
CRank: 5Score: 13090

I'd like to point out one thing, everyone who plays BF games does nonteambased play. Whether its not paying attention, by accident, or forgetting, we are all guilty of it. You may just not be aware of it. SO the entire goal is to just do it less and less until you do minimize it.

4537d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Valve is still the greatest developer out there maybe tied with Blizzard. Making tons of great games and still presenting quality like no other.

though posting this on a Naughty Dog love article will probably get some backlash here. just sayin

4537d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment


I just played SH2 recently and o my god was that an experience. It was the feeling of being alone and afraid. When horrow games such as fear, dead space, and resident evil go action movie mode and have tons of enemies who constantly jump out at you then theyve lost all scariness and are just slightly creepy or excite the player not scare them.

4537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im on my 9th ss for my M16A3 and this bugs me to no end.

4537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DLC, casualization, making games more cinematic, lack of innovation, probably new origins/steams will pop up

the list goes on and those are the ones i can think of atm.

idk games just seem to be about being pretty and actiony and lack substance nowadays

4537d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i havent played it yet but is it really that bad?

4537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If theyre just trying to be movies cant they just make movies? doesnt that mean the dev isnt good enough to basically make a "videogame". If in a 10 years everything just boils down "cinematic videogames" that involve the player as little as possible, perhaps just a series of QTEs basically UC series but even less gameplay. This seems to defy the very nature of a videogame. Bioshock was basically videogame art in a nut shell and how many QTE cut scenes that did all the fig...

4538d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

lol so true but i still miss when dlc was free cuz spending 60$ on a game was more than enough to support the devs and dlc was also a way of keeping fans around.

4538d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Cinematic" my hopes dropped right there. Its like a movie consisting of only text to be more like a book. Let me do all the actions instead of doing everything in a quick time event or cut scene. It has that final fantasy effect of popping up 50 enemies then going "No you dont get to fight them! you get to sit there and watch as the character flips around one shoting them and even if we do let you fight them theyll certainly take atleast 20 shots removing any of the spectical ...

4538d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Lol to get reviews like those Activision had to be bring in dump trucks full of 100$ to each reviewer's home. Also i know a lot of my friends who are done with CoD. I LOOOOOOOOVE fanboy blindness reminds me of my CoD days when i tried to force myself to love MW2 then I said no no its just that one game! Blops will be better! Erm ok that was less frustrating of a game now but its still nothing compared to WaW and MW1. Welp time to find somethin new to do due to lack of anything special hap...

4538d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

i believe that was sarcasm and reverse trolling. i am impressed sir. 7/10

4539d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Brosef on your tank run thermal, proximity sensor, and canister shell/coaxial lmg. You can dominate entire teams if you have a competent gunner.

and rpgs arent that bad you just have to hit people with em. Theyre getting a nerf in february due to all the rpg snipping that is going on in game.

I had fun with BC2 also but one you adjust to all the changes in BF3. You'll start to love in just as much. Dont worry i was in that zone as well. It felt wrong b...

4539d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pray that Metro Last light gets published on time and keeps the quality.

4539d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

vanilla maps are soooooooooo pathetic compared to b2k. hopefully gustav will let that map design sink in. Then we wont get more metros. Metro needs to die a terrible terrible death.

4539d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that is already in the next patch in fact theyre doing a lot with the air and ground balance

4540d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I said less dependent.

slight of hand ONLY helps you reload faster.
Ninja ONLY helps you have quieter foot steps

that sort of thing

As for Kill streaks, they dont need to be super helicopter that puts red boxes around all enemies and can kill before they react. Helpful killstreaks like WaW's artillery strike were good. It hit a limited area and didnt destroy people for not having Assassin or Blind Eye. The killstreaks will tilt th...

4540d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perks impact the game too much. Its not "this helps me" its i need this or i will be gunned down in a matter of seconds. If the game wasnt so perk dependent it could go back to old CoD fun. Same goes for killstreaks. They dont give a helping hand in winning they just do all the work for you. Til CoD goes back to being less perk and killstreak dependant it will never resemble the old CoD everyone use to love.

4540d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know its not their fault really. they have a game and they stick to their strengths. CoD makes money everyone wants money. EA wanted Activision's money so they probably had a hand in making BF3 more casual. I dont hate CoD, I hate what it does. If it was all off on its own and everyone ignored it then i wouldnt have any problem with it but as it stands now, it is still a massive problem with the gaming industry. It grows massively every year and has the "World of Warcraft effect&qu...

4540d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

no one ever said i was talking bout skyrim brosef =/

4540d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If a game is massive, expansive, or being trying out new stuff then i believe its fine for there to be bugs. The engines some games run these days are insanely complex and will have problems. People asking companies to produce perfect games in 2 year periods have no idea what theyre talking about and are just whining cuz everything isnt perfect especially if the company isnt a massive one. patience people patience.

4540d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment