CRank: 5Score: 38810

Kratos is black? is that because TC carson who voices him is black? So samurai Jack is black too?.... since phil Lamarr does his voice. I must've missed something during the plot development - thought he was spartan.

Anyway, I played Starhawk at E3. To call it a sequel would be to insult it. Completely new experience than Warhawk. Probably my most anticipated game for 2012...even after playing ninja gaiden 3 at E3.
Hopefully I can play it at comic con next mont...

4752d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

unfortunatley... I was at E3 yesterday. Game might PLAY a bit different, but looks like WoW. I didn't play it but watched a guy who was on a speeder literally spend about 2 minutes piloting said speeder through a cave at like 20mph. no combat, not one obstacle. very boring S**T.

THIS is the game I'm supposed to upgrade my PC for? I'll just stick with my PS3/Xbox for now.

I would forgive bioware if they scrapped the game and just made a few mov...

4758d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I was in that little theater showing too! a little before 1pm. the guy practically begged folks to go in there yesterday since there was no line. I loved the little blonde booth chick with the silicone--- oh wait... that doesn't really prove anything.

Anyway, the game is shaping up to be great. The submission system was kind of confusing, but it seemed really fair assuming that both players know what they are doing. new players are going to get submitted every single time...

4759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having went to E3 yesterday, and not being there for the press events, I have to say sony wins. Their booths were the most accessible, and they had the best setups to play their exclusive games. Sony and Nintendo share a wing, and MS and big publishers like Activision/EA/Tecmo etc share another wing.

I had the most fun in the Sony Section... Uncharted 3 was the only game where the line was really too long (like 30 minutes +)

I got to play Resistance 3, Starha...

4759d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

ok mr. emo. take that attitude to the open zo- oh wait.... nevermind.

Who cares about any game if that's the case. Another halo, MW, GOW, Wii.... why even bother waking up?

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this game, but hope this guy is wrong about not being able to get more weapons. I know there is no more muramasa shop, but they better give us more weapons, this ain't 1990 TECMO!!! And who can resist the falcon's talons?

4760d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

not even close. I would prefer to not even compare the two. I will say i enjoyed GOWII more than NG2, but they are different games.

4762d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the response was pretty bad there, but it wasn't like they YELLED boo's.... just a bunch of groans. There are downsides to any network out there. What if he said sprint? Would that be "cool"? It's a business, risk comes with the territory. People always hate until the $hit takes off and is successful. There are a lot of people on ATT, like it or not.

4762d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope they take their time and make a complete game. I feel like the second one was a bit rushed. Poor character development, unbalanced, cheap, boss fights, but good weaponry and combat. I like the platforming elements in the first game...they need to put more emphasis on that aspect this time around.

I don't mind DLC, and I own both sigma's, NG, NGB, and NG2 on xbox, but let's try to make a complete version this time out the gate?


4767d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Just because sony has smart people, doesn't mean they are the ones calling the shots. You can't plan on being hacked, but you can respond better, and be more vocal with your fanbase. We have NO ETA on the PS store returning, and still no cross game chat, and backwards compatibility is gone.Sure i have it now, but if my PS3's GONE.

The games and PSN+ plus were a nice offering...two weeks ago, but i already have three of the gam...

4771d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The game still was one of the best sleeper hits of 2010 and best 3D 'vania to date. Great story, quality voice acting, good mechanics.... who cares about the canon? Do people actually lose sleep over this stuff?

I never saw this game coming. Enjoyed it more than God of War 3, actually. and that is saying a lot.

4781d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

F this game.

They (ATARI) need to bring back SPACE LORDS!!!!

THAT was a space shooter. It had melee mode, co-op, battle royale....good stuff.

4781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they have time to decide all that, then i hope they make a section where you are actually controlling the normandy. I spent all this time on ship and weaponry upgrades in ME2 just hoping id be rewarded with a cool ship battle, but no...all cutscene.

If Final Fantasy VII could do motorcyles, snowboarding, airships, and the golden saucer; give me damn normandy mini-game!


4782d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alot of folks have been killed battling with CUBA, Klepto. Just cause it's not a declared war doesn't make it friendly. bay of pigs fiasco, political prisoners, all the folks that drown in rafts trying to escape the castro regime, and lets not forget the impending nuclear holocaust during the cuban missle crisis.

These kids today....

4797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, I don't believe everything uncle Sam says either, but at a certain point, you just end up sounding like a birther. The thing JUST went down yesterday, wait for them to release photos, dude got shot in the head (boom, headshot) so it might take a while to photoshop that.

All the people who still doubt it? YOU PRODUCE THE PROOF.

4797d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure Saddam was hung after the Iraqi people found him guilty. I actually have the video on my hard drive of him falling through the gallows.

It's best that he be buried at sea. No country wants his remains, cause they know it's just going to cause fanatics to try and take action against him.

ANYWAY, I don't think anyone is going to have the stones to put him in a game anytime soon. Took 50 years to put Castro in a game and that ...

4797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm actually having fun with the beta. A lot more fun than the second one, with better maps. Are there problems and balance issues that I hope they will correct? Of course - it's a beta.

They seemed to make the maps much larger this time around, no longer can you count on knowing the small map and hiding in a spot where no one can get to you while you torque bow folks from across the way. If you camp for too long you will usually find yourself on the wrong end of th...

4797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

would you rather Kaz commit seppuku?

4799d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes, Devil May Cry 3 is a prequel too, just like MGS:3, but they were NAMED that by the creators, not fans. Halo Reach is simply Halo:Reach. ODST could be halo 4 if you wanted to be a prick about it.

4802d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

" I see the president has armed his daughter with BALLISTICS, as well!"

4804d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is too bad. Hopefully the next DLC will be better.

4836d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment