
CRank: 5Score: 13090

lol if people stop playing tiny maps then theyd see that mortars and camping arent problems at all.

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great article but it forgot that CoD is evil for one other reason, it changes other FPS's. Many other Devs have gone and said HEY we want CoD's audience. So what do they do? They casualize their game make it "more accessible" so games that were insanely complex turn to little more than run and gun mind numbing meat grinders. This makes fanbases rage cuz who wants to play with CoD's fanbase. That game breeds lone wolves and nonteamplay the kind of ideals that go against o...

4635d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I want a traditional hardcore for BF3. BF3 has too much HUD for a hardcore which generally means no HUD at all. Unless im wrong cuz i havent played hardcore in months.

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Though i do believe tactical shooters do have their place. Not all shooters have to go at 500 mph.

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When half this stuff happens and its not acted out, it feels amazing.

4635d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol'd and ya all true. Maybe someday we wont soldiers who sit behind walls sucking our thumbs for about 10 seconds and all our wounds go away and gameplay will speed up back to CS or Quake days. Though tribes ascending does look amazing and very promising. Next gen FPS's could change it all if we get out of this Modern FPS shooter stage in gaming.

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BUT the idea is you choose your own spawn. The spawning areas are quite small in comparison to BF2, even the maps are quite small compared to BF2. So if you hear "Theyre taking B" and you spawn at B, you are probably going to get railed then go ";_; why wasnt i completely safe when i spawned?" also its the guys who spawn on squad mates in the middle of a fight then get shot down then cry. Learn to spawn.

4635d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

and UC3 and BF3 and a lot of other games but UC3 is just an entire game made up of QTEs and its bores me to death

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked the multiplayer in Brotherhood for a while. Few problems were finding games, your character not doing to same motions as the other NPCs so they could pick you out of the crowd just but sorta noticing your not doing the exact same gestures as the other 5 doctors around you, and the issue of who ever spawned closest to who was basically gonna get the kill 1st and doom the other player to fate.

Anything different in the new 1?

4636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 hit with soflam kills a tank you know? If they buffed it 2 hits w/o soflam and 1 hit with soflam ppl wouldnt use tanks ever on the maps that spam soflams. if its 1 engineer healing the tank he can heal off the damage of 1 guy with javalins but if there are 2 guys with javalins he cant do it by himself. So thats why having 1 guy in tank + 2 engineers healing is so good and destroys u. Look at that teamwork. They should pound you into the ground with 3 guys working together. You make it sound...

4637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

except on Wake* Ive gone up against teams with 3 of those things. Helis and Tanks got shredded by 3 engineers with javalins

4638d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

M320 has a timing feature. If you shoot it near u it will only do 50 damage unless direct hit. If you shoot it at someone far away itll do 100 damage. In an attempt to reduce spam on Metro but lol that failed.

edit: BF games can take up to if not more than yr to balance so be prepared for a ride.

4638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you wont see any major changes til next gen.

4638d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Easily. I got a version that updates itself and still allows me to connect to servers. Its easily google-able.

4638d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Minecraft is a game that is heavy on ram usage. Im not bashing minecraft i love minecraft. Its just that if you try to run minecraft on computers with less than 2 gb of ram youll lag like crazy. So theyd just have to port over the Minecraft from smart phones which have atleast DOUBLE the ram a DS has, if not more.

4638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doubt it has enough ram for something impressive. just a port of smart phone minecraft?

4638d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

both single players were horrendous in every single way. I miss now that CoD is an action movie instead of a war movie... When old CoDs you'd storm a city tons of people dying around you, you'd feel intense. Now you're followed around by 4 invincible NPCs and when 1 dies they go all dramatic and act like i care. Then theres the explosion 1 after another goin OOOOH look at it! now over there! theres the aim-bot coms shooting you! HEY ARE YOU LISTENING????!!! Your NPC friend is yell...

4638d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

When Quantity > Quality but seeing the current MW3 maps there isnt much hope. Just more little mazes with nothing special about em just to stop a lot of spawn killing and faster action. i know people had complaints about Spawn killing in older CoDs but really, Spawn killing is a form of reward in older games and some games still today rather than shiny points. Look at what has happened due to IW's attempts to please u. You have some of the worst spawns in FPS history. People spawn lock...

4638d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you better hope AC3 has more innovation or as much as AC2 cuz if it doesnt the irony will b so strong due to ur pic.

4638d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only cool pic is #4

4639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment