CRank: 5Score: 120370

With their $500 million marketing, they boasted about how they expected to sell 5 million units by the end of the year. They ended up selling 8 million units. They must be pretty damn pleased, especially with Kinect earning the title of "the fastest selling consumer electronics device of all-time". So if Kinect is overpriced, yet it's still breaking sales records, it must be pretty damn CRAZY successful!

4957d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was definitely not a typo and that is very clearly a lie to cover it up. The guy is not credited anywhere for GTA IV, while he is listed in the credits for every other game he has on his resume.

Now take a look at this. In addition to his newest resume from mid 2010, an older copy of his resume from early 2010 has been uncovered:

His new resume has since been changed, but it originally included listings for GTA V, RDR, and L.A. Noire.

Now ...

4957d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was definitely not a typo and that is very clearly a lie to cover it up. The guy is not credited anywhere for GTA IV, while he is listed in the credits for every other game he has on his resume.

Now take a look at this. In addition to his newest resume from mid 2010, an older copy of his resume from early 2010 has been uncovered:

His new resume has since been changed, but it originally included listings for GTA V, RDR, and L.A. Noire.

Now ...

4957d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 will outsell the 360 in 2007!
The PS3 will pass the 360 in 2008!
The PS3 will steal second place in 2009!
The PS3 will push the 360 to last place in 2010!
The PS3 will overtake the 360 in 2011!

Yawn... I might have believed it in 2010, just coming off of the PS3's Slim release and $100 price drop. The 360 looked doomed back then. But now the 360 has the most momentum of any console going into 2011, with its highest sales yet, and be...

4958d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'll predict an E3 2011 reveal and a May 15, 2012 release. A man can dream....

4958d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony and Microsoft report SOLD TO RETAILERS numbers. These are known as SHIPPED numbers. When most people refer to SOLD numbers, they are referring to the number of units SOLD TO CONSUMERS. Obviously, there is a big difference. 6 million untis sold to retailers does not equal 6 million units sold to consumers.

4959d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

How exactly is the 360 on its way out when it is currently seeing its highest sales ever and selling in first place worldwide? That's like saying the PS3 was on its way out right after its price drop and Slim launch back in 2009. It simply makes no sense....

4959d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

@kreate "like always, the ps3 and 360 will have equal amount of sales in the americas and toward the holiday season the 360 will beat the ps3 in the americas. while in the rest of the world, the ps3 will beat the 360 including the asian and european territories."

But you're wrong. The Xbox 360 is currently outselling the PS3 by a 2 to 1 ratio in the Americas, and all that with shortages. Sure, the PS3 is doing better in Europe and Japan, but the gap in the Ameri...

4959d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Well, I don't know who gives a shit about Move, but 9 million people (and rapidly growing) would like to have a word with you about Kinect (the fastest selling consumer electronics device of all-time).

4960d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment


Problem is, the PS3 has not outsold the 360 since Kinect's release. And despite the PS3's 2011 lineup, and the 360's apparent "lack of games" in 2011, the 360 is selling better than EVER before, has been the top selling console since the beginning of 2011, and is the only console seeing an increase in sales compared to this same time last year (all this with shortages as well).

The 360 has far more momentum than any console goi...

4960d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment


Intentionally trying to downplay the 360 lineup again by not including PC/360 exclusives? Real original. The only place you will get away with a farce like this is on N4G. You would be torn apart anywhere else.

Microsoft publishes games for both of their platforms; Windows and the Xbox 360. Sony does not have another platform to publish for aside from handhelds, but we can't count those (well maybe we will be able to with the NGP if it's as ...

4960d ago 13 agree40 disagreeView comment

It looks very slick. The perfect cover for the most anticipated game of 2011!

4960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


The beginning of the end when the 360 is seeing its highest sales ever? The beginning of the end when the 360 is the ONLY console seeing higher sales than this time last year, while all the other consoles are down YOY? the beginning of the end when Kinect becomes the fastest selling consumer electronics device of all-time?

The Xbox 360 easily has more momentum going into 2011 than any other console. These are simply facts and cannot be denied.

4960d ago 8 agree24 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version of Oblivion was better because it came out a year later than the 360 version. This is a simultaneous release, so it will almost certainly not be the case, but rather vice versa.

4960d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

This would have been the most epic trailer ever to have as the game's first reveal to the world, instead of that crappy teaser they had at the 2010 VGAs. This should have been the debut trailer!

4960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oblivion 360 release date: 3/20/2006
Oblivion PS3 release date: 3/20/2007

What is there to talk about? I sure hope a game released a year later is going to look better. There's no reason to compare them unless they are released on the same date.

4960d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

The visuals won't be worse on another platform? Aren't you aware that multiplatform games still look better on the 360 the vast majority of the time? And this is Bethesda we're talking about here. They're notorious for crappy PS3 ports.

4960d ago 31 agree14 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I'm sure they'll only be there to talk about "Gun Loco" three days before it comes out.

*rolls eyes*

4961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Bulletstorm - 86 with 20 reviews
Killzone 3 - 84 with 49 reviews

4962d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well, of course that's true. I have a feeling they'll be releasing big celebrating press releases if they do ever pass the 360 though. For now, they have to play it safe, being in third place.

I guess the same thing can be said about Microsoft and exclusives. They care more about profitability than these imaginary "exclusive game lists" that fanboys make to downplay other consoles. They have two platforms to publish for: Xbox 360 and Windows! Exclusives are ...

4963d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment