CRank: 5Score: 36420

Yaaaaaay glad to see Ubisoft lay there plans out.

Seasonal events greatly increases playability, it changes the game a lot when Halloween, Xmas, Easter and so on pop around. Guild wars, rift and wow and others on pc put these out and it takes gamers away from the main game. Adding different milestones, mini games, quests for the period the event is life for chances to get your hands on one of a kind weapons n loot. It's cool ubi are trying to make a massive mmorpg and it...

3142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can always find randoms when tackling the tougher difficultys for the's very sociable in every way possible..

3142d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a flipping alpha and beta, more character creation will be uploaded onto the game for final release..

3142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop comparing the division to Destiny, what an insult to Ubisoft, the devs and the division. Destiny is the one game I've regretted coming out and buying every step of the way, I felt so conned and betrayed and that's all there is to that..

The division from alpha and beta has lit my heart however I did not feel this from destinys alpha and beta.

Plus there is a story to be told in the division a much more of one than Destiny so blandly provided.

3142d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They did..

New Main Story Mission Available, Subway Morgue:

-Encounter a new faction: The Cleaners.
-Explore a Mass Grave while trying to restore power to the city.
-Rescue the missing Engineer, Paul Rhodes.

Unlock the Tech Wing, Base of Operations:

-The first upgrade to the Tech Wing is now available.
-A new skill can now be unlocked: The deployable turret.

Dark Zone Updates & Im...

3143d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah the game is stunning..

3143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though I knew some of it, I now know the rest, amazing videos, very informative.

I like how the more someone goes rogue the more they're getting took of them, at rogue rank 5 all loot is considered public hahaaaa..

I'm glad Ubisoft made the dark zone the way they have done, they have worked it brilliantly and not just catered to the players who would just go rite round killing every player in sight. It actually makes being rogue less of a must an...

3144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just enjoy, can't wait till tomo to see these changes, glad to see Ubisoft so productive with the patch and see it all in glory, I enjoyed it in alpha and beta before so I know this is the game ima love for a while, top marks massive n the other devs..

3144d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The division over Destiny any day, I hated Destiny every step of the way and felt conned, I really don't have this same feeling with the division.

Now stop with these comparing articles ffs, it's rite annoying and disrespect to Ubisoft the devs and the division as they have done everything rite where Activision and bungie screwed up.

3144d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft, along with Sony and Nintendo will make some consoles regardless of what comes out for what platforms for some decades to come, the industry is booming on every side of the pond and it's there for any new comer to exploit to. You would have to be a special kind of lunatic to suggest microsoft or any of the remaining console makers won't be making another console again, it's letting down your already millions of followers..

3144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course it is. I play on a server with a good bunch of guys and galz and the game is hard no doubt on a PvP server when you solo, it's pretty near impossible. But I linked up with some friends on xb1 and the game when you work as a team is so much fun even in game preview pre release..

I've had a ton of laughs, had nothing but bad luck days, had people do daft things, done daft things myself but I must say ark is an experience for groups of mates.


3145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just be happy with what yeh got, either get a pc, get a console, IT DOESNT MATTER!! Just enjoy the gaming, it's petty argueing for the sake of it for a start..

Damn there's kids on both sides of the pond clearly here..

Many people can't see eventually and I say in next gen or gen after, Microsoft's next console or after mite not be as powerful as a pc in quality but it will be that close tied that all releases or 90% of those releases will be ...

3145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter!! You fruit head.. millions still play Xbox, millions will continue to play it and millions will be happy and as more goes to pc, more comes from pc to xb1 to, get a damn life idiot..

3145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't like articles like that. About what we should do now qb is coming to pc, we don't need articles like that, we know pc always has the better deal in quality but we chose a console for various reason. Cheaper for a start, not throwing Grands to a full whack high end pc is the way forward for a very high percentage of people.. then you got the fact we don't have to contend with cheats in multiplayer games, yeah shame about certain mods that enhance content but I'd rather ...

3145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just goin on to say I never felt mislead by rainbow six siege, I knew from the very start it was not going to be single player, in fact you could tell that it was strictly multiplayer in the alpha and beta a lot of us played. Ubisoft also put it out there they were not going the route of adding a single play mode..

3145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anyone is getting the division on xb1 and wants to squad up either in the solo/co op story or feels like they want to team up in the wasteland of what approaches in the name of the dark zones and contaminated zones then add me ( Xbox nametag: zero carnage) I'll be happy to join you on this journey..

Don't get me wrong those dark zones can be he'll, I've been in nothing but solo myself. It's tough to trust, it's even harder to wonder if a person you ...

3146d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The division allows you to play through the story in single play or co op, I played the alpha and beta and can tell you this mate..

I can also vouch for a strong story here, you only have to look at previous Tom Clancy titles and you will see tha. Even though there generations behind now in graphics and gameplay, content and such those titles had some great story's. Ubisoft have it covered and will pull it off here and I could see this'd in the division from just the ...

3146d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I read the whole article and to be honest it was a very good read, enjoyed it. I do want to go on and say the division will be the gamers choice no matter how little of those who are still hating.

I got two sleeper agent editions preordered, one for me and one for my son and I couldn't be happier.

There season pass is offering just more than dlc though, Ubisoft are actually going the full length of giving us special events and supply drops. If I isoft st...

3146d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wished they'd stop with this Destiny crap, trying to compare it, it's absoloutly nothing like it and I think it's an absoloute insult towards the division, Ubisoft and the developers. Although most articles and people have now changed there voice and stopped slating the division after all this time, it's finally nice to see, I don't think it's doing the division any justice being compared at all to Destiny.

I along with a small percentage rite from t...

3146d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree there, left out pc and xb1, street fighter has always been popular no matter what platform it's been on.. so why leave the rest out..

3150d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment