CRank: 5Score: 16020

You sound like your a fan-you know what (rhymes with toy) that got a little butt hurt from nevelo's comment about Uncharted not being possible on the 360. I assume, like the rest of the people that make that statement similiar to nevelo's, do so on the basis that they believe what the developers and other professionals within the gaming industry have said about Uncharted, and they have all said exactly that: I could not have been done on the 360 in the current state that it is in (to work on ...

6029d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Could of.

Would of.

Should of.

But Didn't.

Time to move on people.

6030d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

and plaster it on a poster that reads:

"My daddy didn't use a condom"

6031d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not only do you make up your own drivel and compunction as you go along, all you do is sit on your A** all day playing videogames and surfing the internet talking bad about a console you can't afford even if you put it on layaway. Wait...I know what your going to say: "The ps3 is sooo expensive anyway and its not worth it" If $400 is too expensive for you, you must be some back-town yokel that couldn't go to college and actually make something of yourself even if you wanted to.

6031d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's all you could muster up for a response??? You can't even respond to the exact context of my comment? What are you like 12? Did you have your Pizza-Boy father help you come up with that response?

6031d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like none of you unwary, imprudent 360 fanboys don't have to WAIT to continue playing when your xbox 360 overheats after only an hour of use and it farts out on you and you have to send it packing to Microsoft's inexpedient customer services departments to fix it.

Maybe in that little world you live in, called your parent's attic, such issues do not exist.

6031d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I hadn't already moved past COD4 and started playing The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: GOTY Edition.

Edit: Who the Hell disagreed with me??? What just because Oblivion is like a few months old its not "cool" to all the gamer geeks that I mention it?

Hey you Zit Farm, whoever the hell disagreed with me, If you even play COD4 online look me up on COD4 online: NegativeCreep427, and I'll more than gladly send your power-ranger-loving a** back to hell.

6031d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All the backtracking through the castle and the forest.

Having to fight the same few bosses more than once (especially that fat stupid toad and the viper chick with the vagina of death!)

A practically non-existent story that should have been brought out and develop on such a greater scale (Nero's girlfriend should have been involved more in the story as well as her brother).

The only improvement that DMC4 holds over DMC3, besides the obvious graphi...

6036d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


6038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beat That!

6039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got it?

6041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on baby you could do something so much me :)

6041d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
6045d ago

Does Microsoft even remember how they secured the exclusive DLC for GTA4? I sure do; they threw a suitcase full of $50,000,000 onto Rockstar's doorstep and they said "hey, you know that DLC you're making for GTA4? Yeah if you make sure it never sees the light of day on the PS3, than this suitcase is yours.

Is this stupid MS PR guy now trying to play it off like Rockstar CHOSE of their own free will to make the DLC exclusive to the 360 because they PREFER xbox Live and loat...

6045d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

This list is an instant fail!!!

Add to that the fact that the Dreamcast ranks higher than the PS2, the best-selling console of all time (which clearly stands for something), and that officially solidifies this list as a MEGA Failure!

Oh yeah, and the xbox 360 controller is not the best controller of all time. Maybe for FPS, but not as an all-purpose controller like the DualShock.

6046d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

then hell yes I would!

It would have to be set in the present, though. After play COD4 so much I am really attached to my G36C and M16A assault rifles; I couldn't go back to using Carbines and Lugers.

6047d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If there were a bunch of African-Americans fighting on the side of the Nazi army in any of the WW2 games, we probably would not have the volume of WW2 games that we currently have access to because of accusations towards the developers of being racist (I know Hitler was a racist and would never have even considered recruiting Black people for his army, even if he was experiencing staffing shortages, but you get my point anyway).

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The message that:

its alright to behead, slaughter, butcher, maim, terminate, assault and slay anybody you want to... just be damn sure that they are the same color as you!!!

6047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OH YEAH!!!!!!!

These new maps will certainly get me in the Frantic Fraggin mood!!!

NegativeCreep427 is back on the battlefield...with his iron-sights looking right at your A**

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have absolutely no intentions of playing this game (after all, if its on the level as the Atari E.T. game, you just know the game will devastate a portion of your soul), but knowing how bad the movie is it is no surprise how the game ended up.

The thing I hate the most about the movie is the lead actor, Hayden Christopher or whatever the hell his name is; One of the worst actors in Hollywood right now. The main reason I hate him with an unrelenting force is because he ruined ...

6050d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment