XBOX ONE X the Beast
CRank: 5Score: 61350

considering gow is 12 hours long on dvd9,am hoping Resistance spans 100 hours plus lmao,if there using 22 gig u dam well make sure its 22 gig worth of gameplay,come on whats all the extra space using,is the game going to be massive and take an eternity to complete or is its just sony propaganda to justifie beta ray,i smell a rat a big might be able to pull the wool over thier sony fanboy bot eyes,but not to the rest of the world,and dont get me started on phill harrison,him and bar...

6456d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Theres so many amazing new games coming out for the 360 its going to cost me a small fortune lol,ive never came across this about of stunning mind blowing games on one system,this is no joke guys but ive bought more 360 games than any other console ive had to date which is just mind blowing,and still microsoft keeps on churning out so many amazing games i cant keep up,am in heaven.Ill just have to work longer hours to get my 360 games fix lol..

6460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seem to recall either DJ or THE TRUTH saying that there was low polys in the charactor, seems they were wrong again.. A little snippet from the dev...Bearing in mind the current furore surrounding the supposed difficulties of developing for Sony's PlayStation 3, how has Mass Effect's development for the new Xbox 360 faired?

The biggest challenges of this generation really come from the massive leap in fidelity (not just graphics, but animation, sound, etc.) and the detail re...

6461d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awesome got to have one of thoses babys.HDDVD

6462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said buddy, again your comments speak the truth and are interesting to read.Good job

6462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this game running at 720p or 1080p,i think the frame rates going to be 30fps its a nice looking game,ill prob pick this one up some time next year when the ps3 launches in the UK,but i still need to wait for a price drop am not paying 425 pounds+ for this baby,its way over my budget...

6462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hardly surprising givin the measly amount of consoles for launch

6462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Once the 360 taps into the vast reservoir of directx 10 features ps3 is going to have lol trouble keeping up,of what ive seen of dx10 so far it just blows me away,remember microsoft owns dx10 so anythings possible,dont get me wrong the graphics on the ps3 are impressive ill be the first one to admit that but without the dx10 capabilites of the 360 i think the 360 will have the edge on ps3 graphicly

6468d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And remember xbox 360 games were rushed to make the 360 launch frame and boy they still looked awesome,so that says a lot about the power of the machine,developers are just getting to grips with the unifed shaders and triple core duel threaded cpu,holy sh:t and when the 360 gets to grips with those DX10 capabilties and memexport the skys the limit...

6468d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your right on the the ball there buddy,if the ps3 was RELEASED when promised and yeah sony stated the ps3 will launch spring 2006 remember all the hype and bull from sony,so ps3 games have had a lot longer time to polish and tweak for their launch date lol and still there barely on par with 360 games say a few good title like motor storm which i think looks nice,but plays a bit slow but impressive none the less.So this argument about ps3 launch titles looking on par with 2nd generation xbox 3...

6468d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO ANOTHER rabid sony fanboy that needs putting down lol

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ive been watching a few of the ps3 games running in 1080p and there is a difference it just looks better running in 1080p,i for one will be snapping up one of theses hdmi cables as soon as they are available,i mean the 360 games look mindblowing running in 720p,gods knows how they will look in 1080p AWESOME

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hackers spoil it for everyone,devs need to make thier money from the games they make otherwise there wont be any video games market

6470d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Finally the news ive been waiting for hdmi for the 360,lol just hurry up and release it already

6470d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cheers buddy

6470d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How long to you think ps3 games have been in production for,the ps3 was suspose to launch last spring so this first ps3 generation and xbox 2nd generation thing doesnt count for sh"t.All 360 and ps3 games have been in prodution for more or less the same frigging time,the 360 just happened to get out of the staring gates first, lol and still 360 games look on par if not better than ps3 games.Think about it you know it makes sense,and people who disagree are just rabit fanboys

6470d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What is it with you man give it a flaming rest,you say you have a 360 but all i hear is bash bash bash from you.Am sorry to say this but your hypocrite,grow up and just admit your a sony fanboy

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a rabid sony fanboy at the worst,this twat needs putting down or banned,his kind of comments make geniune gamers look bad..

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys am not a fanboy i love games any games reguardless of what console there on ,i bought my 360 on launch day and have had the best gaming of my life period and i was really looking forward to some ps3 gaming, BUT then they announced the price and then blue ray crap and that was it for me along with all the bull.£425 is a lot of dosh to fork out in anyones book then theres games and cables ontop of that and were talking round about £600,how much that translates to $$$ i dont know...

6471d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looks good,shiny though lol,ill propebly pick one up some time next year if the price drops,i just cant justify spending £425 plus and thats not including the games its just to dam exspensive,besides the wife would kill me spending that much on a games console lol,and thats coming from a games fanatic so that says somthing.I have bought every console to date from the dreamcast to the xbox 360 which i may add is an awesome machine,but and its a big but the ps3 justs costs to much and it w...

6471d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment