XBOX ONE X the Beast
CRank: 5Score: 61390

Ive so got to get one of these babys,it wont be realeased till the 1 dec in the uk not long now HDDVD all the way man

6519d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DJ ive read some cr@p in my time but your long boring drawn out post beats all,you are a serious sony drone,your delusional what are you on MAN,HAS SONY GOT YOU HARDWIRED....

6519d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man you dont have a clue what your talking about,where this guy does,stop with the cut and pasteing jobs it just makes you look desperate.Why would anyone listen to what you have to say on the subject,this guys a pro ur NOT and any arguments you have dont mean a thing SO plz STOP your just making a fool of yourself

6522d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO nice pos,you tell DJ how it is most of these fanboys dont have a clue what there talking about.Theres some talk that the rsx is based of the 7600gt not the 7900 sony would have you believe,but we will wait and see but its looking more and more like a modifed 7600 folks,watch this space

6522d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF is sony playing at TELL US THE RSX SPECS PLZ what are you hiding sony,the world wants to know

6522d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man you sony fanboys are really sad,i mean this twat has sprouted lies after lies all year and JESUS you guys hang onto his everyword,WTF ARE YOU fanboys on(CRACK)when are you gonna wake up and learn to take everything this moron says with a gaint pinch of salt

6522d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Why hasnt sony announced the specs for the rsx,come on know one really knows cause sony havnt told anyone, i find that strange to say the least.Come on sony what are you hiding why havnt you announed any feedback on the RSX numbers,its a joke really that sony have not really told GAMERS wht the rsx can do and how it measures up to the 360 gpu,so come on sony and get your finger out oF your a@@ and reveal ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!

6523d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your comments are the most sensible thing ive heard all year,I dont want a blue ray player so why should I have to pay for one? I want a games machine,i couldnt of said it better myself nice job.Sony should of released pS3 with a dvd drive then give people the choice if they wanted to buy a blue ray add on for movies second,the ps3 should of been a gamers machine first and foremost end of story......Sony are just trying to take over with thier blue ray format thats all they care about there d...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

JUST A STUPIT SONY PLOY TO SEE HOW PISSED OFF europe is about being left out until march next year,they really think we really care about some PS3 User registration when they should have stuck to their word and released the console worldwide on time and to everyone,after all europe is one of the biggest game markets in the world,screw you sony you have let down europe big time with your lies and arrgance

6529d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The hype for this game is insane and very very rarely does a game live up to it, and to say the least people this game surpasses the incredable hype this title has generateted which is truely amazing in itself.MINDBLOWING

6529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1 MILLION before christmas WHAT they will sell a lot more than that beleive me,iv never seen a game that is so sought after in my life GOW is gonna be huge and i mean HUGE,its going to break records mark my words

6529d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what an amazing company they never fail to amaze me,the games are mind blowing and xbox live is just awesome and now downloadable HD movies,its just keeps getting better and better.Thats the difference with a major powerhouse software company they deliver on all fronts AWESOME ..

6529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ur a twat,stupit sony drone

6530d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft should just go ahead and buy Epic,what an amazing purchase that would be,epic are a amazing dev and would be well worth the money,just think epic as a fisrt party dev for Windows pc AND Xbox 360 now that would be something,you nver know it could happen

6530d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Once the hardcore buyers buy up the first shipment there be loads left on the shelves,come on who in their right mind going to fork out 700 to 800 hundred for the ps3 games and add ons, not ur average joe or cash strapped mums and dads,hell i want a ps3 and i work full time but i just cant afford to fork out 425 pounds GB for the ps3 alone then 50 pound a game plus spare controllor and hdmi cable,so how much this gonna cost me 700 to 800 pounds and thats not including a hd tv thats what,how ...

6533d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah am getting the ps3 for games only,theres a few i wouldnt mind getting,motor storm looks not to bad,gtHD looks good so its games only for.I think HD DVD is the way to go so ill be buying a cheap HD DVD ADD for the 360.I just dont think blue ray will take off for movies anyways its just doesnt feel right if you know what i mean,its good though for games more space and all but thats about it really,there can only be one video format and my gut feeeling and everyone i talk to seems to say ...

6534d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got my new VGA cable for my 360 the other day,what a difference it makes a lot sharper and more colourfull and dvds played throught the 360 is mind blowing muche better than my 500 quid dvd player,so if normal dvd looks this good GOD knows how much better HD DVD will look,ill be snapping up one of theses babys up when there launched...

6535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment ion_abstracts.htm#GRAPHICS

6535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As well as the fall update and XNA there seems to be new xbox 360 gpu features that have been unlocked for developers makes interesting reading.Heres the link ..s.htm#GRAPHICS

6535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment