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What the hell is COD 4?


5055d ago 4 agree32 disagreeView comment

right. I liked sigma 2 and would regard it as the complete version if it wasn't for the purple mist maiming that was going on. I know the frame rate suffered big time on the 360 when a lot of body parts were on the ground (bought both versions the day they came out)

Hey Team Ninja: how about you build a respectable version on the PS3 for once from the ground up that doesn't come out years later? Develop simultaneously for once, so we don't NEED a sigma version! ...

5070d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

for people who give a damn about being signed out of live. I could care less. I paid for the game, the game had a glitch. If it wasn't for the internet, they'd have to live with it like the "old days".

You could spend days in that game and not beat it. As long as you paid for it, the cheating argument doesn't really make sense. My Game, My time, my money.... I'll do what the hell I want to.

5083d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

just "update" your credit card number with invalid information.


5087d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

mini sentinels.... "this one's for you, MORPH!!!"

almost forgot who dazzler was.

5094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I'll still play it. Vader voice actor needs work. Dude sounds like a punk. Might as well have hired T-pain, but I suppose James Earl Jones is getting up there.

As long as there's dismemberment I'm on bored. And no more WHINING, Starkiller!!!

5098d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

more so than EA for removing the Towelie-ban from MoH.

how many times have they swore up and down it was coming out in April? They obviously don't have confidence in their line up. I know, its a business, and they have to worry about their bottom line at the end of the day. Sadly, I like gears, and played Gears 3 at comic con and it was looking and playing solid (multiplayer only). I could understand moving it to summer, but another year?!

Good thing ther...

5104d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

mikeh0918 for clearing that up. I have the limited edition but i haven't had time to read any of halseys busy fragging in firefight. I'll have to read up on the split cortana stuff. I remember her being able to "clone" herself in First Strike though...


I just meant it seemed like the forerunners built her. I know she was inside the tube.

5105d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not really, if they can convince the masses that a SEASON of 24 occurs in real time, a day isn't that bad. Dead rising tried it as well. I'm sure there are others.

Your point is correct though. It's a damn video game. Who cares if the cannon doesn't line up. All of Nylunds books are great - first strike, ghost of onyx, and the fall of reach. Bungies games are great too.

I had plenty of "huh?" moments. especially with cortana being a ...

5105d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

after the way the last one ended, a sequel is going to be required. Kind of hard to be %100 original when games have been around for 30 years now though.

Guy below has a point. That last level where you have to keep creating those damn portals got old QUICK!!!. Good Story though, which is rarer than a blue whale these days.

5144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if TFU is the worst star wars game you've ever played, clearly you never laid eyes on Masters of Teras Kasi on Playstation or Revenge of the sith on PS2. I agree the force unleashed was overhyped and we all hated the star destroyer part, but it was a step in the right direction. TFU 2 might be pretty decent - which is all I can expect. That's a big license to live up to. Oh god, getting a headache thinking about teras kasi.... rather play rebel assault II forever....

5150d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can tell there's a LOT of love in this room.

5162d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

will get you F'd up in tekken.

5168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Soldner X-2 SMOKES afterburner. It's not even close, I own em both. You can beat afterburner in 11 minutes.

5168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

going to prison with rapists and people who've killed with their bare hands but you just snuffed somebody over an xbox?

They gon' wear that @SS out every night. We should send him some hemorrhoid cream and some knee pads. It's going to get ROUGH for that guy.

5181d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great game, but not too much replay value. Loved the puzzles and the freeze time/water/ mechanic, but after you beat it you will say "meh". Story was good too.

5189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not forgetting. The comic was great. (and free) Then deadspace downfall gave us an even better picture of what the hell went wrong on the ishimura and how the captain died.

5190d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the taxes i pay, I better be taken care of dammit.

5248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if he's a puppet, what does that make you? we all have our strings pulled at some point. Deny it you want to. I think a political debate has no place in this forum.

Try not to take comments out of CONTEXT, he is speaking to a group of college grads at a prestigious university. I think they already understand the pros and cons of today's digital barrage.

People take things way too personally, I have easily spent over 8K on video games in my life, I...

5248d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i love this excerpt:

"Rather than do it in the traditional US way of winning on the sports field or fighting in countries that do not have the same weapons ability, the teen burned the midnight oil playing computer games."

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. How exactly did the UK colonize India and Hong Kong, not to mention the carribean? It sure as hell wasn't by trading earl grey. Yeah the US is the big bad boogey man, but why not just le...

5259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment