CRank: 5Score: 36420

Where you been watching these videos.. all of you have been watching on these sites saying graphics look crappier or what need to know that these sites like you tube have different resolution settings, they make all the videos darker, different contrast and so on.. if you watch in game videos on internet always know it's not the game that looking bad it's either your equipment or the sites restrictions..

That being said you sir havnt seen what I've seen or the oth...

3074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I messed about with it in alpha.

3074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There all sorts of number in mmorpg games, from damage numbers to Def numbers, stats modifiers, topor, poison, elemental, any kind of stat can be handy to a player and the rite type of player, it can all help build a very specific character..

3074d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the tenth millionth time I have come to forums about the division and said this:

The division Doesn't feel and act and looks or behave anything like Destiny, the only flipping thing it has in common is guns..

I honestly got bored of Destiny from the alpha, to beta then I decided to by Destiny on release and one month in got fed up due to a good man problem, ie the lack of sociableness that Destiny provides when your solo the game, can't raid the t...

3074d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

Game looked amazing in alpha, wait till beta even better polished and then final release omg what a gorgeous girl she is.

3076d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

People really don't know nothing about this game when all there doing is whinging and bitching.. The only ones who have any experience at the game are those who alpha it. When I first played it I played it none stop till the alpha finished, I can tell you it's as every bit of beautiful you can imagine and looks as good as that e3. The game has so much to offer, but the beta will surely confirm this for me. I already was mind blown away by how immersed I was into the game, how I took i...

3078d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

did you play the alpha. By sounds of it no. If you had of done you would realize how good this game is actually going to be, plenty to explore, stunning looking game, smooth playing, dark zones are fantastic, player / campaign is ace, dynamic weather system looks awesome, lots of cool features, very sociable towards connecting to friends, the list goes on..

People need to really learn to give things a try before blasting somthing to hell. Wait till the beta people will...

3078d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't know that they're doing that though, did you play the alpha? If not and by the sounds of it you didn't, then you have not a clue what your talking about.. that article is true, the division is a sweet smooth ride through a very lovely beautiful game.

3078d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can get pretty sick loot without doing dark zones, in the alpha I got some wicked loot out of the dark zones. In fact roaming the singleplayer/co op zone for a while allowed me to find the loot I needed to be able to get a decent character up to go in dark zones and be able to rock it as much as I did..

3080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Likemonster Hunter didn't already proove there was a market for jrpg's.

3080d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If there was an agree and disagree button there I'd of pressed it. Ubisoft, there four developer teams, snow drop engine, really this game will be fine, even after all the hate generated by people so far. All the rumours got put down now we see a new one that it's like Destiny, people won't stop I'm sure in a couple to few more weeks when this Destiny rumour dies down a knew one will pop up lol..

3080d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to the game regardless. Alpha was amazing.. and you can't compare this flipping game to Destiny in any way.. Destiny felt very unsociable, now allowing you to connect to raids with random players, the division doesn't do this at all it's very sociable allowing you to connect quick and fast almost any where. The two games are complete different to, the only thing they share is fact you shoot guns. The story the division tells is more there than the story Destiny tel...

3080d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The alpha was amazing, so amazing that I preordered 2 sleep agent edition costing 120 GBP each, one for me and one for my son..

3081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amazing how many fan boys come out the wood work. Just be happy with what you got n move on. Gratz to Sony, even though I'm an xb1 owner. Things can always turn at any point at any time, there only has to be something pretty amazing to be developed, whether it will or not that is the question, but as the saying goes never put a strong horse down..if any console can sell by the millions, imagine how much money that console has generated for the developers..

So you all read...

3084d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

If creed borrowed a few ideas from the witcher, what hard could it do, in fact it'd prob make me pick creeds up again, because the witcher 3 is amazing.. I still love open world games over everything else. I can't and never have been able to withstand linear gAmes, there boring most of them are, I like freedom, to do what bits I want when I want..

3084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've got a feeling the division is going to creep on in, not just because it's going to be a fun game to play but the the reality in which the story it tells and how real these events could actually take place and that it could really happen.. Ubisoft and there four developer teams, there snow drop engine, have a pretty exciting game coming out soon and since the alpha I was left wanting much more..

Can not wait for the division, but it's a tough one to make a dec...

3084d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

To pay 20 GBP for a full year of titles, will be a pretty dank hot price eventually, because they will have some fantastic games in there catalogue this year and beyond.. if they'd of brought ea access out at start of Xbox one's life, I to would of gotten it, but they didn't and I ended up with most of there games in my collection due to the 're-release business, but this year and on, I mite actually get it cus of there new titles coming out..

3084d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

2k16 I can't wait for the division..

3087d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We've already seen delays starting off, wonder how more, so if 2k16 is going to define our consoles this gen maybe it's all lost lol. I think 4th or 5th year will be where consoles come into there own..

3087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think there games, I think there graphical books. I can't stand there graphical books, although others like them, if I wanted to read I'd play a game like the witcher, Dragon age or fallout, elder scrolls you get the picture, more in depth storyline..

3087d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment