XBOX ONE X the Beast
CRank: 5Score: 61390

lmao i see u have crawled out of ur cave to post new ballocks,how many times does it take to sink into ur thick noob skull the 360 gpu is a more advanced gpu than the rxs

6606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 gpu is a custom build state of the art gpu designed for future direct 10 games in mind,developers are just getting started with the xbox 360,as games become more shader intensive this is when you will see the 360 gpu really shine,this is just the start,the rxs is just a modified 7900 which will quickly lag behind the 360 gpu in term of graphic affects as time goes by..enough said

6610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get back in your cave u noob,its shows how much u know,in a previous post u stated the ps3 7900 was better than the 360 gpu,u twat noob the 360 gpu wipes the floor with the 7900.So go twaddle off back to ur cave and dont post ballocks unless to know what ur talking about u noob.....

6611d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest i think the ps3 is just getting old now,its not got that same exitement it had when it was first announced,all the delays and lies have just sapped my love for the ps3,the fact that sony has shown us lame demos and false promises its just not got that x factor anymore,hell it doesnt seem that cutting edge now.And the price dont get me started on that,all am saying i wont be rushing out to buy a basically half assed machine thats no more capable than the 360, and i for one dont th...

6611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said my man i agree with u 100%,but the sony fanboys wont believe a word of it,they still believe all the bull sony have sprouted over the past year even though its been proven that sony lied.There a bunch of brain washed drones...

6612d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

judging by what games hes seen lmao,theres only been a few shown and they were mince,dont make me laugh Assassin's Creed was shown on a 360 at e3 lol tryed to pan it off as a ps3 game running,what a joke, pszero shown nothing but vapour ware and cgi passed of as real gameplay that much has been proved and u know whats the biggest joke of all U FANBOYS STILL SAP IN EVERYTHING FONY TELLS U dont u ever LEARN when ur been taking for a ride up the garden path...

6613d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awesome price thats about 110 GBP THATS A TOTAL BARGIN cant wait hd dvd all the way

6614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the last time i looked the cell had i core and 7 spe,this guys keeps on sprouting that the cell has 8 cores...quote
Additionally, the 8 operational cores of the Cell, with 2 threads on one core provides for far more options for multithreading games. But I guess he forgot to give Playstation 3 the same objective look.The guy cant even get the right number of cores on the cell right..i rest my case

6614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats not to say if the cell will be downgrated to 2.8 cause of pathetic yeilds

6614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony lie all the time,the guys talking utter mince,he didnt even get the number of spe on the cell right,the ps3 has 7 spe not eight and most of the spe will be takin up by the ps3 operrating system and audio as well of decoding the beta ray,as for the rxs its a 7900 modifed old news.

6614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Surpise surpise no playable demos of ps3 games,wtf is fony playing at,3 months to launch and still no concerte games or finished i forgot i seen a wooden one next to the 360 a few days ago lmao,its really pathetic to see fony has no playable demos for thier drones to play..what a fu@k up,it seems all smoke and mirror stuff to me,give us some flaming playable demos to judge just how good the pszero really is..enough said

6614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1 million for some exstra maps,microsoft know what there doing and this is just the begining,pszero better watch out,the 360 rocks its just getting better and better

6624d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its really funny how sony have kept the pszero specs so tigh lipped,if they were so amazing u would think they would be shouting them out from the roof tops,ive not heard 1 thing about the rsx gpu for months now,why plz inlighten me,the same goes for the cell chip to,so whats the script with that is it going to run at the speed sony have been saying or what.Come on to f@ck fony give us the final hardware specs,dam give us a finished product for all to see,how big is it how much does it weigh ...

6625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So weres the final specs then,i want to know whats the rsx specs, the final speed of the cell,the final specs of the beta ray,come on sony tell us.This tell us nothing.....

6625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6626d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your the man,i like ur comments and read ur posts all the time,ur the only guys who tells it like it is.Why cant you sony fanboys wake up and smell the coffee the ps3 is overhyped and overpriced,admit it come on,i myself have stood back and realised the ps3 is not what it was made out to be,sony have screwed u all with their lies and bullsh:t,you know it makes sense....WAKE UP

6626d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i downloaded the demo today and its amazing,makes grand theft look plain,the pyshics are cool and the graphics are top notch,ill be getting this game first days its released...

6627d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look guys sonys got their hands squeezing asuses balls,there calling the shots thats why asus is flapping like a bi/ch

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony r such a arrogant company,all respect and loyalty for them has been pissed into the wind.

6639d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

look lets take a good hard look at the beta ray and hd dvd,1 beta rays high costs will bring it down you mark my words,hd dvd is far easyier to manafacture the disks will be cheaper,they will be more durible,yes but beta ray holds more,no hd dvd will add a exstra layer and it still be cheaper than beta ray,hd dvds compreshion is better than beta ray hence better quality,at the end of the day price and the hd dvd name will win through in the end i guarente it...

6641d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment