned into new games to fluff out game time.

Crows90181d ago


Im not talking about the passage of time here. Im talking about individual pieces of software. If a game is good then it is good. Thats not a controversial statement. You can compare good with good...sure. But you still end up with good. Now if there is a bad game in the mix and you compare you do end up with some differentials between them...makes sense to compare and see where it went wrong.

But theyre different genres and styles which were individually executed very well.

And no. The new games are not a reboot. Theyre a new direction but simply a continuation.
Tomb raider was a reboot.

Inverno181d ago

The new games are definitely a reboot, and a continuation, it can be both which it is. And a good game might be good, but my point is that if there are things done better before it then there's plenty of room for critiquing and trying to make whatever comes after better rather than just good.

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God of War 3 Remastered Has Sold 4 Million Copies To Date

God of War 3 Remaster has sold 4 million copies since its inception, making the franchise PlayStation's most profitable gamer merch brand.

purple101344d ago

Haha I still remember my brother playing the opening scene on ps3!!!

Yeh he had to put the controller down his heart was beating too fast trying to get past first 10 minutes. He said "it's too much". Best thing I've ever seen in gaming. Haha

robtion343d ago

A great game from an era before things went politically correct and gaming turned serious/'mature'.

It certainly wasn't concerned about upsetting or offending anyone and was more fun because of it.

The boss battles and set pieces still top most games released today.

SullysCigar343d ago

This game was absurdly good for it's time. The very definition of 'epic'.

robtion343d ago

Yes. The graphics were just ridiculous compared to most other games on the market at the time.

masterfox343d ago

I wished Ascension had the same treatment.

Heavenly King343d ago

Ascension SP had some things better than GOW3, and also some things worst than GOW3. But in general it was a really good game, for me it also deserves a REMASTER. The problem per se with the game is that most people were satisfied on how GOWIII ended, so Kratos got his revenge, so in order to rise the interest in the game how have to make it MORE EPIC is that the game did not had the epicness of fighting huge bosses (I guess due to technical difficulties,the game had actually a lot more colors (because the world is not dying like in GOWIII) so it is graphically more demanding that is my guess), but it compensated with having in general a more complex combat system, and an amazing soundtrack. but in general the game needed to be more epic than GOWIII somehow, and that did not happened, after GOWIII people had expectations through the roof. They should have waited and release it for PS4 so the vision of the game is not compromised.

My list of good and bad compared to GOWIII

The combat was more elaborated, which allows you to be more immersed in the fights. Also every enemy was more resistant, even those that you could usually kill in 2-3 attacks in previous games. THE LAST BOSS is so damn epic!!!, but there is only one moment like this in the whole game.

I love the fact that "cicle" in the new enemies (killing animations) are not QTEs, in Ascension they are mini-games on their own, depending on the enemy, making it more engaging. You had to dodge and hit when the window was open in order to eventually do the killing blow.

GOOD: The Soundtrack
it has the orginal trilogy musics, but with a new perspective since the game had a new composer. The ST was amazing also the new music written specifically for this game were badass

GOOD: The puzzles actually require you to think.

BAD: There are bad camera angles during the game, like zooming way too out of vista, and then swarming you with "light units" that like I said before had better AI and did not die of 2 attacks. those parts a few, but are a mess.

Other thing that really annoyed me is that when you fight a sub-boss/heavy unit in a big arena; that ARENA WAS EMPTY, it was just you and against the medusa, or against the manticore. They should have zoom in into the action to avoid noticing the void scenario. I guess emptiness was because of the game having a lot more colors (because the world is not dying like in GOWIII) so it is graphically more demanding. My guess is that it was not possible technically, since in most of those cases you had huge vistas or intricate scenarios that needed to be rendered. The fact that the cerberus is smaller in this game disappointed me.

BAD: Only one BADASS EPIC moment, the others moments of the game were great but, they needed to set the bar even higher than GOWIII and they failed miserably.

BAD: The graphics did not improved much. I was GOWIII with more colors, and that's it.

So 4 good things against 4 bad ones. The problem is those 2 last BAD aspects are actually why the game was received so poorly. Everyone expects the next game to have a really BIG improvement in all aspects in contrast to the previous one, and that was not the case in ascension. And also GOW is the definition of EPIC, and that was not there neither. The jump on every aspect from GOWI to GOWII was huge being on the same console, and the jump from GOWII to GOWIII was humongous (obviously because a more powerful console). While the jump from GOWIII to Ascension is too little, and people expected more.

On it's own is a good game; but is not sufficient when GOWIII was released before it.

CrimsonWing69343d ago

I know this is unpopular opinion, but I prefer these over the new ones. I’m not saying the new ones are bad or anything, but they sort of get boring to me, whereas the older games were like non-stop roller coaster rides.

ChiefofLoliPolice343d ago

I love the new ones but I understand what you mean. The older ones had more action and was more arcady like.

MIDGETonSTILTS17343d ago

Ragnarok was not BIG at all… GoW1 had larger set pieces, and it was on ps2.

GoW 2018 had big moments in its own way…. Ragnarok abandoned these aspects though

robtion343d ago

I agree. It was just less serious and more fun.

victorMaje343d ago

One of my all time favourites.

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