CRank: 5Score: 120370

At least the game wasn't Dead Space 2. Then they could really blame the game. He stomped on the 8 year old boy's stomach because he had spent hours stomping on corpses in Dead Space 2! Sue EA and the video game industry and let this poor victim go free from prison. The games made him do it!

4963d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even with widespread shortages, the 360 still comes out on top and by about 15,000 more units than last week's worldwide numbers. Just imagine how well the 360 will be selling once steady supplies are back! And it's crazy to see the Wii in last place. I wonder where that big boost for the PSP is coming from. Am I missing something here?

4966d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

The Xbox 360 is in 3rd place in both of the other main regions (EMEAA and Japan), yet it still ends up well in 1st place overall worldwide. That shows how important the Americas are when it comes to sales; specifically the USA, of course.

And you can see that supply is starting to increase in the US, as the 360's numbers actually increased this week. Meanwhile, the PS3's lead on the 360 in EMEAA is going down. What, was it only 20-25,000 this week? It looks like the 3...

4967d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's nice of you to think that PS3 owners are dropping COD or that 360 owners are buying a PS3 just for KZ3, but it doesn't seem to be the reality of things. Killzone 3 is seeing miserable preorder numbers for an exclusive FPS. At this rate it will have lower opening week numbers than Killzone 2 back in early 2009, when the PS3's install base was less than half of what it is now.

It's also seeing lower reviews than its predecessor and overall considerably le...

4970d ago 11 agree35 disagreeView comment

So, in other words, you have no real argument. Just pretend the source isn't accurate, despite VGChartz being proven accurate again and again. Go along with the fanboy parade, calling it a 360 fanboy site, while there are more Sony and Nintendo fans than Microsoft fans in the VGChartz forums. Claim they just make up the numbers, while you can see their in-depth methodology right from their site.

I guess some people will just choose to ignore the painful facts even when th...

4974d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Looking back at the past couple months sales, the PS3 has not outsold the 360 since Kinect's release, despite the 360 being under heavy shortages since mid December. It is a much tighter race now that the holiday season is over, but the 360 has still been coming out on top each week.

4974d ago 2 agree24 disagreeView comment

It's so sad for the PS3. It outsells the 360 by 30,000 in EMEAA and by 25,000 in Japan, but then the Americas numbers come in and the 360 outsells it by 70,000 units, completely wiping away its lead. You'd think the console that wins 2 out of 3 regions would win worldwide, but apparently that isn't the case. The PS3 wins in pretty much every country except the US and the UK, but it comes in 3rd place every week. I guess that really goes to show the importance of US sales in the ov...

4974d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

Have you really never played the board game "Battleship"?

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely pathetic!

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@bluwulf "I bet you wish NPD was a game, so you'd have something to play this year. PS3 has all the 360 multiplats, the best part is not paying a premium to play online."

Really, the PS3 has all the 360 multiplatforms? Even the 360/PC console exclusives that aren't allowed to be counted toward the 360's 2011 lineup? Hmm, I was always told they were multiplatform, but they can't be because now I'm told the PS3 has all the 360's multiplatform g...

4975d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ps3360games "metacritic says ps3 and wii is smashing the hell out of the xbox 360 in exclusive thats a fact"

Did you even check Metacritic before making that statement, because it's entirely untrue? On Metacritic, out of 29 AAA games, the PS3 has 9 exclusives, out of 35 AAA games, the Xbox 360 has 11 exclusives, and out of 11 AAA games, the Wii has 7 exclusives.

So much for the PS3 and Wii "smashing the hell out of the Xbox 360".

4975d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Intentionally trying to downplay the 360 lineup again by not including PC/360 exclusives. Real original. The only place you will get away with a farce like this is on N4G. You would be torn apart anywhere else.

Microsoft publishes games for both of their platforms; Windows and the Xbox 360. Sony does not have another platform to publish for aside from handhelds, but we can't count those (well maybe we will be able to with the NGP if it's as powerful as a current gen c...

4976d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I disagree. Top 11 games of '11 sounds fine to me.

4978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What are you talking about? Both Microsoft and Sony released their numbers for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 2010. Microsoft announced 50.9 million units, and Sony announced 47.9 million units...

4978d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was doing a test to see how biased the users of this site really are. A little late to the comments section for it to work well, but I believe the 31 Agrees for a comment like that are absolutely outrageous enough by themselves. If I had posted earlier on though, I'm sure I would have gotten the same number of Agrees and Disagrees as him, except reversed.

4978d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

2011 is looking like an incredible year for all the consoles!

4978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both SHIPPED 6.3 million consoles. The 360 almost certainly sold more of those units though, since Microsoft reported huge shortages for the entire second half of December. 360s were selling out everywhere because of Kinect.

4978d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

@Prcko "ps3 gonna outsell xbox thhis year for sure,it's 3 million difference now!"

And 3 months ago, it was a 2.9 million difference. The PS3 has not been able to outsell the 360 since Kinect's release in November, and it appears that this trend will continue well into 2011. If you follow sales trends, you can see that the gap is likely to continue increasing at least for the first half of 2011.

4978d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Gears of War won best graphics of 2006.
Gears of War 2 won best graphics of 2008.

And here comes Gears of War 3, blowing us away. It's not surprising at all. Fortunately, Gears of War is extremely strong in the gameplay department, so the insane graphics are only a compliment to an already incredible game. It's not like a certain "zone" where the graphics are all there is to talk about...

4979d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

The Chinese translation of PlayStation is "overpriced last place movie player".

4979d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment