CRank: 6Score: 32080

"it just meets all your entertainment needs." yeah except for VIDEO GAMES! You know... the whole damn reason it exists in the first place. I've owned both PS3 and 360 for years now. When I got the 360 I loved it, but the last year or two I'm finding less and less of a reason to keep it. If they don't get off their asses and make some games it'll be on its way out the door. At this point I'm only holding out for gears 3 and hoping to god for something at E3.

4762d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Very well said atwon23. It boggles my mind that people like this can't the domino effect of what they do. Oh and I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin' but your avatar kicks ass.

Before I get rated down its a quote from a movie, watch the video...

4765d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

same in Michigan. just turned my PS3 on to play assassin's creed brotherhood and got the prompt to update! WOOOT!

4782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, no doubt. Before they took it away I don't believe I had ever even heard of anyone using it. I still don't understand why anyone would care. A crappy PC running Linux would be more capable than a game console.

4789d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

@reedbananaboat Really, dude? Really? I guess you get the most racist comment of the day award! Muslim =/= terrorist. FYI... yes, these hackers are very much cyber terrorists.

4789d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Johandevries Yeah... I know the history. It was meant to be a joke as what I wrote is from a popular song by They Might Be Giants or before them The Four Lads.

4790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@durran3 well old New York was once New Amsterdam... why they changed it I can't say... I guess people liked it better that way. lol

4791d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Happened to me once like 2 years ago. Paypal got hacked and and someone in cali used my account, and didn't anon hack visa, mastercard and amazon not long ago... So yeah, it can happen no matter how big the company or how secure the system. If the hackers want in bad enough, they will get in. So don't you guys think it may be time to start blaming the thieves.

4800d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep, this is interpol territory. Not a good place to be.

4800d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The part I find funniest about all of this is that most if not all the data that was taken is almost certainly posted on each of these peoples facebook accounts. So chill the hell out people, you have probably already let this info out into the internet wilds long ago.

4800d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is in fact longer than they say. I was playing on the beta with my room mates character and it was more like 5-7 hrs before the exp drop became very noticeable. Even if you only like 1 or 2 classes you can switch to crafting while you main is down and make some money.

5045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is just barely passing. you'll have to play with every thing turned way down.

5055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well be prepared to be disappointed, because it come out SEPTEMBER 22 not August.

5055d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes, I would say he does and I think its ugly as hell too. A new logo or ad is deemed a success based on public reaction not based on what an over paid design team thinks. Do you remember the white room ads Sony ran when they launched the PS3? I'm sure the design team was very pleased with what they created, but guess what? EVERYONE HATED IT! If it doesn't grab a positive reaction from the demographics being targeted, then its a failure.

5076d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just rented this and I'm glad I did. I don't think its a bad game but with the same maps, abilities, and the same graphics I feel like it should have been an add on to the first instead of its own game.

5079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said. I don't get why so many people talk about this crap like it matters at all.

5084d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ok I hate getting drawn into this crap but your comment makes my head hurt. You do understand that the 360 was out for a whole year before the PS3 in 2/3 of the world and had an extra 6 months on top of that in Europe. OK now that we're past that for the 10 millionth time, I would like to ask all of you what you get out of sales numbers? I remember once upon a time we used to talk about games on these sites.

5084d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I don't disagree with your statement that just because we don't like it others won't, but I do disagree that they will do well. I just can't imagine casual gamers and parents buying a new console and then spending even more cash to do something that a wii does cheaper and is probably already in their living room. I just think both are doomed to never find a real market, much like the eyetoy before them.

5097d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am willing to bet it wasn't even an employee. It really isn't hard to find a cheaply made plain blue vest.

5097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those numbers honestly disappoint me. I would have thought the 360s would have sold way more than the PS3 slim given that the US is 360 strongest market and PS3 weakest.

5098d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment