
CRank: 5Score: 67390

Wow Talk about whining. They got the story. They caught MS napping and they then want MS to come to them. Please GI needs to get over themselves. When has any company been happy to have future plans leaked without a wink and a nod. So MS snubbed them with the official release of the news, who cares? I had hoped the reward was in doing a good job.

4078d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Anyone here owned a 32X by Sega? Well I did. What happened to the damn games? No developer really cared to make games for it because it was an add on piece of equipment. Here's the simple truth if every X1 doesn't have a Kinect 2.0 then Kinect will be a failure. Why spend a million on voice and gesture integration if you have to make two versions of the same code. Waste of time and money. MS spent millions developing this tech and want to recoup their investment,so it will be included...

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not really going worry about DRM as I will be buying digital copies. No more gamestop for me. As long as me and 10 of my friends can share all of our games amongst ourselves without even worrying about disk getting messed up. I can have 10x the games library at 1/10 of the price.

4121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most games are not worth $60 US. Watch new games sales tank as people no longer have option to get rid of crap ware.

4126d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have no argument with what your reasoning. I am just saying you are jumping the gun. Wait until June 10, look and the games then complain about lack of games. I just want you to see what they have to offer before you make comments about them having no games. You are acting like people did this generation before before Playstation3 started rolling out the the good games.

4137d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

10% of market for video games sales. Better to worry about North America and Europe. The home of SONY is no longer power consumer of video games.

4137d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Does not know what games are coming to xb1 and doesn't like game selection. At least wait until after E3 to whine.

4140d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Average age of today's gamers is 37. Don't you think those of us that are older deserve games that suit our maturity? You don't need laws like this if parents do their jobs. Pay attention to what their kids read and watch. This was all went through already with books and movies and these types of laws lost there also.

4824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They did not show anything that will be better than the PS4 or the XBOX 720. These new consoles will be released within two years and then Nintendo will be stuck with last generation graphics and capabilities again. Also third parties are not going to spend money on making unique games for the Wii-u. It is just to expensive without subsidies from Nintendo. Also all those people that purchased the Wii will not automatically roll over to the Wii-U. You do not keep buying $250 games systems that...

4853d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to release a new console because they found out to their chagrin that hardcore gamers by games for the lifetime of a console. Those casuals they sold all those consoles to only buy one or two games then they are done. They don't make any money from third party games, that severely limits the life span of the system. What good is a console if you can't sell new games that aren't first party on it?

4893d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can't we just let this BS go? If nobody pays attention to them, maybe they will just shut up. Just ignore the the dancing MONKEY SUITS.

4913d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's been that way for almost 6 years. MS has made over a billion dollars a year with it this way. They are not changing it. It is easier to spend points than dollars. And if you have trouble doing the math so much the better. By the way 80 points = $1

4922d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

This is only for the hardest of the hardcore. I could never do this. I have a life outside of gaming and to really waste 5 to 10 hours with no progress to show would likely make me never buy another game by that developer or publisher. There is also this factor, the difficulty of games today is based on regenerating health and multiple lives. The enemies have shields, more powerful weapons and really good AI. In order to have a chance to beat the game you would have to be insanely powerful fr...

4922d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is BS it means nothing to hardcore and casuals buys for other reasons.

4936d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

This man is so half informed. MS stopped making Zune hardware 18 months ago. And he is just now noticing. The reason Zune never took off is because MS limited it to North America. The software will live on in the 360 and on WP7. The WP7 is not even finished they are planning on putting windows 8 on an ARM chip and putting that in a next generation smart phone. This man needs to do more research before he writes an article out of his rear orifice.

4937d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

He should say that to the approximately 183 million consoles sold this generation between the three console manufactures

4942d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Despite what the producer thinks, he is still trying to get me and others like you guys to spend money to see his movie. And you know what with Markie mark starring and him changing the story and only keeping the names well he isn't going to get my money. I will just replay all three games and get my fill of Drake's fortune that way.

4954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For those exclusives the companies get money back from Sony and MS.

4955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only exclusives that you will see on the PS3 are Sony published ones. Between the 360 and PS3 there are 100 million HD consoles worldwide. What third party would cut their potential sales in half to be console exclusive without getting money back from that console seller? And the main difference between the PS3 and the 360 is that Sony has 3 to four times as many in house developers than MS. It is the internal studios job to show off the platform at its best. This is where MS decision to cut ...

4956d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Might be better if it isn't release over here. Just imagine, replace the two hot french chicks with two overweight house wives or two senior citizens. Eyes will be jumping out of skulls all over America and running for cover.

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment