CRank: 5Score: 38810

compared to what? Did you actually play it? People are bashing this game for no reason other than that it's popular. This was better than Lament of innocence for sure, and I loved that game on PS2. There is no "back to your roots of castlevania" you pick up simon's quest and tell me how boring that gets. SOTN was awesome, but it's 16 years old. This game told a great story, and to be honest, probably isn't as good of a game OVERALL as the first one, but still a reall...

3853d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

You should be (glad you bought it), people are acting like this was a betrayal.... aka Colonial Marines. If you liked the first game, you will like this one. Most of the grueling platforming is gone. No more holding your breath while you go for jump 19 of 20, knowing if you fall, you have to fight 6 Wargs again to get to said jump.

Castlevania was never supposed to be AAA, the last one shocked EVERYONE by trying something new, and still being enjoyable. I thought Reverie D...

3858d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's no poor execution of any aspect of this game. Poor is a strong word and assumes the developers set out to do soemthing that just didn't work.

This is a better game for me than Arkham Origins, because on XBOX 360, I haven't seen one bug yet. Arkham deleted my save files, not corrupted. they are just GONE. IGN scored it higher than LOS2.... now WB montreal says they won't even address the bugs.

People are just being b*tchmade and ent...

3858d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are fish. If someone reads negative review, then THEY review the game with that bias and go full steam.If people were forced to review the game in confinement and put it out there with no knowledge of other critics scores, I could understand. Same thing with consumers "oh it got a 6.5 so I'll get it on steam". IGN is the worst, they rated this game lower than buggy Arkham Origins????

Having almost beat the game already (all weapons mastered, just hunti...

3860d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes, you are Dracula, but you aren't invincible since he's been sleeping forever. He starts off weak. What fun would it be if you just ran through unopposed. If you followed Mirror of Fate, you'd see how Gabriel was weakened.

3861d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I gotta say I'm disappointed with the Reviews. I've been playing the game for a few days (yes, I bought it :P) and I love it. The IGN folks gave it a 6.5 which is waaay too harsh compared with what they rated COD ghosts. Anyway, the weapons are awesome, and gone are a large part of the frustrating fails of the platforming elements from the first game. You know, hit jump 11 out of 12, fall on jump 12.... then start all over again.

Is it as good as the first? Hard to ...

3861d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Right, this game is gonna be damn good. I just downloaded "Mirror of fate" off of PSN and THAT is a damn good game too if you haven't played. it.

Impressive article though, didn't think anyone was going to beat out the Sephiroth Choir.

Hopefully I don't get my heart broken again like last February with the hype that surrounded Colonial Marines.

Either way, I'm still buying LoS2.

3885d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It might be, but we won't actually know for sure because only one freakin episode has come out in the last 3 months - EVEN though they are selling the season pass!

At any rate, I love the second season of TWD so far. Gruesome

3913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why not just port rogue squadron from gamecube, add some trophies and achievements, and be DONE with it.
Look, I love star wars as much as the next guy, but how many times can we play the same game? Tie Fighter, Rebel Assault II, all great games. I don't know what the final product is going to look like, so I'll withhold judgment on the game, but this trailer looks like a polished turd.

3931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have they patched the bug yet that makes people's saves disappear? No point in playing until that gets fixed. A rep from WB literally told me just to start a new game if I was having trouble with deleted saves. It's a shame.... I really enjoyed the game up until my save stopped being recognized by the game, but was present, viewable, and uncorrupted on my HD.

3952d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't let the metacrap scores fool you. This is a GOOD, solid game. Downgraded just because Rocksteady wasn't involved, and all of a sudden it's "more of the same"? Forget talking about COD or Madden, it's just a solid, fun Batman game with a good storyline and combat. Same as Arkham City with a new story.

3981d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't worry Dan, the title of the article is just a cry for attention and web traffic. I just got the game 3 months ago and played so much it damn near put my job in jeopardy (I'm 31). Knowing full well I had to be at the office in the morning, I would play till 4 or 5 am on weeknights. Can't wait for the expansion....

4040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will gladly help Randy end his life. Seppuku style.

All I wanted was some frantic blasting xenos, "horde mode" style, and I get a steaming pile of $hit.

Make a new game called "colonial marines: were sorry edition"

4227d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Aliens was my favorite movie too, so I'm very disappointed. I was actually at E3 in 2011 when they put out a trailer for this, and am very disgusted by what I'm hearing is a garbage game.

I think Randy Pitchford should answer for this rubbish personally. I remember him saying this was going to be all the rage during the first gameplay trailer, and now we have this embarrassment? I won't even play it from the bargain bin.

They need to release a &qu...

4233d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with the man above, save for the part about it being "unfinished" unpolished turd perhaps, but they had plenty of time to "finish it" Mass Effect 3 and Dead Space 3 had far shorter cycles and turned out great. The vision on this one was great, but the polish on the GAMEPLAY seems to be missing.

I'm still gonna play it, but not for 60 bucks.

4238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's sad.... I haven't played the game yet, but the fact that the reviews are scathing, and people saying AVP 2010 is a much better game, even though 2/3rds of it isn't based on Marines.... it's just sad.

This feels worse than when the reviews for LAIR came out.

I realize IGN and other large news sites have to make their money, but it was wrong to preview this game for years, and not give people ANY inkling it was THIS bad, then on release day...

4238d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Godchild, if the damn network is down, then no one is playing online. If no one is playing, no one is buying content from the store ANYWAY, so the piddly little updates could wait. I'm not really that upset, I was just looking forward to playing after a long week of actual WORK, so I'll just have to wait a bit.

4263d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Here we go again!!!! Why is it that this crap always happens during the weekend when I am off of work!?!?! Why not start maintenance on a Tuesday. Tuesday sucks anyway, right?

4264d ago 25 agree10 disagreeView comment

Dude in the second clip is no joke. He Rapin' Errbody.

4280d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

roflmao at title FAIL

4285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment