
CRank: 5Score: 8350

Wow Blademask, great post. Bubbles for that. Its rare to see an intelligent and thought out post here. Kudos.

5827d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looks like Wada is coming down with a case of the Krazy Ken syndrome. He is just rambling about nothing lol. Its a sad day when I want Square Enix to get off the stage so I can hear what new PS3 games MS has stolen. :)

5827d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry I don't support a poor quality system, and far from best system out. I can get everything on the PS3. I'm far from a little kid, 26 to be exact. The little kids are on 360. I hear them on live all the time in my brothers room. We have yet to see if Tekken 6 sells more on 360. VF5 didn't sell better on 360, so you are just guessing based on install base. For your information, Star Wars Force Unleashed sold more on PS3 than it did on Wii in its first week. So much for install base? You ar...

5827d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not over for MS in 2009, but Sony clearly has the better games. Its just the scales turning to favor the PS3.

5828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You 360 fans make it hard for me to keep my respect for you guys as gamers. Can you honestly say the 360 is a better piece of hardware than the PS3? If so, you are lying to yourself. The pattern that we can clearly see here is that people buy cheap over quality, its human nature. We always want to get the best deal. The 360 couldn't compete with PS3 when it was only a little less expensive then the PS3, so they had to slash the price even more. Its fine, 360 is winning again temporarily. They...

5828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ouch, jealous much? Infinite Undiscovery = Haze, not White Knight Story. Everyone knew that Haze was going to suck before it came out. FPS are just not really original anymore. The PS3 has no good JRPGS. This is the first real JRPG we are getting and it is from a great developer. Your claims are based on nothing except jealousy. I can't wait to see the response when White Knight pulls out multiple 9's and A's from various gaming sites.

5828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Co-Op has me excited! I wonder how it keeps track of your character and if you have to play through the whole game with the same friend once you start with them? Either way, this is awesome news!

5828d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What good games has square enix released lately? I'm starting to wonder why we should even care what they are giving us. Infinite Undiscoverey is just flat out awful. I have little hope for Last Remnant. I'm starting to lose my faith in FF13. I'm more excited about Chrono Trigger DS than Last Remnant right now. Square Enix needs to get back to making good games, and then maybe I will care. Something seems to be going on under the table. MS is getting all these games and Sony is losing them. I...

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a good way to look at it. I've often argued the same thing. Sony under pressure = pwnage to whoever is putting them there. Backing Sony into a corner is like seeing a rabid wolverine with herpes strapped to the back of a midget and telling him he's too small to get anything other than a kids meal at McDonalds. I know I wouldn't want to be that cashier, and that is exactly what is going to happen to MS soon.

5830d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 will not beat PS3 this generation. I can almost guarantee it. The 360 sales will fall in Japan very soon and same with Europe. The only place 360 will maintain a close fight is in the US. Can you imagine the interest in the PS3 when Sony drops the price of the PS3? I just can't believe there is even a fight between PS3 and 360. The failure rate alone should put everyone in favor of the PS3. The Kotaku website owner is on his 10th Xbox 360. He just posted an article about it. Come on peopl...

5830d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Frustrating to say the least. Now is the time for PS3 fans to band together. MS is throwing everything they have at us to win the war. Time to wait and see. TGS will be interesting this year to say the least.

5832d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ick! What a gorgeous game. Now announce it for PS3 and I'll forgive you Squeenix! Anyway, this is looking great, but it will take far more than this to take TGS from Sony. :)

5832d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

You know I used to worry that with PS3 being in 3rd place, that I would not get the games on the system I love. Well the opposite is true. The Wii is in 1st and has few games worth playing, 360 is in 2nd and used to have the best games but is giving up its spot to our 3rd place PS3. There is no substitute, the best games of 2009 are on the PS3. Who cares if we are 3rd now and forever? We have the best games coming...

Yeah, disagree all you want. The truth stings doesn't it?

5832d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment

PS3 owners are intelligent on the mere basis that we buy a system that doesn't have to be repaired on average four times in its life. But you guys do have a fat sweaty bald guy who publicly threatens to kill people. I am kinda envious of that. :/

5833d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I enjoy the 360 banter. Livens up the place. Deep down they know that Sony is kicking butt and they show it by their angry remarks. Remember PS3 fans, we used to be envious of them when 360 had all the great games. The tables have turned, so have mercy on them.

5833d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey Lobster, try picking on someone your own size! I'll play bubble tag with you all day. :) Make sure you use that last bubble of yours for something good, because its all you got!

5833d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

a PSP 2 with piracy protection, dual analog and slightly better graphics would destroy a ds2. That is, only if Sony can capture a part of the casual market that the ds is targetted at.

5834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please tell me this is more than a DS Lite with a camera... If so, I will be horribly dissapointed. At least PSP is getting something that matters, a better screen. I was hoping for a new DS that could at least compete with PSP graphics.

5834d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Will this be the THIRD perfect score the PS3 received from IGN? I think they will give it a 9.8 just because they feel like they are giving out too many 10's, but LBP might deserve it and get shafted. I predict 9.8. There is no doubt that the PS3 is the place for the most quality games. Proud to be a PS3 fan. :)

5835d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We all know it would have been better on PS3, that is a fact. But the fact that is on the Wii actually gives me a reason to keep mine around. :) So there are good and bad ways to look at it. The video didn't show me anything. I don't know why companies like to flash like 1-2 seconds of 20 different screens. The only thing I got from the video was you can now swim in the water, which is cool. If Capcom doesn't butcher the controls and gives us online. We might have a winner!

5837d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment