
CRank: 5Score: 67390

Impressive,nice to see all consoles got an E3 bounce though

5090d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jumping and running in place in a long skirt in the first place.
She is lucky Kinect couldn't recognize her legs otherwise she would have busted her butt.

5091d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

where is my included move, I paid the launch price.

5098d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Loving the game

5098d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Get both systems and play games

5099d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

copies of Wii sports sold and people wonder why Sony and MS are making their own copies of Wii sports. What single game has ever sold that much before? I mean game not series.

5103d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

You get investors and promise high return. This is the first wave of investors. Then you get more investors, second wave wave. You pay off the first wave with the second waves money, keeping a nice portion for yourself. So the first wave invest even more and bring in their friends. Then you just keep going as long as you keep getting new investors it looks legit. Bernie Maddof ran into trouble when the stock market started crashing and less people hand money to become investors.

5103d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This kid is perceived to be talking black. He is talking like someone that is uneducated, not someone who is black. And therein lies the danger, saying this kid is speaking black implies that African Americans as a people are uneducated. Say what you want of him, but do not associate his mannerisms with black people. He is speaking ghetto or hip hop but not black. Oh and don't blame Sony, blame the advertising company. Japanese don't understand Americans. The have a homogeneous societ...

5105d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

Those people he killed were between him and his family. John only has his family. His mother was a whore that died early his father a drunk that died on him early to. Dutch his father figure left him shot up and dying. He had no one but his wife a former whore and his son. The man is has no human connections outside of those two, so of course the rest of humanity are either there to assist him or obstacles in his way.

5105d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

when it is at least 71 million units behind the wii mote. There is no war. Nintendo has already won this generation in consoles and motion controllers. All MS and Sony can hope to do is perfect their motion controls, so that they are there day one with the next generation systems.

5105d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

You would be able to talk to your friends in 3D. That is no where near the same as the camera reading your body and using your motions in a video game. Also as stated time and again by Primesense what KInect does is based off of Microsoft's software. What they are doing with Kinect is bleeding edge technology. They are condensing what would take a large studio and actors with various tracking balls attached to their bodies for motion capture and making a camera do this on its own. I am no...

5107d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Is a killer. Nintendo made the right choice. PS3 Best there is, but costing Sony money to sell them. 360 Profitable for 3 years, but MS still hurting from high entry price. And yet I still prefer the PS3 and 360, between them I really can do everything.

5107d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

has said they won't lose money on the hardware. They have the DS that is still selling like crazy. Why should they price the 3DS under $200? Let them catch all they early adopters, who will pay $250 - $300 and then when sales slow down drop the price. I know it sounds messed up, but Nintendo is a business.

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we get really involved in a game when the game play and story grabs our imagination. technology helps but it all about how much interest a game has from you. 3d won't make games better avatar the game is still crap in 3d.

5110d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe Jaffe cares more about game play and physics than graphics. Since when did leading edge graphics make a game AAA. Dammit some people just have their heads up their bums.

5114d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

will be the maximum they can set it at. You can't have a place holder price tag and then raise the price after someone has preordered the product. People would cancel their purchase. So we know it will be $150 or less.

5114d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah they are different. My question is though why must every article like this assume that eventually Wii owners will become hardcore gamers. My wife like Wii type games, but she would never play a shooter. Let's face it people are are hardcore or they are not. Hardcore can go casual, but it is hard for casual to go hardcore. One example how many of you actually read the manual these days? You don't need to. All those button configurations would drive a casual gamer crazy and you und...

5114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That you can use Kinect with controllers. They never said you were going to be able to play shooters or other hardcore games with Kinect. They have always said it would be something to enhance the experience like head tracking or throwing a grenade.

5114d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

@gamemaster On cell phones it is about confidence . They need every app they can get to make their new platform successful. And people need to know they can get at base level a similar experience. Would you switch phones if you couldn't get your favorite app? Look at it this way when iPhone launched you knew you could play your music and had iTunes to buy from. When android launched it copied apples phone and made improvements, the biggest being they gave away the OS. MS is doing this to...

5116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can't move your feet or you will throw off the calibration. Move has to recalibrate every time you change mini games. And the calibration takes longer than the wii.

5116d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment