
CRank: 5Score: 13090

The big daddy looks a little bit too smooth and perfect but other than that its great!

4329d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Making a gun excel at all ranges. This is one of the reasons why CoD is so unbalanced.

4351d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

BF3 maps are severely smaller. There isnt a single map yet that is anywhere close to the large ones in BF2. I doubt there will be. All the flags are way too close together on the sneak peak at armored kill map. Mechanics are dumbed down. Theres less teamwork than BF2. They removed commander which was essential to the battlefield experience in all it play like a call of duty game trying to be hardcore.

4355d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

Hard mode wrench only and no med kits. Hes cake. I thought he was one of the easiest bosses ive ever beaten.

4362d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock's beginning is god tier.

4368d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

its Japanese and a card game/TV show... that doesn't have anything to do with JRPGs really. He can like one but not the other.

4369d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

A lot of the B2K remakes are changed a lot... they're all A LOT smaller than their old ones because the new DICE thought they were too boring. As maps they're good but as remakes they're eh.

4376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I finished it within 2 or 3 days and its only a little scary... it can startle me but nothing made me wanna cry. After the 450th monster jumping up after playing dead or jumping out of the exact same looking vent found everywhere on every level, it got a little predictable and bleh. When it did mix things up it was a little scary but silent hill 2 and system shock 2 did horror far better. It didnt do anything psychological. It just had monster jumping out at us every 15 seconds, the wife bit ...

4388d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I want
for console rather than

because it allows for more movement through out the map and there is no reason to cap a flag next to an enemy base. Theyll just recap it within seconds.

4388d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except for those 3 flags right in a row next to each other. It seems they made 2 clusters of flags now instead of 1 massive cluster in the middle of the map. They're also kinda flat so infantry will have to sit in the flag clusters else die. I hope they have at least 3 tanks per side for console at least, 5+ would be great for PC and that's extremely low compared to old BF standards.

No thanks, I want to pick what i want to buy rather than them shoveling it at me. IE the Close Quarter's DLC, never ever shall i purchase that.

4395d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Elite service means you already shovel out money for maps and thing whether you like them or not. You no longer vote with your money like a lot of people hate the tiny itty bitty CoD maps that are coming soon. If they had bought the premium they would pay for them whether or not they want them. Therefore Dice doesnt have to care whether or not theyre up to standard they already have your money and can say we'll do better next time.

4417d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dead Space can startle me but it cannot scare me. Many of the silent hills and other games use psychological horror which is FAAAAR superior than a monster popping out of the same kind of vent for 450th time that day. Dead Space did have atmosphere down thats for sure.

4418d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killcams ruin any stealth aspect of a game with a thunderous crack! A guy is sneaking around trying to find go kill an enemy sniper or trying to get to an mcom but theres a guy in the way so he kills him. That guy now knows his exact position due to killcam and the directional hit markers. Now that BF3 has CoD skulls everyone player on the entire map knows exactly when and where that player dies.

Killcams and skulls are there for noobs who cant pay attention. Lord how casual...

4420d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shiny medals, new guns, gun attachments, ribbons, and any unlock is far easier to put into a game rather than making the gameplay addictive. This is the route many developers have taken because its easier to get casuals to play. My friends cant play any game without an extensive unlock system even though they hate CoD they keep playing it.

4421d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This happens every year.

OMG we're changing the entire system! CoD is saved! Go out and buy 2 copies! 1 for yourself and 1 for your dog! Then everyone scurries out and buys it to only find out that its nothing new nor better.

4427d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blops was suppose to save CoD then MW3.. I dont think they can save it until they revamp the ENTIRE game. Start from scratch and stop just taking the MW1 and building off of it.

4427d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This! theyll probably come out with something new and good on a new shiny engine or pick up one of this gen's higher quality ones and stick to it for all eternity.

Really wish they'd at least update the movements and gestures.. i forget the word for those but whatever. Theyre getting pretty ugly nowadays.

4429d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

well atm the G3A3 + Heavy Barrel + underslung + M26 DART combo does 400% damage instead of 150(?) so thats whats wrong with it currently. Buckshot shotties are pretty weak when you compare them to BC2 and other BF games. I think since theres such a large variety of maps and the new tiny tiny tiny tiny maps coming that they cant make their shotties that good tbh. Shotties just arent good on maps like OP firestorm but on smaller maps they do just fine. The 870 to the face is probably hit detect...

4431d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

G3A3 + Heavy Barrel + underslung + M26 DART = God Mode at all ranges. Also itll be just like the Famas and frag rounds, people will constantly use it and when its nerfed/fixed theyll cry. Though the Famas might have been fixed too much..

4431d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment