
CRank: 5Score: 8350

Sony and MS need to keep doing what they are doing. Making GOOD games. Nintendo has proven that they can dominate the charts with shovelware, a lesson they learned from the PS2. What they didn't learn, is that they need to make quality titles too. It is a shame that Nintendo is dominating the market. They don't deserve it. Go 360 and PS3!

5886d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is everyone arguing so much? 360 sold 24,000 in Japan. Good job MS. Can we leave it at that? You all know it will not last, and it is a good wake up call for Sony. Get us our JRPGS. It is my second favorite genre behind fighting games, and I still have nothing outstanding for my PS3. Japan is letting Sony know that they still want JRPGS. Step up to the plate Sony. People buy the Wii because it is cheap and has mass media appeal. We don't even need to move into that territory. I will give ...

5887d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

New Nintendo = great for business, bad for gamers.

5891d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wii demographic = Babies and Senior Citizens.(3-12, 48-90...)
360 demographic = Average gamer. Some hardcore.(12-29)
PS3 demographic = Rich people, or technofiles. Some hardcore.(18-30+)

The article title is funny but a bit misleading. All he is saying is that Sony needs to get ps2 users to upgrade to ps3 and they win. Not that they don't want senior citizens.

5896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would best buy have PSN releases listed....?

5896d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your comments have no basis and you are just posting to start a fight. Typical noob. When PS3 overtakes 360, I'm gonna be waiting for your apology.

5899d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony cares more about the PS3 and its userbase more than any other system it has made. Look at the features they have added since launch. To say that Sony cares nothing about the PS3 is a flat out lie.

5899d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its your turn to wait... PS3 is finally getting good games, what are you getting after Gears and Fable? Oh thats right! How could I forget your biggest blockbuster of e3! MOVIE MAKER. Yeah, I'm so upset I don't get to play that, I'm missing out.

5899d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 has been 3rd in all territories for almost the past year. Just now its beating the PS3 in the US because of the price cut. It is still getting beat everywhere else. Stop being a drama queen.

5899d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Carmack is a genius, and he clearly said in the article PS3 is better, it just takes more effort. L2REED!

5899d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys act as if the GPU is 100x slower than the 360's, its not. The 360 has about a 5% better GPU in raw performance. The Cell has so much more power than the 360's CPU. The ram is only an issue because it is split 256/256. The 360 has 512mb shared ram. The advantages the PS3 has over the 360 are bigger than the ones the 360 has over the PS3. Also, the Cell can take some of the load off of the GPU, but it would take extra development time and learning. This is most likely what Carmack is t...

5899d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its funny that you mention this. Carmack himself said there is untapped potential in the PS3. He just doesn't feel like using it. :)

5899d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read the article. He clearly says the PS3 "could" be superior, but you would have to go out of your way to do it. Meaning that developers would need to put a little more effort into their games. I'm guessing developers have gotten used to a certain way of making games, and the PS3 frustrates them. I can understand this, and he is being honest. He still feels PS3 has the advantage, even if it is only "in theory".

5899d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oprah just bought a Wii. That accounts for about 5 million sales right there... Its selling because of mass market appeal. The price helps, but isn't the sole factor.

5899d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Articles like these are pointless now. Why do people still brag about Wii sales? Are you proud to support the Wii? I sure wouldn't be. But to each his own I guess. Good for Wii...

5899d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whoever was playing has pretty good movement. Some of those jumps were semi advanced. Brings me back a few years when I mastered every possible thing about quake 2. I have no idea what the Pandora is, but its cool regardless. Looking at the specs, it reminds me of the Wii hardware rofl. Depending on how strong the graphics card is, it might be able to run some ps2ish type games.

5901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA is sorry for not supporting the Wii because they want the easy money. It doesn't mean they want to make good games. But we will see. Capcom is releasing Dead Rising for Wii. I will bet anyone here it won't even touch the sales of the 360 version. EA wants to put out a ton of crap games for easy money.

5901d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Very true. I actually put my Wii behind my TV because it was taking up too much space next to my PS3. I doubt I will ever bring it out to play again...

5901d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now that the Wii has mass media appeal, and they have reached their target audience, they no longer need the hardcore gamers to be successful. I believe Nintendo was baiting us into believing they were going to make games for us as well. Now that the Wii is in good supply and selling like crazy, they are showing their true colors. I feel bad for all you Wii owners who were hoping for some awesome motion controlled games from Nintendo. I'm sorry, but it just won't happen. Big success = big fai...

5901d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol Maverick, you gave me a chuckle. PS3 does mostly everything better than 360, except maybe load times/installing and achievements. But keep hanging on to your 6 million lead. PS3 is closing the gap, and as soon as the temporary price cut for 360 is over, PS3 will overtake it weekly in America again. So keep hanging on, its gonna be a rough ride! The worst for PS3 fans is over, the worst for 360 fans is just begining.

5905d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment