
CRank: 5Score: 31390

Its on the disc already, the DLC is just an unlock. If you play SSF4 online with someone using DLC alternate costumes, you'll see the costume also. Even though you didn't download it you'll see it because its locked away on your disc, but you can't use it until you pay for the unlock.

5172d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never played God of War, only the GoW 3 demo from PSN. I just looked this set up & it turns out the first two games are remastered in HD (720p I guess), 60 fps, have trophy support, on one BD.

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice, I tried to buy this game last week, but I couldn't get my Amex gift card to work on PSN. I'll get it this week using my regular card.

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ tordavis

"Let's not forget Forza is on 3 and GT is on 5. When Forza is on 5 I'm sure it will be up to GT's 1080p/60fps standard."

GT5 is a new game & totally rewritten from the ground up, there wasn't ANY code used from GT1 - GT4 (that's why its taking so long). MS knew GT5 was going to be 1080p @ 60 FPS all along, just like we did. I think the Forza game engine is fine, but what's holding it back is the 360 hardware.

A quick google searc...

5269d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

My 360...

5379d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the links...

5419d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Street Fighter IV has custom soundtracks, but not when you play online - local matches only. Just go to XMB and play your music.

5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 uses its own engine...

5450d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Why bother posting the article if you don't like it? Don't be a hater.

And yes, DVD is holding back Forza. Turn 10 doesn't have the space so they've got to cut some stuff out, its already on two disc.

5464d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Enough of OS X has been rewritten that is isn't an service pack such as: the kernel and supporting apps are 64-bit, Grand Central Dispatch (multi-threading), OS OpenCL GPU acceleration, Quicktime has been rewritten. And its only a $30 upgrade from Leopard.

I view Windows 7 as a similar upgrade, but done for different reasons. I don't know how much MS is going to charge for Win 7, but I know it ain't gonna be $30. But it might be free if you buy a Vista PC just before Win 7 is rel...

5487d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Windows 7 = Windows NT 6.1
Windows Vista = Windows NT 6.0
Windows XP = Windows NT 5.1
Windows 2000 = Windows NT 5.0
Windows NT 4.0 = Windows NT 4.0


5487d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm definitely buying this game, but I'm going to wait for a sale or something. Buying Street Fighter IV for $60, and seeing it for $37 at Target a week ago was a bit hard to swallow.

5494d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you take a 720p game and render it natively at 1080p it won't use any more disc space. The game can run at natively at 1080p (not upscaled) BUT, it'll still have 720p "textures". Replacing "720p textures" with "1080p textures" WILL USE MORE DISC SPACE. 1080p textures use about 2.25 times the disc space (a 4.44MB 720p texture = 10MB 1080p texture).

Rally car example:
1080p render/720p texture=
Sharp edges all around the car/blurry logos...

5499d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Sooner or later the PS3 games will be pirated as well when recordable media can hold that much data I'm sure...."

You mean like when these $5 25GB disc become available...?

5511d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

First things first:
Number of Windows malware that can infect OS X: ZERO
Number of OS X malware that can infect Windows: ZERO
Number of malware that can infect both OSX and Windows: ZERO

commodore64, I challenge you to find ANY software, good or bad, that is capable of running on both Windows "AND" OS X. A text editor, media player, graphic software, trojan, I challenge you to find ANYTHING. It's obvious that you don't understand how OSs run software. ...

5531d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"It seems you just went on a rant without addressing the issues I raised in my post."

I thought the main issue in your post was the lack of attack on OS X because of the low market share. We only read about Mac attacks that are successful, not all of the failed attempts.

Apple's OS 9 had viruses, not as much as Windows but they were definitely there. OS X has about the same market share, but where are the "viruses"? The low market share simply the...

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I read the article, the first OS X trojan was a few years ago so the author must not know to much about Mac security.

Trojans exist for all operating systems - write malicious code, give it permission to run, & bad things happen.

But OS X trojans must be installed by the user (the password has to be typed in also), but many Windows boxes can be infected by simply plugging them into the internet (it happened to me ONCE during an installat...

5532d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"If someone wanted to introduce a virus, Macs have no defense against such an assault."

I could really pick apart your entire post, but I'll just post some links instead. BTW, OS X isn't kinda like Unix, it IS Unix with a nice graphic interface on top.