CRank: 5Score: 13240

congrats you'll be the first 360 fanboy to feel the sting of the new PS3 fanboy attack . bu bu bu but PS3 owners buy blu ray , NO 360 fanboys pay for facebook & twitter lololol . feel free to leave a comment about experiencing the new PS3 fanboy anti 360 fanboy weapon . Be hold the power of Uncharted 2 makes a 360 fanboy make a positive comment but i agree 4 million is what i expect Uncharted 2 to sell it's life time

5392d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

unless it's for wiping my @ss no i don't want MW2 i would buy Eat Lead The Return of Matt hazared over MW2 actually i want Eat Lead but i'm going to buy WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 over MW2 because unlike MW2 WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 is worth $60 and i'm serious i want WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 more than i want MW2

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm serious i'm DEAD serious i'm as serious as this serious face -_- that's how effing serious i am , seriously

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

fvck that sh1t no one wants to buy a sh1tty game with the online beast called XBL lololoolololol sh1tty warfare 2 won't sell cr@p because REAL GAMERS will be enjoying gaming orgasm called Halo 3 ODST fvck sh1tty warfare 2 lololoolololoolooloolollolooll ....... i can't do it the stupidity lvl to say that ikinda cr@p constantly is to much for me i'll leave that kinda talk to the pros like corry & patchstation there stupid enough say it but honestly MW2 is @ss ( PS i'm dising fanboys because...

5392d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and ppl who buy COD MW2 defies signs of intelligence . give me Haze , Shellshock 2 & Section 8 over MW2 any day of the week

5392d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

disappointing update i hoped for better demos and free dynamic themes but next will be better with Uncharted 2 & Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 demo which i'm still hoping the final game is at least bloodier than the footage they've shown and when will we see a WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 demo it's easily 1 if not close to most anticipated game of the year and i will lay the Smackdown! on the N4G PS3 community @sses with The TimeBomb and if your not down with that i got 2 words for ya , SUCK IT!!!

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they removed Legends since WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 they probably want you to buy Legends of Wrestlemania to important them similar with Legends of Wrestlemania since you could important the roster from 09 in Legends of Wrestlemania also you probably say that because you probably watched the attitude era honestly this WWE is just like old WWE days of Hogan , Andre it's the attitude era of WWF that most ppl me included enjoyed watching the most and what does the lack of WWE Legends in 2010 ha...

5393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF they forgot about the most important wrestler ... me J###### "The TimeBomb" T#### no matter i'll just create him and ppl online will feel my JTS ( spear ) & the TBomb ( top rope finisher ) and to negative creep above 5 knuckle shuffle is not the ppl's elbow there both different moves and 5 knuckle shuffle is Cena's signature move ppl's elbow was The Rock's ( may his career R.I.P ) is a finisher and respect The Champ he's 1 of my favorite wrestler and this generation's Hulk H...

5393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

correction MS drops price every year remember in 08 they dropped to $199.99 and now they dropped there higher models price right after PS3 dropped price also how is Sony desperate if there was leaks of PS3 Uncharted 2 bundle weeks ago oh wait i know Sony can see in the future right ? fvck off d1ck eater SUCK IT !!

5393d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

tell me future dude how many more celebrities have died did Britney finally die how are the graphics for Xbox 720 & PS4 and is the world ending in 2012 ? because your obviously from the future that's the only way you would know if Natal is a success . also Eye Pet & Eye of Judgement are games dumbass SUCK IT !!!

5393d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i will Go and buy this PSP Go it looks awesome i like to have the UMD case but i like this design more than the older design i'll buy a PSP Go and to me $250 is worth the price

5394d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well buy a Wii than you retard

5394d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

funny how retard bots are here are glad 360 gets a bundle yet when PS3 does it's out of desperation suck c0ck @ssholes and to Mart Sony bundling there games is not there way to get rid of games every company bundles games with console MS & nintendo does it as well and stop complaining about PS3 games dropping price after months because it's retarded alot of games on all platforms drop price after months and KZ2 didn't take 60 million to make dumb@ss you don't know how much because you don...

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a Halo beta to help sell a Halo game why does it make me worried Halo 3 ODST what could possibly be the best Halo game ( Master Chief SUCKS.......... at Halo 3 ) be a disappointing game also corry fvck you you piss of sh!t f@gget @ss motherfvcker for using 1 of the greatest wrestler in wrestling history as part of your racist console war fanboism someone ban this sh!t eating motherfvcker. @ Halo Reach yeah right keep telling yourself that you retard

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i totally want a PSP Go it looks awesome

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they should give it to me i'll bring Resident Evil back to it's former glory

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly . even NaiNaiNai a well known PS3 freak slayer and negative gamer when PS3 is involved sees that GT5 won't be as disappointing because GTPSP didn't have a career mode which is 1 of the negatives about GTPSP , GTPSP disappointment is not a sign of what will be of GT5

5394d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

well of course it will common the PSP hardware is no different than that of a PS3 , 360 or high end PC not at alland it's not like PS3 can do way more than PSP and GT5 will be the exact same game as PSP GT that'd ve stupid /s

5394d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
5394d ago

what that's it a nearly severed hand and death common the samurai sword should have cut his body in half but i suspect it's not over the robber was part of the largest gang in the area and will avenge the death of there comrade and try to kill him and he will need to keep sword in hand to defend himself . you know the more i see PS3 gamers are obviously better than average ppl the prisoner that escaped prison in a box he probably played MGS3 & this guy probably DMC or Afro Samurai gamers ...

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment