CRank: 5Score: 13240

you 2 wish David Jaffe would make a game of GOW or Twisted Metal proportion on the 360 . David Jaffe made 2 of the most well know and beloved franchises on playstation and guess what both aren't shooters ( most beloved franchises on Xbox Halo & Gears both shooters ) fact is David Jaffe is one off the best game makers out with 2 huge game series under his belt and both are only playstation if he was making 360 games you'd be kissing his @ss just like you guys kiss Cliff & Bungie's @ss ...

5504d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well Mr president the economic crysis has affected these bots the lack of money forced them to choose to use the money to buy Halo 3 and keep there gold membership or pay for there eyesight problems , they choose XBL

5504d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

fat PS3 died for your sins , and if your not down with that i've got 2 words for ya , SUCK IT !!!

5504d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm tired of these motherfvcking FFXIV & FFXIII news in this motherfvcking site i want new details about FF Vs XIII gameplay footage , new trailers come on you know what fvck you SE for keeping Vs XIII in the dark like the black sheep of the family . i got 2 words for ya SE , SUCK IT !!!

5504d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously you don't know the difference between buying a used game and getting a used game as a gift if i had purchased it than i would be contradicting myself and by the logic would give EPIC & Midway a cut but i didn't give any money ( thank god because the game sucks ) so i don't have to give EPIC & Midway a cut because money wasn't transferred . i recommend you take logic lessons

5504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heil Hitler lol . for the record i own a PS3 and dislike HHG he's a fanboy c0ck sucker so he can get hits

5504d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i lol at the diehard 360 freaks that think Alen awesome Wake & Mass Effect look better than Uncharted 2 it just shows how they can't face facts that Uncharted 2 is the best looking game this gen ( until Heavy Rain comes out ) and it's only on PS3 with no chance in hell going to Jump In the 360 and i lol at scarecrow for thinking the next David Jaffe game will be on 360 even do he has a 3 game exclusive deal with Sony . i got 2 words for ya 360 freaks , SUCK IT !!!

5504d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

does anyone else think of The Dark Knight whenever you talk or think about Batman Arkham Asylum ? i know i do and i listen to The Dark Knight theme whenever i think of Batman Arkham Asylum . i don't know if it's GOTY but it's definitely a nominee , GOTY 09 nominees : Killzone 2 , Batman Arkham Asylum , Uncharted 2 Among Thieves & Generic Warfare 2 ( i'll be nominated because it's COD not because it's that good which it isn't ) .
And to 360isthebest up there 91 metacritic says Killzo...

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a gamer you ? yeah right .

EDIT at scarecrow below dude GOW is reserved for God of War , Gears of War 3 is Gears 3

EDIT at scarecrow . 'facepalm' this is way kids should never quite school , the developers of GOW 3 is SONY Santa Monica so GOW 3 won't ever be on 360 you retard

5505d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

i think the 360 fanboy mentality is affecting your brain . if something is expensive it doesn't sell much that's common knowledge and especially during a period were money is getting a little tight is also a factor but i guess it doesn't matter your going to make another comment about PS3 not selling and the IQ of each new comment of yours will degrade until your a rambling retard that isn't making any sense

5505d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

typical Xbox freak , did he mention PS3 no and also what was the PS3 price a month ago or 2 years ago ? yeah really expensive case closed

5505d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

in all honesty no the 360 was already cheap it's the cheapest system and really no one ( except the insecure 360 freaks like Jason 360 above that needed this price drop so PS3 wouldn't sell because ppl like Jason 360 are insecure little children that needs that there system that they devouted there entire lives to until the third xbox comes to be the better system because that's what they own ) asked for a price cut unlike PS3 which ppl begged for a price drop so no it won't affect the 360 th...

5505d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

you sir are an embarrassment to the PS3 community

5505d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

your right why have someone song made specifically for a moment of sadness that makes the scene sad lets remove that and play some death metal or a rap song about nailing a hot b!tch that would make sad scenes like Naomi's death in MGS4 way better a song about fvcking b!tches am i right or am i right / major sarcasm

5505d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i agree with jaffe i never buy used games all my games are brand new never been open except for UT3 because that was a gift from someone who didn't want it anymore i buy brand new games because of that never been open smell in the case and being the one to remove the plastic rap it's like buying a brand new car and having the brand new car smell and being the first to drive it . i say give em a cut

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

compared to Gabe , David looks like a twig but i find it ironic really that your complaining about him saying developers should get a cut of used game sales will you pay a monthly subscription to XBL while PC , PS3 & Wii owners play online for free , the irony .
P.S don't talk about how good XBL is because really i don't give a sh!t about online gaming

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you ask me facebook & twitter are for losers with no life and MS is ripping off there gold members with useless sh!t like twitter and facebook and before any 360 freak calls me a droid yes i own a PS3 and no i don't use twitter or facebook i didn't even know what facebook & twitter was until a friend of mine explained it to me and i still think it's a sh!t idea for losers

5505d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is anyone waiting for this i think the game ain't on radar and will get crappy reviews like Damnation and wasn't this suppose to be an RPG about a distant alien planet and ppl trying to live on it but its dangerous because the wild life well that's what the teaser i saw looked like it was about

5506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm the 2 new ads they posted was hilarious but i would have preferred a updated ad of the 1 in 07 when PS3 became $399.99 with Ladies and Gentleman song playing or go back to PS2 style ads and ended with "live in your world play in ours " tag line from PS2 or bring back the tag line Play B3yond

5506d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you know i remember seeing a Halo 3 bundle and a Fung Fu panda bundle and several more 360 games bundle and when did bundling become bad ? you know what i've been wanting to say this to the 360 fanboys about bundles and to all Sony fanboys that argue with 360 fanboys use what i'm going to say about the bundles next time a 360 fanboy talks sh!t about bundles ,if someone buys a PS3 + game bundle they bought the game so really your Sony has to bundle games doesn't have any grounds since ppl boug...

5506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment