CRank: 5Score: 18660

You maybe don't like arcade shooters like doom then.

1369d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No reason to wait. Plays buttery smooth and looks great on at version. Except maybe the switch.

1369d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


I'm dumb?
You fall for the marketing in an extreme way or envision some nonsense and I'm dumb?

You mention preorder bonuses....and I'm the dumb one?

Pretty sure it's the other way around.
Who gives a shit about the marketing and especially about the preorder bonuses. Gotta be very dumb to go that route.

1369d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

All of it is subjective. What truly meaningful choices do you get in the witcher 3? Same with the 1st and 2nd witcher.
It's a linear story. With some variety in quest endings. The real treat is in the actual story of the quests and main narrative.

The problem we have here is that people expected something else. For whatever reason they were lead to believe that this game would be the next gen game of the next gen consoles. Something so revolutionary it would be...

1369d ago 16 agree16 disagreeView comment

It was a typical revenge story that supposedly ends in some kind of enlightenment but there is no actual character progression.

Ellie progresses into this crazy badass willing to torture and beat to death only to decide at the end .....nahhh. then there's lack of character depth for the new people in the game. Too many pluto issues and nonsense that are out of character. Abby is uninteresting to begin with...while true that by the end you kinda don't mind her but th...

1369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The lawsuit is only happening because of the outrage.

1370d ago 7 agree30 disagreeView comment

There are buggy games everywhere. Old gen old hardware. Bad performance is absolutely normal. They didn't optimize. Nobody is under duress to buy their game. There are refunds available...

There is absolutely no reason for a lawsuit other than to try to grab some money.

Not excusing the bad ports...but this is childish. Why'd dint these people wait for reviews? As is the norm. And which players is this on behalf of? Not everyone has had the terrib...

1370d ago 16 agree40 disagreeView comment

Now this is a cash grab.

1370d ago 14 agree20 disagreeView comment

Visually yes. But in other areas... I certainly hope not or I'll have to stop gaming.

1370d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spoiler alert!

She kills hundreds of people on her path to revenge. Takes revenge on some involved but decides something very stupid at the end....because....feelings? Moving on?

Bunch of nonsense. She shoulda taken her revenge in a freaking gruesome way to the point of making the player uncomfortable. That would've been true to the character, the story and the world. Don't fuck with Ellie!

But noooo. Beefed up jockey girl is good d...

1370d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

As far as I've heard...all side quests are pretty could and in many ways the game advances the cyberpunk world.

1370d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy really sounds like an actual gamer who likes all kinds of games. Really enjoyed his list.

1370d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The majority are already over it.

1370d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

You mean just like how ai in other games do stupid stuff?

As far as I've seen sometimes it's silly other times it's perfectly and really no different than many other games.

1370d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well that doesn't make sense. The game is either good or not.

1370d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well i enjoyed the stroy of control more. But I enjoyed the combat of tlou2 more.

In fact I think the game would have been better with more big open areas like in the beginning. The exploration of the world is amazing. Shame they didn't keep it going.

Liking a game or not is subjective.
You can't convince me or anyone to like what you liked so give it up.

I personally disliked the story. But youre entitled to like what ...

1370d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Between anthem and tlou2.

Anthem I expected something actually good.
Tlou2 had such great possibilities and stories to tell...and for me fell flat on its face and burned.

Hoped it would be my game of the gen.

1371d ago 15 agree38 disagreeView comment

For me it was anthem. No excuse for how crappy the game was. It wasn't buggy. It just sucked. Still played it though. Got to the end game and stopped.

Flying around was the only redeeming quality.

1371d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh how I'll miss the interesting world of the last of us.

1371d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Even if a version of the game on weak consoles doesn't perform well it doesn't mean the game is crap. Just means those versions are crap.

1371d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment