CRank: 5Score: 13240

bu bu bu but PS3 fanboys buy blu ray ,no 360 freaks pay netflix and facebook lol . also is it me or is those Wii numbers pretty weak for a console that beats PS3 & 360 like a government mule those numbers are pretty low also a guy commented about inFAMOUS selling 840,000 copies and still not be 1 million while the game 360 freaks said was better than inFAMOUS in every way sold 850,000 so the gap is really small . PS i used the 360 sales number of Prototype while Prototype on PS3 around 53...

5500d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

if PS3 was $100 than millions of ppl would buy it over 360 if your going to trol at least put some thought in to it but hey fanboys are the stupidest bunch of living organisms on the planet and seriously to all PS3 fanboys WTF is wrong with you guys i knew if i came to open zone 1 of you will bring up console wars , GROW THE FVCK UP ! god what does toshiba have to do with your dumb console wars god you ppl are pathetic the same goes for you 360 fanboys

5500d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

instead i'll be a gender confused emo who gets his @ss handed to him constantly expect another scene with Raiden running naked with his hands covering whatever's between Raiden's legs

5500d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i wish i lived in Japan but i don't understand japanese and i prefer english but besides that japan is awesome also there's alot of ppl going to the Slim launch

5500d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

why thank you that's what i was going for being a jackass

5500d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

you know these guys made Resistance right and what's the 1 thing reviewers praised about Resistance oh yeah the multiplayer which kicked @ss "ThoFloppity flop flop" WTF are you 4 years old oh wait trick question your a 360 freak and there mostly little kids or grown men with the mental capacity of a 4 year old. SUCK IT !!!

5501d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

all those GOTY awards says God of War isn't crap and $39.99 for 2 PS2 games turned HD with trophies says it's not overpriced unlike a certain expansion pack only 360 coming this month that's sub HD 680p that's priced at $59.99 , SUCK IT !!!

5501d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

hey sh!t for brains VC2 hasn't come out yet and 2 Sega wants there games to sell and VC only on 360 would worse than the first. RPG's on 360 sell like sh!t and it's a fact

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh sh!t the 360 fanboys will be here soon this ain't good another civil war

5501d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

pissed Kojima prefers working on a true MGS game on PSP instead of a MGS spin off on 360 or that the closest thing to MGS you get is a whiny emo gender confused robot that constantly gets beaten up and now it's Sonybots i thought the correct term was droid it is written in the 360 fanboy bible "Thow shall call your hated enemy droids and you will let us charge you for XBL and do not go against our lord and savior Bill Gates if thow refuse thow shall get the RROD " last year whenever...

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

>_> <_< aaahh i don't know if you've seen this  Mega 64 MGS4 but it looks like Kojima is a cool dude and gets along with ppl i don't think David Hater is angry your upset Kojima didn't ask him to write the movie but i think it would be better if he was part of MGS movie because he knows the character of Snake i don't think Kojima sold his soul because Rising isn't a real MGS game it probably has nothing to do with Snake and Kojima knows that and that's why he's doing P...

5501d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

HHG's opinions should be left on his site and not posted on NEWS 4 Gamers emphasis on NEWS this article is not news

5501d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

this is Sony's middle finger and kick inthe nuts to every critic and bot that said blu ray was useless

5501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they probably know but they diss miss it as a spin so they can enjoy the low sales number because there insecure little pieces of sh!t

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't wrry corry and his grandfather have a place in hell for corry he'll be getting a pineapple shoved up the @ss with Hitler always funny to see than corry's grandfather will get the lava treatment were we dump him in lava for 400 years and corry will be getting his insides ripped open and eaten by hungry birds and he will regenerate and lastly our cruelest torture in hell locked in a room with a 24/7 back to back marathon of telletubies , Chowder , Miss adventurers of Flapjack and every sh...

5501d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 freaks rejoice for the last time as now PS3 is sold out in japan and the slim will be in store shells and it's going to get messy and when Slim numbers arive the PS3 freaks will rub it your face so rejoice now at your uninformed party of PS3 selling 800 next week will be different also corry your a sick little kid while your telling your grandfather the news tell him we can't wait to get our hands on him in hell me and my demon & zombies friends will make sure he has a painful agonizi...

5501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

corry also said he chainsawed his PS3 for someone who hates PS3 he buys alot of PS3's if he chainsawed 1 , 1 blew up and took 1 back to store also chances are corry's d1ck is just like Horsed1ck's in the movie Miss March incase you didn't see it see it it's funny and just so everybody knows if corry's d1ck is anything like Horsed1ck's d1ck in Miss March i'm actually dissing him corry also said Kojima would bring an end to video games so everyone take away his bubbles

5501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no one disses Kojima he's the man

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

nee Wakka not ya just nee to you just nee

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hope it's ZOE3 or a game with zombies also at corry FVCK YOU kid someone like you is not worthy to play Kojima's masterpiece games

5501d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment