XBOX ONE X the Beast
CRank: 5Score: 61390

Give a rest why dont you,your the hardcore and i mean hardcore sony fanboy,its the averrage joe on the street that will decide to buy the ps3 if the price is right and if it launches with good games,there the main bulk of the buying public,and guess what the price is not right and the launch games arent really up to much,also ive personally noticed a trend with most of my friends and familys kids is that there not really interested in getting a ps3 which is quite surpising considering everyo...

6570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

More like The lies,this guys posts BS hes the ultimate sony drone,the guys a idiot anything this guy posts and comments on is to be by taken by a large pinch of salt

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look guys am not a playstation hater by any means,i have had the ps1 and the ps2 well a good few ps2 come to think of it,the flaming things kept busting on me,then i got myself a xbox awesome machine now i own a 360 which which i can truthfully say is the best console ever am that impressed,it common sense really the games are amazing,online is just out of this world,theres never been anything like it.Now the ps3 i will get one some time maybe the end of 2007 when the price drops,its just not...

6571d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice articule buddy,the ps3 is in a lot of trouble right now,this gen is a whole new ball game now.Sony became to aragant,they did not count on consumers losing faith in a company that only wants to shove beta ray apon us,and the lies have damaged any credabilty they once had,along with the laughable price they have set thinking people will buy it because its PLAYSTATION,how wrong they are..apart for the few remaining sad sony fanboys lol.

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never never land show in the fairy kingdom lmao,YOU NEED TO LAY OF THE BOOZE,the ps3 did have a good showning but we all exspected a lot more,the WII stole the show,xbox 360 hadd a great showing and is keeping all the best stuff for 0X6 IN SPAIN,bring on the mighty 360

6571d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But whats the point if lmao the machine overheats and shutsdown,it was happening all over TGS THE PS3 WAS OVERHEATING,LOL it cant handle 1080p for no more than a few hours then it shuts down lmao

6571d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO sony fanboys read it and weep,ps3 is the biggest joke on the internet and the world right now lolololol

6571d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You twat,racist sony fanboy this is about games not peoples lifes,have you been to india.Some one needs to kick this slime ball

6572d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We will see come launch day,but if they are exspensive there going to lose big time,but common sense predicts that givin blue rays high priced costs,developers rising budgets and an unproven tech it doesnt look good,but like i said we will see soon enough..

6572d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice job buddy,but its the sony fanboys theres no getting through to theses mindless drones,this games list was voted by the people who atended the shown,what cant speak cant lie its in black and white for all to see,read the list and take of the fanboy specs

6572d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Of all the sony fanboys you talk the biggest load of mince,your so far up sony i dont know where sony begins and u end,both systems have thier strong points,get over it the 360 is just as powerfull as the ps3,grow up and stop with the mindless babble

6573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DJ wtf is it with you and hdmi 1.3,the average joe doesnt have a clue about hdmi 1.3 never mind 1080p,you are a true sony drone man.You cant even buy HDMI1.3 TVS yet,so whats your point,most of 3 quaters of the people who are going to buy the ps3 are parents for their kids,who will in turn play the console on a normal crt tv or 720 lcd,get a life man and stopp sprounting mindless babble...

6574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I noticed loads of jaggies,wtf 1080p no wonder if they enabled AA the frame rate would be mince at this resolution lmao

6574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol nice come back not,shows what you know....see what i mean lol typical sony drone..i rest my case

6574d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lmao you only seem to read between the lines typical sony drone,if u read the interview correctly he states... Eggebrecht: Lair in its current form couldn't be done on 360. We are using large amounts of Cell's SPUs for all of our geometry, landscape, simulations, animations, even troop AI. When we create a game, we absolutely focus on the platform it is designed around.Yes the platform being the ps3 and the cell processor,ok do u understand,he also states, Would we do one for 360, it would b...

6574d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ive just been reading on a few sites that all if not most barr a few ps3 games shown had major framerate issues,now its all well and nice having nice eye candy but if the frame rate suffers because of the systems bandwitdth what the hells the point,you cant play a game if the framerate stops and stutters.Ill with hold final judgement when the ps3 is released,and from what ive seen so far it doesnt look good am afraid.........

6574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ps3 cant handle hdr lighting and AA at the same time,360 can.Also if theres no AA enabled in motor storm which is evidend to my eyes the frame rate should be fairly steady,now i dont know about you guys but i would rather have HDR lighting and AA together with no performance loss anyday which i made add lol the 360 can do.In a perfect world if motor storm was realeased on the 360 the 360 version would edge it with the 360s more advanced GPU capabilities,its common sense really lol..

6574d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO sony are dropping the price of the console in japan and they havnt released it yet lol,wtf are they doing,they must be running scared man

6574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah right,wake up fanboy

6574d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment