CRank: 5Score: 18660

I would go as far as to say the majority of them became industry icons.

1545d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Pretty cool looking in my opinion. I still remember the special editions for PS4 just looking like tacked on stickers (Batman). If they go in this kind of direction each edition will look quite unique.

1545d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know about the mindless zealots but there are many YouTubers and other people that have presented suggestions on how the story could have been different or told.
I don't know how good those ideas are since I'm sure their Chuck full of spoilers and I want to beat the game first.

1546d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Really depends on the expectations forced upon them.
I've played cdpr titles since the first witcher game. They always made games I enjoyed.
First venture outside of the witcher universe so my expectations are tempered.

1546d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better to wait for price drop or if you can wait long enough then for ps plus title.

The mob always comes...they're bullies. You just ignore them.

In other forums I've put down comments and never looked back at the replies ...unless of course I asked a question.

If people agree with you they'll hit the agree button most of the time. Sometimes they'll reply.

It's when they want to appear deeper or m...

1547d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it is a great service but...Tomb raider is not that great and Erica isn't really compelling to me.
Considering this follows up their event I was hoping for something more current.

But I got lots to play right now so no biggy.

1548d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

TLOU1 deserves the spotlight again. An unmatched story and experience.

1548d ago 28 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing to temper. They made all three witcher games and an awesome card game.

They got popular with witcher 3 but I'd argue their first witcher game was the best.

Hype is on for what we should expect from these devs. nothing more and nothing less.

1548d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

There was a small agenda from some review to ruin the game.

It got a mediocre reception but when I played it I loved it.

By far one of the better open world's this generation. Wish I got sreanded without my bike more often.

1550d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

When this wss first shown I was excited for this gen of consoles...a shame it never came to fruition.

1550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


That doesnt make sense.

If COD sells 17-25 million lifetime sales on all platforms, which is 3 then it sells about
5.6 - 8.3 million on each.

However, we all know that game sales are normally much higher on one console. Therefore it wouldnt be so evenly distributed.

Considering we get CODS every year and we only get a The Last of Us once every generation for only 2 gens so far....yea Im way more impr...

1551d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment


And imagine that the blades glow red and actually heat up a little.
The axe glows red and cools up as well.

Now that would be sick...potentially break the console as well but still cool.

Now I want a god of war themed fridge with that axe as the handle

1551d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it glow blue upon being touched?!

1551d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Along with deletion of those negative scores by metacritic it should definitely go up.

1551d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

Give hollow knight a try. Ori used to be my favourite metroidvanis side scroller but hollow knight has taken it's place by an enormous margin. For me.

1552d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The controls on an fps as well as overtop perspective games is what really does it for me.

Controls are just a lot smoother and comfortable for me.

1552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe in an alternate dimension where one or the other does not exist.

1552d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure who the target audience for this month was but it aint me.

1552d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hollow knight was made by 3 devs.

One of the best games of this generation for me

1552d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have a reeling this will be an awesome experience.

1552d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment