CRank: 5Score: 16020

But from what I've gatherned on this subject, Mass Effect has so much more gameplay time than Heavenly Sword, but all the textures and graphical effects are nowhere near the quality of Heavenly Sword.

I've read that most enviroments in Mass Effect are kind of bland and urbane. So to kind of answer you're question, it kind of boils down to quantity over quality in terms of visual substance. Mass Effect is a lot longer but Heavenly Sword looks better.

6066d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That would be great. I had the original metal gears when I had an NES but now I just have them in the MGS3 Subsistance package.

In regards to MGS4, I just wonder how old Meryl is; shouldn't she look a little older than she does in the trailers? (As long as she still has a great butt it'll be alright).

6066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because of the xbox 360 and its last-gen dvd format.

Rockstar was holding out hope that MS would allow them permission to require a hard drive to play the game. I think the 360 version is really going to hold back the developers true visions for GTA IV (since of course devs always have to develop to the lowest common denominator).

Rockstar has even said from the beginning that squeezing GTA IV down to a single DVD-9 on the 360 would be a tall order in comparison...

6066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

couldn't agree with you more!

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the losers that are half-idiot, half-moron that have nothing else in their lives to grasp on so they try to make themselves feel brazen and keen by trying to subvert what they don't have.

6068d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

All the Xbox Halo Freaks sure aren't going to like that headline. Now it's going to get all mad and personal.

6068d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think was one of the most deserving titles to be put on that list. That game literally cost like 100 bucks. Plus it's the only Final Fantasy game that I've never played (and that includes all those stripped-down game boy Final Fantasies that came out about 12 years ago).

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After reading all these recent posts this is all starting to sound like one giant family feud.

C'mon everbody! Make Love Not Warcraft! XD

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This site is going to turn into one giant, uncontrollable fanboy orgy. Eventually all the melancholy fanboys on both sides are going to start slapping and throwing all their clearasil tubes at each other.

6068d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course these 360 fanboy idiots only bring up half of the facts, otherwise they would not feel content with themselves and the decisions they make.

Just like how most of them choose to ignore the fact that the xbox 360 had a full year head start on the PS3, yet they LOVE to tout the "fact" that the xbox 360 has double the sales of the PS3.

If the PS3 and the xbox 360 were released simultaneously, sales figures would not be nowhere near where they are...

6069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't necessarily jump in my car and drive down to Gamestop to pick up this game based on this one review (who was that guy anyway?) but I have a real gut feeling that Uncharted will get great reviews from all the respectable sources out there (and I also have a gut feeling that all the 360 geeks will jump on the defensive saying its all a fluke).

This generation will be decided by first-party software, and Sony is clearly approaching the front lines will a powerful botall...

6069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sitting in front of a TV without a console to play because it's on the fritz leads you here to talk trash?? You got nothing better to do??

Well, let losers be losers.

6070d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uncharted should definitely take the place of Area 51 on that list.

6070d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

NOT!!! Never in a million years would this idiot speak for me!!!

I have the mentality of "if the PS3 is this great technological behemoth that can truly take the center mantle of you're entertainment center, why not take full advantage of its capabilities?"

PS3 is fueling the ongoing momentum of the Blu-Ray format because several PS3 owners, like myself, are buying Blu-Ray films. Why not get the most out of what you have?

6071d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am so glad I bought Tactics Ogre back when I did, which was about 7 years ago for only $12 used. I even have an original, non-greatest hits copy of Final Fantasy 7 that features a typo on the back of the case that was apparant in only the first runs.

Tactics Ogre and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 are probably two of the most valuable games I got.

Edit: Oh yeah I also forgot about Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete in perfect condition with the cloth map and the hard boun...

6071d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nariko is totally hotter than any of these chicks and yet...they totally neglected her. I guess more guys nowadays dig on Swine!

6071d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they want to dig themselves out of the hole than they better start renting out porn again. I know it wouldn't cause a huge turnaround but it would at least cause some kind of an upsurge in revenue.

6071d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those PS3 commercials are a hell of a lot more creative and consumer-luring than any xbox commercial I've seen.

6073d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

God, What a freaking geek and a loser! His little xbox 360 fanboy buzzer went off when he heard someone saying something positive and optimistic about the ps3 and now...Here He Comes to Save the Day!! Super Geek is on his Way!!!

F'n Pathetic.

6073d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are Definately some great bands in there like The Ramones and RHCP that make the lineup worthwhile, but they could have included tracks from some more definite 90's groups like Pearl Jam and Social Distortion. Of course instead they got to put in crappy bubble-gum pop rock like Fallout Boy (they stole that from The Simpsons BTW).

In Bloom is a great Nirvana track (great track to try and play to and rock out to when you're drunk or something) I personally hoped that anothe...

6077d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment