
CRank: 5Score: 13090

only worth 10$ at most. It was average as a game but when compared to Bioshock it was just trash.

4591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love that too but... OP metro is the most played map and many players get scared and afraid when they have to run more than 100 feet from objective to objective! When they have to run out in the open where there could be snipers! When theres more than 3 flanking routes to an area. So be expecting lots more tiny maps for DICE's new community. BF will never be the same.

4593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I woulda been more impressed if there was less tdm, hardcore, less metro and grand bazaar.

4595d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

DICE used MoH's multiplayer to test out some parts for BF3's multiplayer. Then the rest they filled in with BC2's multiplayer.

4596d ago 23 agree4 disagreeView comment

For how long tho? they might just keep it up for a couple months then silently start going away until everyone freaks out again. Rinse and repeat.

4596d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol the last 2142 patch took 4 YEARS.

4596d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

BF3's extreme contrast, extremely bright sun, and art effects may hurt their chances of proving this as well. People have gone to the doctor because of eye strain lol

4597d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont think this is the place to be saying that... More like an area to discuss the article so time for bed Charlie. ON TOPIC!!! I guess it gives those who like the ranking process something to work forward too.

4597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

o that kinda way. i see well you got a point there. Most of the time the number of high levels just start winning and dont quit. So they just start to build up on the other team. Then high levels join the losing team and get stomped so they quit... but ya i do think there could be some touching up on how the skill stat is used and matching up based on level. I think its mainly the skill stat that matches you up so you might be really good but you just dont have the equipment i guess.

4598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Beastradamus but thats not wat BFs about tbh. Theres a learning curve so therefore the ones who do play more are going to have to a greater advantage. If you want a game without a learning curve im sure there are substitutes elsewhere.

4598d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Before people whine about the USAS + frags not being talked about. Frags have already been nerfed on PC so thats why its never talked about on any of his current patches.

Also atleast the scar is getting something. Its completely pointless compared to the other carbines atm. The shotties dont need the 50% buckshot strength reduction. Also sorta m...

4599d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

BF2142 had amazing balance.

4599d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Games with fewer weapons that give each weapon a purpose are more easily balanced. Give a gun strengths and weaknesses. The more guns there are, the harder it is to give it a purpose cuz something else might just take its place. Problem with CoD is the time to kill so low that all the guns are very similar that the one with a higher rate of fire wins. Also there is almost no long range in the game so trying to give it a plus there means you'll lose 80% of fights. Simplicity also helps bal...

4599d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Work out the kinks with the megatextures and such it would be great. The whole "we have maxed out the capabilities of the xbox/ps3" is just nonsense. Theres no one left at IW who has any programming talent nor are they willing to invest in something that could take more than 2 yrs! I dont even know if they take 2 years to make it. They probably just get a yr off from work then begin as soon as the other CoD releases. I bet theyll hire 4 or 5 studios when they really want to get the ...

4600d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

the worst part is the shotties being nerfed. Theyre already terrible so now the 870 will be worthless. Its getting almost 50% damage reduction with damage dropping off extremely quickly. R.I.P already dead shotguns

4601d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The BTR is on Oman Assault over in the construction site when the russians have control of it and theres only one on the map. It was a pain but when i finally found it i got all 10 kills in a few min.

4602d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@DeadIIIRed Ill try to find em its been a while and also if Neo Tribe reads this. its basically when they took a look at the piracy rates of games and how the companies tried to prevent it. The trend started to show.

4603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

studies show if you treat your player base less like sheep and more like people theyll pirate your game less. So therefore treating them nicely and mayhaps understanding why they pirate your game will help decrease the amount of pirating.

stealing from big mean company = "why not?"

stealing from nice company = "... well maybe i wont"

Guilt trips lol also some respect might be there

4604d ago 25 agree7 disagreeView comment

So very very very very very very true. All BF games start out as a buggy and generally unbalanced mess after 3 or 4 patches most of the stuff gets fixed.

4604d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you still get all your points when the match ends. Battlelog keeps track that you were in the game and gives them to you.

4604d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment