CRank: 5Score: 16020

Well don't worry kids. One day you will grow to realize yourselves that not every women outside of your mothers' kitchens talk and act like Snow White.

4859d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

So what is this blogger (i.e. amateur article writing/journalist) trying to say? That cursing and getting angry are personality traits that only men have? Are men the only sex that are vulgar and violent? Are these traits exclusive to men and men alone? Hardly. Not every female on the face of this planet is a delicate little flower, and one day when you actually get personal face time with women, you will come to know and believe it.

But then again, you could also look at it ...

4859d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

We won't know for sure until the end of next week. Until then, stop with all these pointless articles that fan the fanboy flames.

4859d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

"I love PS3 exclusives but they dont have the selling power of Gears and Halo..."

Well when you have an entire console that primarily sustains itself on two IPs and a userbase of said console whom are primarily interested in those two IPs, it's easy to see why.

What's that old saying? "Two big fish in a big, desolate pond" In such a case it's easy to get noticed, along with all the attention.

4860d ago 16 agree16 disagreeView comment
4865d ago Show

I don't care what build I play, as long as I can play it!

4865d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but you forgot to mention one important factor in your post/opinion: Pre-Rendered CG vs. Real-Time CG.

With regard to Pre-Rendered CG, the Final Fantasy IP is certainly up there, but in the realm of Real-Time CG (of which the current gaming generation is dominated by, at least by Playstation 3), some of Sony's top IP's like God of War and Uncharted are heavy contenders in that category that cannot be won over easily.

4865d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was blatantly inspired by Tomb Raider, but damn was it a fun and memorable game. I'm happy to say that I still have my original copy purchased back in January 2000.

4867d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shuhei Yoshida's quote is a good one: "Do not believe everything you read on the internet".

To compliment that quote, here is a quote from the band System of a Down's song "Aerials":

"When you lose small mind, you free your life".

4867d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"MW2 sold more units than COD4
Black Ops sold more units than MW2.
MW3 pre-orders are occurring FOUR times faster than Black Ops"

Well what does that tell you???

It tells you that online frag-and-camp-and-noobtube gameplay has reached the goddamn masses!

It tells you that the mass public love unbalanced weapons, un-dedicated servers, unfinished, patchable gameplay, and online competition that is so sporadic and unfa...

4868d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not necessarily a bad game, but still somewhat "meh". I still believe the original DMC is still the best, followed by DMC3.

If DMC would have stayed PS exclusive, it would have most likely been a better product than it was. After all, all the back-tracking and repetitive boss fights in the game was due to having to compress the data to fit within the space limitations of DVD9. I'f I'm not mistaken, someone from directly within Capcom had gone on record stati...

4868d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

If so, then expect to only do about three moves in the game: lame punches, half-a$$ed body slams, and geriatric leg drops.

Sounds promising, am I right?

4868d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Robin could be introduced at the very beginning of the game, then immediately dies off at the hands of Two Face and/or Joker. Batman then now has one more personal reason to get back at Two Face and Joker.

4868d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

and wait patiently until Microsoft upgrades you to it's revolutionary, ground-breaking, ever-ambitious new disc format. What with its INCREDIBLE 1 GB upgrade to 7.95 GB of maximum storage compared to the DVD format Xbox utilizes now.

Hey Sony, Eat...Your...Heart Out! Blu-Ray What???

LOL, oh nobody better be so damn dense as to not sense the immense sarcasm I'm hemorrhaging here.

4873d ago 74 agree6 disagreeView comment

At least here, at 12:14 A.M. U.S. PST, PSN users are now free to play amongst themselves online with the PSN service, but certain aspects of the PSN, like the Playstation Store, are still currently "under maintenance".

I just lit up Killzone 3 and competitive online is alive and kicking, but I cannot yet access the Playstation Store. Just like you, I'm waiting to see which 2 free games out of a selection of 5 is Sony granting to it's PSN users as a gesture o...

4881d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though it has been nearly four weeks for the PSN's downturn, I don't judge nor hate on Sony for it.

For one, because it was a result of some stupid, f*ggot external hackers akin to or actually Anonymous who are so God Damn short-sighted that they do not realize that what they do to Sony's public servers affect the same damn people who share the same common interests as they do.

For another, I do not quite base my entire livelihood on playing ...

4881d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Please give feedback if you have, for I don't quite now if I want to spend $12 tonight to view it or not.

4889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Here are the details of this program for PlayStation Network and Qriocity account holders in the United States only..." paying any attention now, Danielmccue...

"We are working to make similar programs available in other countries/territories where applicable. Information will be posted on local websites/blogs when available."

So don't lose any hope that Sony does not care about the integrity and the safeguard ...

4890d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

all these PSN "hackers" - whether they are actually associated with the half-a$$ed circus known as Anonymous or not - are not fighting for any universal cause.

For if they did, they would recognize - again assuming that they are half-intelligent amphibians who have at least graduated from high school - that crippling a global gaming network like Playstation Network only hampers and only has a detrimental effect on the people (i.e. Gamers) who have the same prevalent...

4890d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony could have just gone with their initial "Gesture of Goodwill" and given PSN users a free month of PS+, A free month of Qriocity, and a free game download, and could have just have been done with it.

But now, to ensure that customers have greater security over their personal information that is in line with their PSN accounts, they offer them:

Cyber monitoring and surveillance.

Priority access to licensed private investigators a...

4890d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment