I hate video games


CRank: 5Score: 141600

Fortnite is undeniably a more polished game, but the shooting is just terribly lame and uninteresting.
It feels very arcade-y and with a low skill ceiling

2466d ago 19 agree5 disagreeView comment

People still buy vinyl because there's kind of a retro-stylish quality to it. But people don't still buy compact cassettes

I'd say physical games are more like compact cassettes than vinyl

2485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That FOV is so darn small it's giving me anxiety. It's like walking with binoculars strapped onto your eyes. It better be adjustable....

2513d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I've seen tests on Linus Tech Tips that show that most pro gamers can't tell the difference between 60fps and 120fps"

well then Clickbait Tech Tips (and most pro gamers) must get their eyes checked because the difference is like night and day. I've seen it with my own eyes on my 144hz monitor. I've made test games that had a key to switch the framerate cap from 30 to 60 to 144 and it makes all the difference in the world.

You al...

2522d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

"I mean we don't need 144fps"

Oh my. Wait until you start playing games at 144 fps on a regular basis... Since I started doing that, I can't even go back to 60 fps anymore. 144 fps feels like an avalanche of fluidity and responsiveness assaulting your brain. It instantly makes games 2x more fun to play. It makes games so tight and responsive that playing at 60 fps feels like your CPU is submerged in molasses in comparison.

2522d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

You gotta compare that 7.5 to the other games out there. Game scores typically range from 5 to 10 out of 10, where 5 is "abysmal/extremely bad", 10 is "great", and anything below 5 is "I want to make a funny hyperbolic review about how bad this is". A 7.5 is only halfway between the two real extremes

When compared to its main competitors, a 7.5 is pretty much places it among the worst of the "major AAA racing games "

2527d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sometimes people don't know what's best for them. Mandatory difficulty can have a tremendous contribution to making you feel certain things that you would never experience by playing on easy. These are things that many people would never even get to experience if the difficulty wasn't forced, because they would've avoided it entirely.

There is a belief that difficulty means "inaccessible", and that is complete BS. Difficulty can be part of the goal...

2530d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your comment on every single point I made was basically just "yeah it's true but I don't care! He's belittling my playstation!"

You keep saying there are no other VR options on the console market.... but why do you impose that arbitrary rule of "it has to be on the console market"? How is this pertinent to the discussion in any way? There are other VR options on PC and mobile. And why do you bring up the Xbox one X? I...

2531d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

whether he's a fanboy or not, you still gotta have an objective look at the points he's making.

- Will PS5 be out within 1-3 years? I dunno, but it's highly likely
- Were there a lot of good PS Move games towards the end of the PS3 and beyond? No
- Is the PSVR tech poor in comparison to its competitors? Yes. PSVR has no roomscale VR, and the tracking quality can be quite low. The only thing it does better than the others is build quality/comfo...

2531d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

"Yeah, it's political"
"but it's not making any political points"

....I don't follow

2535d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's pretty baffling that combating fascism is considered controversial.

I don't mind games getting "political". It's important to take a strong & clear stance on important issues like this. In fact, NOT taking a stance would be wrong and/or cowardly

2535d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

on "THE" PC

2538d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is this article a satire?

Did Game of Thrones copy the middle-ages for success?

2542d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's what the article's title says, though

2548d ago 6 agree68 disagreeView comment

"Pushed the technology due to its size"

That sounds like some marketing BS to me. Some old business dude probably told the devs to say that to the press. GPUs and CPUs don't care about the size of objects. They care about number of objects and number of vertices.

a 25 million polygon peanut takes just as much computing resources as a 25 million polygon planet

2548d ago 13 agree95 disagreeView comment

It feels more polished than PUBG, but I really just don't like the combat in Fortnite. It's very short-range, very arcady, bullet-spongy, no first person view, etc.... In these types of games, I very much prefer when you are constantly living in crippling fear of someone hiding in a bush and shooting you from 1 km away

The original ArmA2 BR mod (from the creator of PUBG) still is the best when it comes to that aspect. Even PUBG's combat feels watered-down and wi...

2549d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm sure a lot of actually-good games get completely drowned in the hundreds of crap games released on steam every month, and never get discovered

Steam gets an average of 500 new releases per months. It's just crazy. I don't even think I can name 500 games released in the last 10 years

2550d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's a good start but they should be removing thousands more. Steam is in dire need of quality control

2550d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's like creating a $50,000 gold-sprayed doritos.

"Gaming gear" and "good taste" don't go well together. Especially not when said gaming gear is associated with one of the most exhausted mega-corporation game franchises in the world

2550d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think it's because people are getting sick of shooters. It's just that anyone could've guessed that Lawbreakers would never reach success ever since the very first trailer.

It is bland and generic. It's nothing new. It has no appeal.

So often you see devs writing articles on gamasutra.com about "Why My Game Failed" and then go on an elaborate analysis of their marketing strategy and such.... but 9 out of 10 times, it ...

2553d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment