XBOX ONE X the Beast
CRank: 5Score: 61390

DJ are you stupid,wake up man,beta rays not going to win the next gen dvd format,people are just getting used to dvd,hd dvd is in the mass public eye,its the next logical step forward,hd dvd will win... trust me

6588d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look people at the end of the day hdtv is fairly new agreed,the average person will get hdtv but at the bottom scale,these tvs cost a lot of money and it will takes years to make the transion to 1080p tvs,the average joe will just buy 720p,which is fantastic already,i live in the uk and all the big name stores like currys, dixons comet all stock lcd,dlp,plazma,and crt and 80% of people dont know what 720p means never mind 1080p,so i would say we dont need 1080p yet in games ,its just to much ...

6588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats a good price ill be buying one,a stand alone player will cost about 425 when there released in the uk,so 199 a bargin if you ask me HDDVD all the way

6588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tell u man, sony digg deeper holes for themselfs everyday,give it up sony stop with the bull we have heard enough of ur lies,and still u go on and make fools of urselfs,you would have thought they would have learned their lesson by now with all the major negitive press on the news and internet about them...

6588d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

these guys will say anything,now they know the ps3 is to be delayed IN EUROPE they will sprout out any old bile to keep up the hype for the ps3 so their game will sell,give it a rest man we have got u sussed,theres no way the ps3 will output 1080p at full frame rate,the rxs hasnt got the power lmao i sound like scotty out of star trek......

6588d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

if u beleive these are gameplay screenshops then ull beleive anything

6589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey Ken, do you remember all the things you said about the Xbox 360? If not, let me refresh your mind:

“The Xbox 360 is Going After the PlayStation 2.”

Well Ken, at this pace, you will go after the Xbox 360…just make sure you launch the PS3 before the next round of next-gen consoles.

“The Xbox 360 won't change the type of entertainment.”

Neither will the PlayStation 3 with these constant delays, so hurry up before a cell phone ca...

6589d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey Ken, do you remember all the things you said about the Xbox 360? If not, let me refresh your mind:

“The Xbox 360 is Going After the PlayStation 2.”

Well Ken, at this pace, you will go after the Xbox 360…just make sure you launch the PS3 before the next round of next-gen consoles.

“The Xbox 360 won't change the type of entertainment.”

Neither will the PlayStation 3 with these constant delays, so hurry up before a cell phone can pu...

6589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ive owned the ps1 the ps2 and the dreamcast,also the xbox and all i can say is the 360 is by far the most amazing awesome machine ever;the games are just out of this world am totally ingrossed in them its uncanny.Ive have owned a good few ps2 games but ive never been so glued to a screen when am playing my 360 its just awesome,ive bought more 360 games than i did ps2 games and the 360 has only been out less than a year,that says it all...

6590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ive been reading these posts for a few months now and THE TRUTH and DJ have got to be the biggest sony drones out there,man these drones are seriously deluded lol,and its ironic that THE TRUTH believes all the lies sony sprouts out lmao,and lies it is,its been proven time and time and time again,wtf does it take for these drones to accept what sony is saying is all smoke and mirrors,are these people just plain daft come on wake up,whens it going to sink into ur thick skulls that sony are shaf...

6590d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just keep telling yourself that over and over again, lmao it just might come true in barbie ken fantasy land,SLAP!!! wake up you deluded sony drone : resistance is futile.. lmao

6591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What can i say,delayed in europe untill 2007 what a joke,sony are shafting europe again,never ever trust a word that comes out of sonys a$$hole,lmao just as well ive got my 360 its an awesome console awesome games,SONY PS3 WHO.LMAO

6591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For Sony, there are two reasons the company is convinced that integrated Blu-ray is the right way to go. First, the success of the PS2 as a DVD player was extraordinary. Considering the high prices of standalone DVD players at the time, at $300, the PS2 as a gaming console and DVD player was a deal. And it sold through the roof. Second, Sony sees the PS3 as the most effective way to infiltrate consumers, gamers in particular, with its next-generation disc format and win the grueling war again...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For Sony, there are two reasons the company is convinced that integrated Blu-ray is the right way to go. First, the success of the PS2 as a DVD player was extraordinary. Considering the high prices of standalone DVD players at the time, at $300, the PS2 as a gaming console and DVD player was a deal. And it sold through the roof. Second, Sony sees the PS3 as the most effective way to infiltrate consumers, gamers in particular, with its next-generation disc format and win the grueling war again...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lmao my initial thought of you was a loser,your not only a loser but ur a complete gayboy.Your criticizing hard working people who maybe dont have the academic skills or the funds to go to collage,ur daddy and mummy probebly pays someone to wipe ur ass lmao... loser

6593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ur a complete loser,if no one done these kind of jobs what would the country be like,someone has to do them,ur a snobby aragant fool with a silver spoon stuck up ur ass,just like sony

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony fanboys must be the most delodid bunch of mindless drones there is,in fact they remind me of the borg,,,lmao,they cant see 2 feet in front of themselfs,for starters the ps3 is way over prised come on admit it,its no more powerfull than the 360 and beta rays a lost cause,cant you drones see whats sonys trying to do u guys,there ripping you off left right and centre open your eyes.Most if not all the games coming out for the ps3 are also coming out the 360,sony have lied to all of us from ...

6594d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i live in the uk,scotland and i got my 360 the first day it was launched and there was 100 people queued in front of me,it was a frenzy, people in the uk love the 360 and it continues to sell by the bucket load in my local game store.I have a ps2 also and never play it now the 360 is such a awesome machine i have no time for the ps2,and for the ps3 theres no god dam way am paying 425 pound for it, rip off comes to mind,besides i dont beleive a single word that comes out of sonys mouth,they li...

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have said it once and ill say it again the real deals the man,you say it how it is and you say it right,i take my hat off to u mate, keep up the awesome posts,your the only guy who tells the truth and makes sense,you do your research and give the sony fanboys something to think about..good job mate

6602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lmao you must be the ultimate noob,everyone of ur post is ballocks,u need to wake up and smell the coffee u noob,a tipical sony drone

6605d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment