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Sony won:




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5813d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This thread has gone all kinds of sour. I guess i'll exit before I get too heated. I will end with this:

-Nintendo proved they don't care about the core gamers anymore.
-MS had the biggest announcement.
-Sony had the best show.

And that joystiq poll you keep posting is biased to 360. Thats a heavy 360 based site. Please post a poll of a more netural site. On Vgchartz there was a poll with Sony winning.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most intelligent post of the day right here. Can't believe you guys disagreed with him. Bubbles!

5814d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sarcasm rules. :)

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5814d ago

Better day? Sony had a solid showing. They've improved PSN, and showed more support for PSP. PS3 is doing great and they announced 40 more gigs for the same price of the current model. MS had movie maker, a singstar rip, horrible interface, Mii wannabe's, and oh yeah, a stolen PS3 exclusive as their big announcement. Maybe tommarow will be better for MS fanboys?

5814d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony took it. Anyone who doesn't agree is letting the FF13 announcement cloud their vision. Yes, they took one of the PS3's biggest exclusives, but they failed to announce anything ground breaking in terms of games. Sony tried to deliver for the gamer. Sony had the better conference, MS had the biggest announcement. You determine the winner by which you felt was more important. I feel games are more important, so Sony wins in my eyes.

5814d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

If there is indeed a remake of FF7 it will be for PS3. Sony is taking a new stance and buying exclusives. It would be the stupidest decision yet for Sony to let the game that made the PS1 a success to slip by on the PS3. Money = remake.

5817d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Last I checked the PS2 is still in production. So yeah, Sony is winning the war. The PS2 still sells well, and with 3 consoles on the market, Sony has the most market share. The problem comes with the production of the PS3. Sony still isn't making the money they would like off of it because it is still rather expensive to produce. That is the context of the statement in the article. Its easy to take it out of context and say "Sony's giving up!" When its just Sony justifying their re...

5818d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol, it wouldn't go to Wii. Square Enix actually cares about technology. FF7 remake would be either PS3 or 360, no doubt in my mind. And where did you read it was being made for N64? It was always made for PS1, in fact Square made it for PS1 because it wouldn't fit on a cartridge.

5818d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

System selling announcements? You mean Mario Party 25? The Wii doesn't have nor does it need system selling announcements. People buy the Wii because its the Wii. It has gained popularity by the media and word of mouth. There is no stopping it now. What shocking announcements have their been that make anyone want to go out and buy one? Its the PS3 and 360 that will have more system selling annoucements. And last gen control schemes? The Wii has a long way to go before its motion control is an...

5821d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I knew that they moved it to Wii because they felt it would sell better from day 1. The whole "too expensive" garbage is just a way out for developers. It is a shame that Monster Hunter 3 is going to Wii as it was one of the games I was looking forward to with good graphics. I just love MH on my PSP. But look at the bright side, at least now there is a chance for a PSP port. :) If you are going to make a core audience type game, you should put it on the 360/PS3. Capcom probably didn...

5821d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you are going to call out fanboys, please do it for all three systems. Have one for PS3, 360 and Wii. It seems like the writer of the article is a 360 fan, and saw an easy way to attack a PS3 fan(althoug Eagle 21 did make some ridiculous statements.) Here I'll post some facts:

PS3 is selling better at a higher price than 360 in all regions except the US.

PS3 has some more huge blockbusters up its sleeves while 360 has Gears of War 2, Alan Wake, and Fable 2. To...

5823d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

He's right. But that was Nintendo's plan all along. All he is stating is the obvious. Nintendo wants to pull in non-gamers. They do it by making games that appeal with fun factor and short bursts of gameplay. There is nothing wrong with this and I encourage everyone to try the Wii out. The thing I have a problem with is when people say Wii has won this generation or that the Wii is the best. Best sales, thats it. There is no need to label Greenberg a "Twat". I'm sure a lot of people...

5824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually PS3 is selling almost identical to the PS2 at the same point in its life. Go to Vgchartz and do the chart thingy from launch, you will be surprised. Its just that the Wii is selling so much better than the PS2 did, its making the PS3 look bad. The PS3 is doing great. Just look at the price and its selling as well as the PS2. Oh and its not catching up in Japan. :( The Wii outsold PS3 3 to 1 in Japan this week. Although the PS3 outsold the 360 like 6 to 1. I guess we are going to have...

5826d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a falcon 360 elite and a Wii. So yeah, your point is dumb. I prefer my PS3. Oh yeah, and my PSN lags less in CoD4 than it does on live. So you figure that out. I was an xbox fan last gen. So your other point is moot. 0/2 = win?

5827d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are you serious? Greatest dissapointment? You are a bigger fanboy than even me. Remember the head start? Yeah, all 360 fans like to forget that. The horrible games for about 9 months, until Gears? Yeah, don't worry, I remember. PS3 has the greatest game of all time, and two perfect 10's, I would love to know how you find that "The Greatest Dissapointment."? The 360 is just modified PC hardware thats been on the shelf for years... At least Sony tried to use something new with the Cel...

5827d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well spoken and bubbles! PS3 is the most advanced hardware this generation of consoles and of course it will have a few problems here or there, but Sony is working to fix them. They are giving us the features that WE want. This and the fact that the PS3 offers the best gaming experience for me is why I'm sticking with PS3 this generation. All you haters, keep hating. It will be much sweeter when you see that PS3 is the best choice for gamers this time around.

5827d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ah man, I'm such a noob. I can only get to 7x multiplier before I die. You are probably one of the first to get the gold medal. I only have 5 medals right now. 4 bronze and 1 silver.

5827d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its easy to root for Sony. Sure, it sucks that a small number of people are having problems with 2.4, but for the rest of us, it works fine. I have tried CoD4 just to make sure. I have a day 1 60gb on Verizon FiOS. It plays the same as it always has. It is smart of them to pull it. Even if it is only a small number of people affected. This same stuff happend with a live update awhile back, so don't think its only Sony who has problems with updates.

5827d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment