CRank: 5Score: 38810

Firefight with MATCHMAKING!!!!!

Kind of tough to be directly compared with Horde mode when you don't have matchmaking. Not all of us have time to sit around and wait for our friends to come home from work so we can send them invites.

Either way, I'll still be picking this up on day one.

5264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

more like 12 years. The first one came out in 1998. I was just finishing up my junior year in high school. In 12 more years, ill be FOURTY. I don't really have the patience for this.... But I guess you can take your time when you have a cash cow like WOW.

5265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but einhander or parasite eve would be good to have. Had go create a Japanese account, paypal some Japanese points (at an inflated price) to get Einhaner here in the US. Too much work for something that's been available over there for a long time now.

5272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Pirate is talking about the first game. It has been out for over 2 years, so i think i can give him the benefit of the doubt in having played it.

I actually enjoyed it on my PC even though I could only run it at the worst settings. For a game about aliens, it did seem like i was killing the same Koreans for a loooooooooong time. I hope they don't find their way into NYC...

5279d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 was $60 bucks for well over a year, despite selling millions. Your point is taken, but its really subjective what games drop. Yes, Sony is slower to drop prices in some instances, but Mass Effect hasn't even been out 3 months and they are dropping it already.

Either way, its a win for folks who haven't played yet. I played the F*** outta the second game. After i beat FF14 I'll come back for the DLC.

5284d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


But after nuking a country can we really tell them what to do at home? We can't even get them to stop whaling. We all know rape is wrong, but there are bigger problems to tackle out there. Maybe its Japan's response to combat the low birth rate. I could see if it was aimed at running around killing a specific ethnic group, but these aren't exactly mainstream games just because they are available digitally.

I still am shocked the english girl said it didn't offen...

5289d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

thanks for the heads up!

Too bad I'm still banned! :P

5289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did this garbage get approved? This isn't really news, that video was on God of War I in the treasures; released in 2005 for beating God Mode i think. Still have the original disc.

Seemed like they were toying around with what direction to go for in the sequels. They showed us the kratos and brother arc, and then the zeus and kratos-mom harpy curse.

Noticed the game hinted at a Jedi twin-esque arc with the zeus comment SPOILER "your pawn has failed, maybe you sh...

5296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


How did bayonetta get a 9.5 again? That's crap. I don't remember the bar being so high with the graphics in GTA4 either. If its not perfect in IGN's eyes, we really shouldn't care. We are all used to their reviews by now so the incosistency shouldn't surprise anyone.

Go out and buy the game, play it till you're sick of it, then play it some more. I for one already have scheduled the 16th off of work.

its going to be a good week with FF13 and G...

5311d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

still no EINHANDER for the US Store.

5326d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but when mistakes cost you money, you need to be more careful. That's why they have focus groups and testers. I would have waited an extra month or two for the game to play matchmaking.

Halo ODST might have been my favorite campaign outside HALO:CE, but I work a 9 hour day and don't have time to call up all my friends and wait for them to get on the xbox to play some ff.

I'm sure they will get better with REACH. game looks good and I'm confident bungie will go out on...

5328d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

5.5 is too low. Not surprising coming from IGN here in the states, ride a game all throughout the preview stage, and don't complain about its graphics, then when the review drops....JUST BASH IT TO HELL.

Can't even remember how many other games they've done this with. I've already beaten the predator campaign and feel the IGN UK review has a fair score of 7.5. Still a good game, not a GREAT game, but I don't have any problem playing solid games.

Not every title can b...

5331d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

speaks the truth

5335d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I had high and I mean, REALLY high hopes for this game. I saw it demoed at E3, been following every little tidbit of info...and then they drop the ball on the demo....HARD! I mean, why even have a demo if its going to SUCK? The purpose of these Demo's is to entice us as consumers to go out and buy this stuff on day one, but all this did was turn me off.

last night I downloaded it off PSN, and couldn't even find a game, why not just offer a short single player section. I couldn'...

5342d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

was the worst one. light and dark world was cheap....

you don't get the screw attack until late in the game and only really use rarely.

I never owned a gamecube or wii, but borrowed the systems from friends for these games, and ONLY these games.

The first one was still the best for me.

5344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

already reviewed this didn't they? Don't really see how previews are still relevant.

Either way, I hope this game does well. I think the IGN review was a bit too harsh.

5344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

itself warrants this article. Related or not. Funny Stuff.

5346d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

for this one. I saw it being demoed at E3 and it played pretty damn good. Naturally there were some bugs so only the rebellion staff could play while you watched.

Still, I've been impressed the last few months with the trailers and vid docs, and IGN previews, I just really hope they don't do a 180 when the game comes out (think StarWars episode III, force unleashed, lair, dark void...etc) and slam the game into next week. Nothing pisses me off more than when they ignore how much ...

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe, now just maybe folks...they'll finally be able to sprint. I love halo, seriously. Read all the books, played all the games ad nauseum....but it bothers me that a billion dollar spartan can't f***ing RUN!!!

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people are going to have problems understanding that sentence buddy.

They could be playing PC, or on a modded xbox. One of the advantages of being banned is you don't care WHEN the game is supposed to come out, lol.

5355d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment