CRank: 5Score: 16020

"You fail; and unfortunately it is not just a subjective measurement of your ability to rationalize, but an objective pass/fail mark based on low level cognitive ability.:

You mean I was somehow immediately supposed to know that you have no taste for linear shooters? No taste for games with "no color palettes" and a "mud filter"? I don't your preferences in shooters, so that automatically lends itself to low conscious intellectual activity? Talk a...

4990d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

because well I haven't played either of them yet. But with regard to your comment, the same could sarcastically be said about people like you: We know you say Crysis 2 will undoubtably be better than Killzone 3 and we know you aren't a 360 fangirl.


0/10 + fail

Ah, does that mean I'll have to retake the test???

"you bring shame to Kurt Cobain"

Yeah and tell me which Nirvana song is ...

4990d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Not exactly subtle hyperbole. It's a bit amusing though when certain people like the writer of this article come up with the most ridiculous lines to try to convince themselves that Gran Turismo is absolutely NO COMPETITION for Forza. If you really think so, then you've never played any installment of the Gran Turismo franchise or are just delusional...or are just one sad S.O.B.

4991d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

were the days without the Internet. Back in those days kids, teenagers, and adults alike surely had their preferences. Some liked Nintendo better than Sega. Some liked Atari better than Intellivision. Some liked Gameboy better than Gamegear. But hell it just didn't seem to be so petty back then as it does now.

The E-Fanboy is what I think about when I hear the word fanboy. E-Fanboys are pathetic. Illogical. Irrational. Incorrigible. But the hell with it. The Internet has ...

4992d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

but is it COMPLETELY gone? I may be mistaken, but I think I read a few months back that GG claimed KZ3 will have an option or an alternate controller setup to make it feel just like KZ2. You know, for the Killzone purists...and for the people who didn't constantly b*tch that KZ2 didn't feel like COD4.

4994d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

82% of the titles you listed are multiplatform. Showing a bunch of multiplatform titles for the Xbox 360 doesn't provide any argument that Microsoft hasn't given "up the core". Look in comparison to the amount of hardcore first-party software Sony has scheduled so far just for 2011. Then look at what Microsoft provides in that same department; All software titles with the "Kinecta-" prefix fixed on them.

First-party. Ever heard the term, jcaashby? ...

4997d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

"It’s never too early to begin another round of console wars, even when one side remains UNANNOUNCED"

If you're going to troll, at least be a somewhat informed troll. GTFO.

4997d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just decided to go back to playing Killzone 2. Good thing I did because Black Ops may just about to become a freak show.

@ Disagreers

Oh that's right. I forgot. NO ONE plays Killzone 2 anymore, right? What was I thinking? Sorry for the miscommunication there. Can I please have a bubble back now? Idiots.

4998d ago 16 agree13 disagreeView comment

While simply putting pen to watermarked-paper for content associated with hardcore games.

Suggestion for Microsoft's new business slogan: "Timed hardcore glory is temporary. Casual glory is forever!"

4998d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as it sells, the Xbox sycophants will put it on a pedestal and praise it.

With what is considered hot and marketable in today's pop culture, if a Justin Bieber Kinect game were to be released, he'd probably be viewed as the next biggest Xbox icon since Master Chief.

4999d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Maybe not for the FPS fanatics (it's pretty much on par with 2010), but for everyone else, it looks pretty damn tasty!!!

5000d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

deadreckoning666, just for the sake of argument, why don't you provide a list of those 40 or so hardcore titles scheduled for the Xbox 360 in 2011?

I'm curious as to how much of those will be exclusive. Most likely not much. BTW dead, before you get on that, timed exclusive is not really exclusive.

@ Disagreers

Well why don't you guys just take point and provide the list that I've requested deadreckoning666 to do...Naw you won...

5000d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

Someone either at SCEA directly or from GG have already made a statement claiming that Killzone 3 will have both Move and Dualshock 3 servers. No disparity or unfairness is likely to happen in that regard in Killzone 3.

5001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5 sold over 5.5 million copies in about 16 days.


How are you going to respond to that? Xbox 360 owners are buying up all those units and not PS3 gamers?

Edit: He modified his comment. The schnook can't even stand behind his own words.

2nd Edit:...and now apparently he's even plag...

5002d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

All the while blind MS lackeys like you try to reinterpret it all your own way by saying "America is the only market that matters. If you ain't scoring in America, you ain't winning the game"

Far more pathetic and delusional responses, IMHO.

5002d ago 22 agree18 disagreeView comment

If anyone here is posting with pure emotion and no rationale or logic, it would definitely be you. Just because you cry out in front of the computer like a 13 year old girl with a whiny voice doesn't mean other people do.

Now did that make any sense to you? No? Oh well. Be damned. I guess no one can help you.

5002d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

You are troll, therefore you are. Trolling is just as synonymous with your daily life as going to the bathroom. It doesn't appear to be a simple daily distraction for you, hence no requirement for the word "job".

BTW, if you even care for communicating in proper English, it would be "I corrected it for you". Still a nice thought though. Thanks kid.

5002d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

He looks like he needs a swift kick to the face! Showing his teeth like that only reaffirms that statement. I'll be waiting in line.

Edit: This article was submitted by Loner? LOL, now that's funny. Don't quit your day-troll kid.

5002d ago 27 agree15 disagreeView comment

BTW, nice Vampires Suck avatar.

5003d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

But aside from that, how would it benefit Sony to simply focus on distinguishing the fire and ignoring the gas line? Cut the hackers out and send their a$$es to jail, and they won't be trying to circumvent any solution that Sony provides to the current hack. Divide and conquer!

If Sony were to simply focus on any current hacks alone, hackers would simply waste their days trying to find some OS backdoor and try to break the law and screw Sony over some more.

5003d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment