
CRank: 5Score: 70450

Yes, the console they showed was huge. Huge and ugly.

4052d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment


4052d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How the hell do you show off a GAMES console without actually showing off GAMES? Not a single bit of live gameplay being demonstrated. NONE.

If their intent was just to show off what the controller and box looked like, and fuck the games, they could've just released a few press photos, and saved us all the trouble of sitting through 60 minutes of mostly non-gaming related crap.

4052d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment


COD Ghosts, take a hike.

4052d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus christ, what does it take for game companies to turn a profit nowadays? Either there's some serious money mis-management going on, or these studios are WAY overspending on game development and/or marketing.

4053d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment


Even if EA did pressure Insomniac to change the art style of the game, it's still partly Insomniac's fault for giving in to the pressure. The studio has the final say on whether or not to change a game's direction.

In all likelihood, Insomniac probably agreed with whatever market analysis EA put together, so long as they thought a change would boost sales and hype for the game.

4054d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously you're playing Borderlands 2 for a different reason than any other people. Nobody I know plays Borderlands for the story or characters.

With that said, the story isn't actually that bad in Borderlands 2. It's at least semi-interesting, in my opinion. Sure, the player characters are lifeless and don't have much personality, but that's like saying the player character in Skyrim doesn't have much personality.

4054d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Danger Close" was a better name, if you ask me.

4057d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What are the system requirements to be able to run this Gionight Skyrim mod smoothly (~40-60fps)? Anyone know?

4060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some impressive detail on the character models there, especially for an open-world game. Sucker Punch as a developer isn't exactly known for being a graphical powerhouse either, so for their first-generation release on PS4 to look this good is definitely promising.

If that first trailer for Second Son at the PS4 conference in February really was truly indicative of the graphical fidelity for the gameplay itself, then we should be in for one hell of a treat.

4064d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

To say it's far-fetched that you "never" had any issues with Windows since 3.1 is an understatement. Are you really saying that you never had any driver issues, Window update issues, networking issues, or BSOD/crashes whatsoever, in the ~20 years you've been using PC's?

I'm content with Windows 7 on my gaming PC, and even my Vista workstation works moderately well. However, with every single iteration of Windows, I've always had at least some iss...

4064d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus christ, some of you must have insane standards, and/or unrealistic expectations for the type of graphical fidelity next-gen games ought to achieve. These screenshots look about as good as any open-world game I've ever seen; the texture quality overall and character detail is excellent, even by non open-world standards.

Nitpicking one texture or two (based on low-res screenshots no less) doesn't exactly help your case, especially when the texture detail is so ex...

4065d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Those are devshots, and Ubisoft is notorious for releasing extremely touched-up bullshots--always has been. Look at the gameplay videos; the graphics look good, but nowhere near the level of detail in those devshots.

4065d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


Did you even watch the video? Even on LAN and split-screen games (where players are supposed to enjoy a lag-free experience of ~0ms ping) Black Ops 2 has a "built-in" lag of 150ms ping added to EVERY player. This 100% proven, built-in lag completely precludes the game from serious consideration as a skill-based shooter. Any competitive gamer who's played many online FPS games will laugh you off the street if you think 150ms ping is good!

4066d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

Black Ops 2 is STILL broken and near-unplayable--6 months after launch--with its horrendous lag compensation and lag issues that render it impotent as a competitive online shooter:

4067d ago 31 agree9 disagreeView comment


Banning law-abiding citizens from legally owning guns would barely put a dent on gun crime, because the vast majority of gun homicides are committed by illegal gun owners.

Just look at Chicago, where you have the strictest gun control laws in the country, but paradoxically the highest rates of gun homicides. This should tell you that banning legal guns would only take away the rights and abilities of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves from ...

4068d ago 18 agree10 disagreeView comment

Treyarch has been completely ignoring gamers' plea to fix the horrible networking and lag compensation ever since release, despite video footage proving that there are major flaws in the netcode. They've gone so far as to ban anyone on Twitter who attempts to send them videos of all the lag issues in the game.

Here's a good video showing in a very technical manner how the netcode of Black Ops 2 is completely flawed, and at times unplayable because of lag compensat...

4069d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully, Microsoft will eventually realize that it's more economical in the long term to invest in first-party studios, and internally develop exclusive titles, rather than to pay 3rd-party studios to not make games on other platforms. That way, it'd be a win-win scenario for all parties, as Microsoft gets more exclusive games, 3rd-party studios get more reach, and Playstation gamers don't miss out on any games they would've otherwise been able to play.

4070d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the fuck? Didn't this just come out?

4070d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hate bullshots. You know, screenshots taken from dramatic angles and no HUD, and using an impossibly high-quality AA (probably supersampling from 4K resolution).

Give me a real in-game screenshot, showing the weapon in hand, and using a reasonable amount of AA/AF. That would actually be informative to me as to what kind of graphical fidelity I can reasonably expect.

4070d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment