CRank: 5Score: 36420

By Thomas Morgan Published 02/02/2016
Platform: Xbox One

We had some interesting feedback to our initial article on The Division beta, which concluded earlier today. Pixel-counts pegged the Xbox One version of the game on par with the PS4 offering at full 1080p, yet many noted that image quality seemed noticeably softer in motion, even when both versions were set to the same image sharpness setting. Ubisoft's decision to extend the beta for a further 24 hours gave...

3158d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dynamic resolution just helps the game run smoother, whether it's At 900 or 1080 just doesn't matter if it helps make the game a smoother play then so be it in my mind.

The witcher 3 used dynamic resolution on xb1 to keep it at 1080p, some of you seem to be confused as to what exactly dynamic resolution can do for our games..

Halo 5 used dynamic scaling to keep it locked for 60 fps.

Serious some of you guys think it's doing bad f...

3158d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Games omfg amazing..Can't wait.

Let the haters hate, they screw them selfs up with there one minded thinking..goes to show how little fanboys and haterz know..

I preordered 2 collector sleeper agent editions,one for me and one for my son for his birthday. The watch looks wicked as he'll, loving the look of it, even the arm band pouch looks cool as well as all the dlc goodies and season pass straight off the bat.

I been saying since p...

3158d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fanboys are comin out the wood work.

Like I said above its been prooven that neither ps4 or xb1 look any better than the other, so get yo stinking fanboy butts out of here.

Of course pc will look better on a high end for sure..

Though pc has its problems at the moment with cheaters so for time being console I'd say as its advantages because cheating is a myth now days on consoles..

3158d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

It was prooven that the ps4 and xb1 version of the division are running equally the same, so don't come here trying to knock the other console because you got your fanboyism into gear..

3158d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Good review all round apart from it being like Destiny and the dark zone comments with regards to loot.

I found just as good loot out of the dark zones to be honest, that mission you could do on hard gave out blues with some sweet stats, the more I played it the more decent loot I found just like any other mmo.

The division as an mmo is obviously in a bracket of its own, I got fed up of the alpha, beta and then final release one month in of Destiny, God knows...

3158d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Console hardly gets any cheats, we don't have all those files to break into. I'll be buying on xb1 but I'm more than confident they will sort those cheats. They ruin every mmo at first till devs work there asses off to eliminate these idiots who spoil these lovely mmo's who go and exploit everything, ruining the games economy through and through, cheating other players to gain advantages ,, find a boss spawn that shouldn't be spawning that fast or it has high % drop rate a...

3159d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phil said that there were many UN announced games still to be talked about this year n on.. they has surprises for us fans..

3159d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Try going all around the beta map, even running it takes longer than 21 mins, then there is the dark zones. Can't wait for full release to take in the sights and action, loving it so far..

3161d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You need to get a new monitor or tv or new set of eyes if you think anything in the division is anything last gen, no where near and easily the best looking game so far this gen.

3161d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Console isn't having any of these glitches or bugs. We all know pc is wide open to the usual mmorpg abuse that hits near enough every mmo title, but that abuse usually never makes it to console. Console players just don't have all that options open to them that allow them to use glitches, cheats and pc on near enough every mmo has had this pain in the ads for some decades now.. it's gamers them selfs that are to blame though if they just wernt so bent on gaining advantages to try ...

3161d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I got roughly characters for Lvl 8 -4100 -2800 -900 without any darkzone gear... There are many ways to build a character in this game with different stats.the division is deffo going to be very versatile when it comes to building classes and characters.

I have enjoyed both the alpha and beta, had a good play in dark zones, got killed couple of times but got a fair bit of loot out soloing the dz..

Dark zones are very intense, you dno who to trust who to hang ...

3161d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously no one has played many mmo games here from either of or consoles or there would be no useless comments..

Ubisoft have created a very good game here whether people like it or not and just remember it's a beta, so most of everything is locked down unable to be used..

3162d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This whole the division is like Destiny is just another assumption and rumour in a very long list at trying to see ubisoft and the division fail..

No where does it feel like Destiny for a start apart from there's guns involved ed, people will believe anything..

For a start the division is a lot more friendly and social active than the division . Where in Destiny the developers made sure randoms and pros who do not know each other could raid together, in t...

3163d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think scalebound will have issues selling on Xbox. Yes in the past jrpg's have had problems but that's while the majority were still into battlefield, cod and halo. This gen has been a lot different and I think gamers are wanting more different titles on Xbox rather than seeing the same plain faces. Look at tomb raider for instance while it's an old franchise, it was put up against fallout 4, people automatically assumed it was a failure on Xbox one, yet they were wron...

3163d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remember it's a beta not final release. And it's an mmo, so long as people understand that then everyone should have fun with the division , features may be locked out as to for content, there may be odd bugs although my time in alpha I did not come across a great deal of them..

Only 55 mins left.

3164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Plenty of people are enjoying siege, yet another person with a bit of gripe towards Ubisoft but get this you do not speak for everyone.

Support will happen when it arrives, gamers these days are just whiners and way to bitchy.. I remember on the Xbox 360 and payday 2, how the devs put a playable game out there just barely, yet refused to sort out all the bugs, glitches for over a year, around a year and half they decided to put pc over console yet they chose to give us a mor...

3164d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

From my time in alpha I enjoyed it, if it can repeat for the beta, then I'd say Ubisoft got it rite where Activision + Destiny got it wrong as I got fed up on both alpha and beta in Destiny..

Not that either game are alike and I don't see why they're being compared at all, as every title is different..

3166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Up and till release there have been many rumours, all have been put to bed since alpha, then this the division is Destiny one comes out and still people flock to the idiot side. Get behind some devs for once it is honestly you guys fault why you end up missing sow gems of games in your collection, because of the way you go off listening and believing in stupidness..

It looks as though Microsoft are backing the division to putting it in one of there bundles, so that says a lo...

3168d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

To me it looks wonderful on this video, but I've played alpha and know myself its a gunna be a good one, despite the haters who don't know s*** because they have no experience or knowledge of the division apart from listening to the poison.

3168d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment