CRank: 5Score: 36420

Ill be buying the division, march 8th. Ive preordered 2 sleeper agent editions for me and my son, cus hes been loving the alpha, we both think its ace n runs smooth as hell..

To bring quantum break out at time just before is pvz2 and after qb release its division, its abit daft considering 2 are multiplayer games while the other is sp. While quantum break does look amazing, since playing the division alpha, ive fell in love with it already, then theres plants v zombies, i was...

3118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dayz will be on xbox one game preview 2k16..

3118d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Day z will be coming to xbox one early access 2k16 to:

3118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What more can i say but me and my son are enjoying it. Preorderes soared to for the alpha which is a fantastic sign, with amazon alone posting over a 500% increase in preorders..

Im happy to say ill be keepin our preorders.

While it only lets you test bits of the game out, because its an alpha, it does give you enough to know you do what you want, complete which ever quest/mission you want in any order you see fit..

3120d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im starting to wish id gone tomb raider instead of fallout 4, it was the hours on fallout that caught my attention, alot more gameplay, but just no suspence, no decent story nothing gripping me like tomb raider would provide.

3121d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is selling ok, x-mas sales n beyond into next year will go on. Microsoft will of made there money back in long run, they paid the dev for the game timed exclusive, the devs are sweet on a pot of honey there..

The only ones who have anything to worry about are the shops, especially places like amazon, who buy in bulk and like to shit large units, they obviously arnt shifting fast enough but reckon that cut in price mite see sales pick up for the holiday..

3121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If anyone thinks that microsoft or tr devs lost out due to bad first few weeks sales think again.

The only ones who would lose out are the shops n places like amazon who buy in mass bulk, thats why no doubt there dropping prices as its not solt as many it would of thought it would of. Ms and tr devs both won..

I intend on buying it soon, just to support the game from my end, and cus i enjoyed the first game to.

Rise of the tomb raider will sell ...

3121d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

While ar n vr sound really sweet, i still cant even imagine them taking off and ushering in a new era. We all love to sit on our butts to much and all this still is just like kinect and ps3 move, it all requires us to use more than 10% of our body, anything more than our hands n simply its a wasted thought to most..

Guarentee those that spend thousands upon release,most the novalty will where off after a while..

I do like the look of the hololens more though,...

3121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to love onimusha, hopefully one day i can play it on xb1

3124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agred, looks nothing like her..

3125d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The devs seem to be relying to much on fan donations, when really if they approached the rite corp, they could get a backer. If they are in trouble then they should do that. I wished it were coming to xb1, microsoft could fund the project in an instant, it would be an opportunity for both ms and the devs to find out if it could succeed on xb1, im sure it could. I would buy it in an instant, 1 because i enjoyed the old games, 2 because it would be a gamble for the devs and ms, more so ms becau...

3125d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Thats funny yet oh so true. Not one person who gloats notices all this yet when the info is out there, we suddenly have thousands upon thousands of genious's who seem to know it all.

I couldnt care less anyway, i had a ps3, moved to xbox 360, stayed n got xb1 n im happy..

Ive read multiple articles on all the 4k screen resolutions and everyone of them tells you the more pixels you have n the better the resolution, the bigger the screen you will need. Anyo...

3125d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Critics, reviewers if you listen to them, more fool you, there the scum of gaming, bull crap on top of bull crap.

Make your own mind up about a game or console, to many listen to them and in the end you could of just missed a decent game.. its getting alot worse to, more reviwers and critics giving bad reviews like the plague and often theyre pretty much going on assumption and hunches but theyre smart because they can make it sound as though they know what theyre talking abo...

3126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One dev has an hicup with there game and everyone gets all crazy over digital releases.. until now theres not been a problem with my games, they just need to sort it thats all.

They better though, im not far from end but gave it up for abit after over playing it.

But damn there are way to many whiners these days, i can understand if it ends up like payday devs ideas of sorting things out. After a year and no patch i could understand people being furious, but ...

3126d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Cant wait not long now march, my son wants it to, damn i gota buy 2 copys for xb1..

Now wait for some one who hasnt a bit of evidence to come on the board and try and change peoples minds, saying stuff they havnt a clue about till the beta arrives..

3127d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Since when was star wars battlefront a massively multipler online game? When you refer to games with that title, you take into account how many people are in the gaming world, how many are congrigating in a games biggest and most popular city, not a game that has 20v20console and some more on pc. Unless its a huge ammount or players in the game at any one time mostly role play games, the word massive can not even be put in the same bracket. Only some pc shooter could even be named as an mmo s...

3129d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

None of the corps ever give there data away, they dont wqnt you to see figures these days, not just ms, but sont n nintendo to, google apple n so on. Its all sensative data to them, and they somewhat think competitors can gain an edge if they release the info..imagine if ms did amazing to points its been selling what we would think an unrealistic number, we would then know which bundle has solt that extra, so to would competitors and they would be able to start doing similar if they have the ...

3129d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I havnt seen the settlement im with get attacked yet,its those minutemen people. Dont think im all that far into the game though, about 20 hours maybe, last mission i did was do the brain thing where you go into his mind at dr amari i think it is..

3130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played mad max, completed story if its one thing i thought is that it was sweet but it need a two player co op feature..

3130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Despite that i agree in a way, i also always think itd be nice to always play with a friend, i reckon it would not hurt for these games to have at least two player jump in jump out co op..

I know that other games that come out like these single player games that do have co op, are widely popular, why because most of us have a friend to game with now days.. all a game needs is a difficulty booster for when someone joins, adding x ammount of health and damage to enemies.. it do...

3130d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment