
CRank: 5Score: 67390

Mark Walhberg in leading role for this movie makes it a pass for me. He just has not demonstrated the ability to play a character as witty and self deprecating as Drake.

4926d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

A price drop would be good for moving more consoles, but would it be good for SONY corp.? When you have the line up that they have coming out next year, one that should move consoles why lower the price? And as anyone can see the 360 did not start outselling the PS3 again in the US until they introduced the s Model. Sony was doing very well until the summer came and the great games stopped coming out. This year Sony needs to space out their exclusives to one a month. And ignore some of those ...

4929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quote from article

Kinect features are dictated by firmware so that they can be added and upgraded over time.

The depth sensor used by Kinect is also dictated by firmware – it is currently set at a 30 frames per second limit and a 320x240 resolution limit.

At a 640x480 resolution, however, Kinect could begin to detect fingers and hand rotation – an effective quadrupling of its accuracy.

The issue relates to the USB controller...

4929d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

how did this get approved the article is from june.

4932d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@SacredMG ME1 was published by MS so while Bioware may own the rights to the universe and the name. MS has a say in whether or not ME1 is published on another platform.

4935d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Lawliet what a load of crap who are you to criticize U.S. citizens for spending their money how they want to. Get a damn life and stop being a fanboy. Are you mad that 13 million U.S. citizens also purchased a PS3? People buy what they like and despite your high opinion of your tastes you do not speak for everyone. This fanboy BS needs to stop.

4942d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

@Infernostew you do realize that when the 360 launched it was $500 for the 20 gig model and stayed that way until Sony cut their price and started gaining. MS has been very reluctant with price drops this generation. They add more stuff to the box and keep the price the same.

4942d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

If we have learned one thing from five years of this current console war. Nothing lives up to the hype. Why this fool had to go and proclaim this crap is not a mystery. He wants hits for his site. I am sure that KZ3 will be better looking than Reach and Black Ops. I am just as sure it won't outsell either of them or have more people playing it online than either of them. There are just not enough people that love shooters on the PS3 to do that. This is where the damn FANBOY crap starts, T...

4943d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am just tired of hearing about this game. People love it and are buying it so WGaF what sites desperate for hits say. Why are these articles even posted. I would think after 50 articles people would have reached their fill of GT5 sucks articles. Just stop clicking on the links and maybe this crap would die out.

4944d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

they paid him, helped give him his start, and financed his own studio. why the hell shouldn't he be loyal? dude is just himself leave it alone.

4947d ago 64 agree2 disagreeView comment

The article was not about the move it was about his take on infrared depth sensing camera and the frame rate issues. MS overcomes these issues by having that highly sophisticated predictive software of which this man knows nothing as it is MS property

4948d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This guy is talking out his butt, not saying he is wrong about the camera. I am saying he doesn't know anything about the software behind Kinect. It took three PhD's to help develop the predictive software tracking of Kinect to overcome the frame rate issue. When he said look at the hacked videos on you-tube that is just what the camera can do, Once again Kinect software is not hacked only the open usb port on the camera that was never secured. If you want to know what the software ca...

4948d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

If wahlberg stars as drake, boycott the movie. Let it be known that the drake video game fan base will skip this movie in theaters. They are not making the movie the way I want to see it so why should I or any of you give them our money?

4950d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Half witted speculation. The PS3's memory is split. They were most likely just getting it to run before they expanded the code to the other 256k. Dumb crap article.

4952d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why even go there. This is just dumb and isn't going to change anyone's mind. Play what the hell you like and screw websites looking for hits over trollish articles.

4956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He is lying through his teeth. In his defense though how can he say MS is coming out with a new system and just cut the legs from underneath the Kinect launch. They have no choice if they want to stay in the living room. An obsolete console would kill them in 5 years. So what you are hearing right now is Marketing Speak!!!!!!!

4957d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

The company is valued based on sales on all three platforms. Being exclusively for the Xbox cuts those sales down to a third. MS would be buying a company at a 300% mark up in the value it is to them. It is better they stay third party.

4960d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ms has a relationship with pepsi co. All those Mountain Dew Halo tie ins

4962d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

so stealing is better than cheating, You are just not paying attention to what you are saying. How would you feel if someone stole your money? Stealing is wrong and according to you you stole over $2,400 worth of product last year.

4963d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

But anyone reading this site should already have a PS3.

4964d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment