
CRank: 5Score: 8350

Honestly, who thought there would be trophies? We have an official list of the games that are supported and will be supported in the future, and Soul Calibur 4 was not on the list. Of course they can always be patched in later, but I doubt this will happen. It is no big loss, I still haven't gotten all my Super Stardust trophies because the stupid game is too hard. :)

I am not bummed out at all about the no trophy thing, but I swear if the online sucks on the PS3 and is good o...

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like many other posters have said, trophies are the better idea, but aren't even close to be implemented as well as achievements. When Sony forces them for every game, they will be better. But right now achievements have the upper hand.

5811d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Judging by the videos of the apprentice in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, The Apprentice is stronger than Yoda. I wonder how that game ends, because The Apprentice could mop the floor with Vader. I wish he was a real character in the movies. He is pure awesomeness.

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still think Vader's apprentice > all. There is a new video up on gametrailers that got me seriously hyped to play as him.


5814d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just from the comments I've seen here. I haven't actually seen the video yet. :( I usually like the way the PS3 looks over 360 regardless. It always seems brighter.

And everyone PLEASE get it on PS3. It takes me like 20 minutes to find a match in Tekken because no one plays. The more people who buy SC4, the better the online play will be...

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better d-pad
Free online
better box art(yes this matters to me)

Better visuals
Horrible D-pad
Faster load times

Take your pick. PS3 for me.

5814d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

This guy honestly thinks Sony is doing bad? It takes a risk to deliver the best technology to the market. Sony took the risk and it is only now starting to pay off. PS2 got the jump on the xbox last gen, and that was when no one knew what the heck the xbox was. 360 got the jump on PS3 this time, and people some indication that the 360 would be awesome. Sony is not doing bad. They just have more competition this time around. The Wii is a huge success, so of course it makes the PS3 look worse. ...

5815d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Line up the graphs on Vgchartz from launch. PS3 isn't selling more, but is very close to PS2.

5816d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exclusives are what matter most and it is the reason 360 is so far ahead of the PS3. That will change soon enough. Gears of War was the first game to skyrocket 360 sales, then came Halo 3. MGS4 skyrocketed PS3 sales, and now the PS3 is outselling the 360 in the US. Just a few more mega exclusives and 360 will start falling far behind.

5816d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

How do I even respond the the false info you have posted? Why would you lead people to believe PS3 is doing bad? It is outselling the 360 weekly in all territories? Do you check sales numbers? How can you say its lost its previous fanbase when it is selling similar to the PS2 at the same point in its life cycle? It must suck to have to make up stuff to show your console is superior. As for me, I will stick to the facts.

5816d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

2 analog sticks
Better Piracy protection
Built in Mic

I'll take two please.

5816d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are correct and I agree with you. The problem is Nintendo stated very early in the Wii's life that they were going to make more core games. They have not delivered on this, and this e3 makes it seem like there is little hope.

5816d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The press conference was awful but its not her fault. She is a fresh new face for Nintendo and she did a great job. I do agree that a soccer mom isn't the best representative for gamers, but cut her some slack. I feel bad for her reading some of the comments I have seen on other sites.

5816d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

To 4.1:

I can see why you have so many bubbles. You are a well informed and intelligent poster. N4G needs more posters like you.

5816d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why so many pro Sony articles in such a short time? These articles do nothing but bring out the anti-Sony guys. Winning can be seen in a few different ways. If you go by purely a sales perspective, Wii is winning with 360 taking second place. This is most people's idea of winning. Another view of winning could be the amount of quality games available on the system overall. If you take this view, then it seems as if the 360 offers more quality titles at the moment. A third view of winning coul...

5816d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Diversifying your portfolio is great, and MS should do just that. But when people speak of broadening the games on the 360, I doubt they mean with Movie Maker games and Singstar clones. I want more RPGS, more fighters, more strategy games, etc... Making Avatars and redesigning the dashboard are not things that I want out of my 360. They seem to be moves targetted specifically at the casual gamer. It just feels like MS has seen the exceptional sales of the Wii and want a piece of that market. ...

5816d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am so glad that everyone was so negative toward Sony when the PS3 launched. It makes it that much sweeter now that it is doing well. While it may not be selling the most consoles, it definatley is the best place for quality titles. MS stumbled in the fact that they are trying to attack the same market the Wii is dominating. While this may seem to be a smart move, only time will tell. If MS splits its focus between the casuals and the hardcore, they face the same problem Nintendo is having r...

5816d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah the lbp presentation showed true creativity, but everyone still thinks MS won somehow.

5817d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the writer of the article feels MS won by a wide margin. I don't agree and I believe Sony won by a small margin. But to each his own, as long as PS3 does well, I'm happy.

5817d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

People just need to open their eyes. I actually bashed the PS3 when I first heard about it and its controller. They have made a fan out of me and I am one of their biggest supporters now. This is because of the quality that is coming from the Sony camp, and I believe it will continue through the whole generation.

5817d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment