CRank: 5Score: 13240

O_O 151000 PS3 sold sweet grandma on a pogo stick driving a ferrari at Nascar PS3 slim just raped everyone in JP guess the japanese love a thinner PS3

5494d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got 2 words for nWo S, SUCK IT there's no nWo anymore there's only Degeneration X long live DX

5494d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

WTF is up lately the only games 360 has gotten or mediocre and cr@p games well at least ODST is around the corner ready to give 360 owners something good to play

5494d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone give a big hand to this site for being the first site with balls to make dumb article trying to downplay PS3 succes with slim and $299.99 give em a big hand

5494d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know i miss JR 2 but Michael Cole ain't so bad and i said Raw is the #1 show on cable because well alot of ppl see it and sony is advertising PS3 on the most watched show on tv so Sony marketing team has actaully done there job

5494d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i've figured out why your angry it's because some dumb PS3 fanboys rapped your mom , your sister , your cousin , your girlfriend and your cat Orochimaru and got them pregnant because those a holes were 2 stupid to get condoms either that or you got nothing better in your life than just insult PS3 fanboys with poorly thought out insults ( you need to go back to school of insults )

5494d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have for seen this that Sony will pay for exclusive content much like MS and soon they'll be DLC wars whoever wins we lose damn you Rockstar & MS you opened pandora's box

5494d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

the edited ad makes more sense and funnier i don't get what's funny about a nigerian millionaire also has anyone notice how Sony actually advertise now i was watching monday night Raw ( the #1 show in cable television )and during every commercial break there was a PS3 ad the one of the rumor monger and only 1 Xbox 360 commercial the Gay Toni commercial

5494d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment
5499d ago

ppl are so annoying if David Jaffe thinks developers & publishers should get well let them have a cut , a guy once said if someone sells there car shouldn't the car manufacturers also get a cut well it's not the same thing if you buy a new car your keeping it for years until you get a new 1 but used games are different you could have bought Batman AA at launch and 2 days later you sold it to gamestop and your preventing the game makers the money of games with that because that someone els...

5499d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well duh playstation is known for many things 1 being to last longer than the competition it's going to out last Wii & 360 and my guess Wii will be the first to leave

5499d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5500d ago

BULLSH!T no way in hell can any gamer say with all honesty that the 360 which only does online better is better than the PSOne and N64 no fvcking way those 2 were the pioneers of 3D gaming and PSOne made the gaming industry grow if PSOne never came we'd still be using game cartridges and the gaming industry would be the same now when SNES was around as something for little kids you want to put 360 ahead of PS3 fine go ahead but no fvcking way is it or ever will be as great as the PSOne and N6...

5500d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

don't forget HHG also said it would lookbetter than KZ2 and look as good as Crysis so now it's proven the man is dumb . also nice Mr Freeze avatar from The Batman it was the coolest ( pun intended ) Mr Freeze design but his origins not so good and accurate

5500d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

your comment reminds me of an article the developers of Tomb Raider Underwolrd said the DLC was actually suppose to be in the game but because of disc limitations it was turned DLC i could be wrong about it but if it's true and SE is in talks of DLC than FFXIII going multiplatform screwed PS3 owners of the full FFXIII experience but honestly i want FFvsXIII i'm not into FFXIII that much it looks generic well the setting does it feels like it's been done already

5500d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i want to say last year i believe or this year HHG said after seeing the CG trailer that this game would look better than KZ2 and look as good as Crysis and here we are and proven again that he is a retard . SUCK IT !!!

5500d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

ha i use the bible to wipe my ass after i take a sh!t and you can go PS3 in third place all you want 360 freak third place ain't stopping Uncharted 2 , GOW3 , Heavy Rain , MAG , White Knight Chronicles GT5 and more from coming exclusively on PS3 while you still call PS3 in third to enjoy your games but you wanna know something i had the chance in buying a 360 i actually wanted a 360 more than a PS3 but in the last moment i went for a PS3 and i don't regret it 1 bit but you know have fun with ...

5500d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Tho shall insult the non believer while you insult the false profit PS3 and his followers in hopes of sounding clever or to hurt his feelings and owning him " yeah like i care about what position PS3 is i'm not a lonely loser that needs a hunk of plastic and metal like you and every fanboy freak here to feel special and a winner if i wanted a console that's number 1 i would have bought a Wii also funny how you call Sony desperate for 1 dropping the price something your god did last...

5500d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

let me read to you what is written in the holy book of 360 fanboys bible and know it's not Halo 3 manual that's actually the 360 fanboy book of genisis " Thow shall search on the internet site named N4G and thow shall find any and all article that shows of the superiority of the son of our lord and savior Bill Gates and thow shall praise it with all your might and believe in your fate that the fake lord PS3 and his devouted followers will never reach and surpass the status of the 360 and...

5500d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

the 360 freaks are assembling here so they can get there d!cks hard and jerk of to the 360's lead . SUCK IT !!!

5500d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment