CRank: 5Score: 120370


LOL, the majority of gaming publications agree that Crysis 2 is the best-looking console game to date, and we all know the game runs slightly better on the 360. So a 360 game is now the best-looking console game of this gen.

Now that that is out of the way, who the hell cares that much about graphics to put them ahead of everything else in importance when judging a game?

4916d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

At this point in the generation, exclusive games are not what is going to sell consoles. I don't know about Twisted Metal, but every Uncharted and Resistance fan already owns a PS3, because the series has only appeared on the PS3. I believe Gran Turismo 5 will have been the last big system seller exclusive for the PS3.

What's going to drive sales now are gadgets like Kinect and price drops.

4917d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


It's funny that you don't question the guy who says he has both consoles and plays the PS3 more, but you DO question the guy who says he has both consoles and plays the 360 more. Let's see the first guy's XBL Gamertag, why don't we....

4917d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was supposed to happen in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. Now will the PS3 overtake the 360 in 2011? What does it even matter anymore when we're this far into the generation? Whether or not the PS3 ever passes the 360, it has still been a tremendous failure after the PS2's utter domination last gen.

Go back to 2006. Who would have ever imagined that the almighty PlayStation 3 would still be struggling to take SECOND PLACE five years later. It would have sounded l...

4917d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Isn't this the guy who trashed on L.A. Noire? LOL, moving on....

4918d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Why couldn't you sell your old copy? Of course you will be able to.

4918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got in too.

4918d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crackdown 2 actually made it a little easier to collect the orbs. The map was split up into districts and you could see how many orbs you still needed in each area. It also marked the location of every orb that you had already collected, so it was much easier to use a cheat map to find the ones you were missing.

I can still remember in the first Crackdown when I found my 500th orb. I'd had 499 for days and it was so satisfying when I spotted that green glow in the distanc...

4919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some are fun like Crackdown's 500 agility orbs but others are downright ridiculous, like Mafia II's 159 wanted posters. If you have to collect that many things, you should at the very least get some kind of reward for it, other than a stinking achievement/trophy. In Crackdown, you are essentially leveling yourself up with every orb.

4919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously having a browser has nothing to do with the strength of the hardware. Microsoft could easily incorporate Internet Explorer into the Xbox LIVE service, but there is no reason to. I'm sure it would be at the bottom of most people's wishlist for new features.

4919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


So are you implying that Forza Motorsport, the highest rated racing series of this gen, and multiple time 4 million+ seller isn't a big exclusive game?

4919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their methodology is free for anyone to read at any time:

Though it would probably be better for your fanboy agenda to simply stay in the dark and bash VGChartz for no reason.

4920d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's absolutely shameful that people would give Agrees to a comment in which someone calls the Xbox "3shitty".

4920d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment


Absolutely untrue. Last week, the PS3 outsold the 360 by a mere 30,000 units. If it keeps up that pace, the PS3 should pass the Xbox 360 sometime in Summer 2013. But this is what happens pretty much every year. The PS3 outsells the 360 by a small amount weekly for the first 2/3 of the year. Then the holidays come and the 360 rockets ahead of the PS3, quickly wiping away the lead the PS3 was building up for the whole year. By the end of the year, the PS3 has made almo...

4920d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

Wow. 25 weeks to release and Gears of War 3 has almost double the pre-orders of the number 2 title, which is only 3 weeks from release. Gears 3 is actually outpacing Halo: Reach in preorders. There is absolutely no doubt that it will be the best selling exclusive title of this year. If it wasn't for Call of Duty's annual releases, it would certainly take the overall number one spot as well.

4921d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Excellent... Excellent.

4921d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

It was pretty impressive at first, but I felt that there was too much copy/pasting going on. RDR's environment was very special. You could tell where you were in the world by your surroundings and different places had their own unique looks. It looked like each area was individually crafted.

In Just Cause 2, it just seems that all the forest areas look the same, all the desert areas look the same, many of the towns are EXACTLY the same. There weren't many unique areas...

4922d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would have liked to have seen Gears of War 2 in this list. It may not be photorealistic, but the game has some fantastic art direction. The Locust hollows were some of the most beautiful and majestic landscapes I have seen in a game. The inside of the worm was also a very fun level, with some very... visually interesting landscapes.

4922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTA IV absolutely deserved to be on the list. Liberty City is one of the most meticulously detailed environments ever seen in a video game. Every block is unique and has character, with extremely detailed architecture that is actually interesting to look at, unlike other open world games where the city is bland and copy/pasted. A lot of people seem to have forgotten this. Play GTA IV again and just drive around and observe your surroundings. Despite the graphics being a bit dated now, I still...

4922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're wrong. Microsoft does indeed have dominance in the US, but it is a virtual tie in Europe. Outside of those 2 regions, the PS3 is dominant. It sells in far more countries than the Xbox 360.

4922d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment