CRank: 5Score: 16020

Hardcore games and hardcore gamers are a second priority for Microsoft.

4946d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

After all, this is not the late 90's, is it?

Edit @ BlazeCP3

It is not merely "ONE point" in the campaign. Using Final Fantasy XIII as an example, if you want to travel across a particular segment of the gaming world, you have to continuously change discs to progress to the new world and tread back to the discovered world.

You can't wait "50 minutes" (no doubt exaggerated)? Still, going off of what you said, what...

4946d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Back when all those ppl said that Blu Ray was a passing fad.

4946d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

they will still report negatively on this game.

4946d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA's exclusive license is almost up. Don't worry EA, despite the fact that when Gameday and NFL2k were relevant (2005 and past), you still had fanboys that would still finance your operations. Let the NFL license go free and prove your real worth against other competent sports developers. Don't be a b*tch and play alone in the National Football League software ring.

Oh yeah, on topic: MLB 11' has proven to be a worthy purchase so far. A key PS3 2011 exclusive?...

4946d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because Microsoft always has and most likely always will tout it's products sales (not quality, reliability, or sustenance) over any competitor's offerings.

From this story it's quite clear that Microsoft no longer relies entirely on inter-industrial comparisons to tout the offerings of it's Xbox division. You hear that shareholders, don't vote on dumping the Xbox division just yet...

Just wait for it...

The Kinect has sol...

4947d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

So was I.

4947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that there will be some degree of exaggerated hate levied upon this game soon. The main "excuse" will probably include it simply being an arcade racing game.

Sound asinine? Well this is another PS3 exclusive.

It can happen. Need proof?

4947d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Then you must not own a television.

4947d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well I got both. Self High Five!

4950d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

She is the ultimate Sugar Momma! She's rich...and...she's super hot. Perfect. Most attractive, voluptuous and classy (oxymoron?) women just look forward to marrying a rich man, becoming trophy wives and have no ambition and no goals beyond the next cosmetic surgery. Lara is the opposite of that. I wonder what Tom Leykis would say about Lara Croft if she was real.

4950d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

But don't go crying to daddy just yet about how you can't get no friends on N4G. Remember: you are entitled to an opinion, just not a uneducated opinion, which with you seems to be a native thing.

Finally down to one bubble again? Good. Stay there.

4950d ago 22 agree3 disagreeView comment

His secondary hobby is trolling.

4951d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

"...saying he can’t help giggling when seeing them and the peripheral looks like “glowing ice cream cones”"

Cliffy B. sure sounds and carries himself like a very insightful and mature businessman. /s

He talks bad about the comments made here on N4G, yet with such a moronic and immature comment like that, why should he hate? He would fit right in. His attitude pretty much goes along with most of the industry "journalists" and "critics&...

4951d ago 22 agree11 disagreeView comment

Educate yourself! The Joker is not just some quick time villain that was thrown in against Batman in some kind of last ditch effort. The Joker is to Batman as Lex Luthor is to Superman.

4952d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

If I do, then you should educate yourself more on the additional benefits and perks that PS Plus provides its subscribers beyond the ones that you have in mind.

If I don't, then just keep considering PS Plus and it's $50 a year-and-a-quarter (15 months), and if this is too much for you, than I hope for your sake that you are still in high school.

4952d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The early access demo of Mortal Kombat 9 (and several other incentives to pop up in the near future I'm sure) are the cup of milk after the cake.

MK 9 is looking killer. I'm even thinking about pre-ordering it. It's looking that damn good! Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, and Kratos FTMFW!!!

4952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After all, how can you blame me when a photo of Eminem's costar is right there in the title shot? Oh wow, now I can watch Rihanna on my PS3! When is Justin Beaver hitting my Playstation party? /s

But after reading into the opening paragraph and seeing Nirvana, Depeche Mode, Gorillaz, and Iron Maiden being mentioned, I withdraw my intentions for condescension. Vidzone, you just dodged a big bullet.

4952d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

which does not immediately equate to "the truth". I hope you learned something today kid.

@ Neckbear

What the hell does logic, in the literal sense of the word, have to do with determining which game is funnier than the other?

Edit @ Neckbear

Some of the dialogue, particularly involving Sev, Rico, and the main stubborn-as-hell commander guy whose name escapes me right now, was a bit witty and funny in a brash sort o...

4954d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

That was one of the features that REALLY made KZ2 stand out amongst its competition.

I loved it primarily because I mostly play as a Tactician and strategically using the spawn grenade (and not just throwing it in the middle of the freaking fire fight just for the sake of using it) was a highlight of KZ2 for me. Knowing that my well-placed spawn grenades helped turn the tide for my team really brought a sense of accomplishment.

I hope Guerrilla at least brin...

4956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment