CRank: 5Score: 18660

Well...nobody is saying they won't have games.

But everyone has been waiting for quality exclusives since....well last gen.
And even now with he launch of a new console....still nothing.

Whereas Sony....yea well they just can't help but release quality exclusives nonstop.

Sony dumps them out....microsoft just passes gas.

1340d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They still wouldn't win.
Pc is free.

There is no "war"

Doubling the price is the stupidest thing microsoft has done in quite a while.

1340d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely ridiculous. It's almost like cyberpunk was the second coming for some people.

Is it any worse...storywise and combat wise than the witcher 3?

Why would anyone have grandiose expectations for a game coming from a dev who has only ever done one ip and who has not experience with fps....


Turn on the brain. It's there for a reason.

How exactly do you fix something ...

1340d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment

All xbox gamerrs should cancel all their subscriptions. That would send a clear message.

Just for a month

1340d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I do gotta say that playstation is missing some fps ip exclusives lately.

They've all been 3rd person...generally.

That's not to say that microsoft has it any better ....yet. halo is dried up and they've done so much damage to the ip with halo guardians...not sure it will recover. With the new acquisitions they may be able to come up with better 1st and 3rd person ip

1341d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's the hardcore's that will care...the problem with xbox fan base is the casuals.

They don't know any better.

There are only like 5million hardcore's out there for xbox. Maybe I'm being generous.

It's also more expensive then psnow as well...in fact maybe just as or more expensive than both combined.

1341d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment


Well only if they renew. Of they don't renew because either a month off of gaming or just a lapse in their online gaming then they'll have to go with the new and improved stick up their ass.

In other words...keep paying or pay the higher price.

1341d ago 33 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly why I will wait to get their POS xbox series s until all their 1st party that interest me are on it...play them all with a couple months of game pass ....then trade it back in.

1341d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

I knew they would do this.
And once all consumers are on game pass they will remove xbox live gold and raise the price of game pass.

Right now game pass is liked because of its price point for the value. Value will remain the same and price will go up. Wouldn't be surprised if once it's their only subscription that they'll remove 1st party games at launch feature.

1341d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hes not necessarily important in gaming but sure as hell is the most creative dev i've ever seen.

1341d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well hes speaking of individuals....

but even as a company ID Software has done great recently but others can easily match them.
ND's last 2 full games have disappointed many. Top notch though....just dont think theyll last much longer. The greatest minds arent in charge anymore.
Rockstar is pure open world and its true that rdr2 was spectacular but others can follow suit.

Insomniac however are particularly unique

1341d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

If you rate games based on current stnadards or expectations beyond the launch of a game then no game gets to keep their scores and reviews are even more useless than ever before.

Unless what made it a 9/10 before was removed...it would still be a 9/10.

1342d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've said it before and I'll say it again.
FPS is king over resolution every time.

Whoever puts that as priority is always the winner for me. It has seemed to change at times between xbox and ps4.

1342d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

But besides the idea of the virus....everything else wasn't him.

If he had his way with the first game I gurantee you it would not have been the great game it is.

Bruce and others were able to take his idea and make it into the greatness that it was.

Time and time again his story was rejected. ND took it and changed it entirely in order to create a great game out if it.

1343d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

So the game is only "fixed" if it's playable on 7+ year old hardware that was outdated when it released?

Well forgive me if I would personally prefer the old base consoles be forgotten and that they would focus on next gen only.

Focusing on last gen is like betting on a dead horse.

1344d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well...no matter the immunity. It still wouldn't be guaranteed.

There was no guarantee it would work. Science isn't that easy. If that were the case we'd have a cure for cancer from all those people that magically recovered. Or from perfectly healthy people that have never had cancer although they were exposed to all the same shit everywhere.

1344d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Joel did what any reasonable person who knows anything about science would have done.

First of all you take the oath not to harm.
Secondly there is 0 gurantee it would even work.
Third, wake the girl up and tell her up front. Ellie was already willing to do it.
You think that someone close to anyone would've let them be killed on a table? Wouldn't want to be friends with that guy in an apocalypse.

1344d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

.....except only certain characters pay the price....

And what the heck does paying the price have anything to do with the last of us world and story. It's a generic story that is poorly executed..albeit with nice graphics and gameplay....still waiting on the mutliplayer

1344d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only that the cyberpunk thing is only applicable to fools that pre-ordered...

Even after all of the clear red flags.

1344d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well...I'm definitely disappointed in the awful why some ate that monumental hype like suckling babes.

When devs speak you gotta remove all the hyperbole until you actually see it in action.
When you see an amazing trailer...you gotta wait until the actual gameplay demo.
When they say it's the biggest game they've ever made....you throw that out the window since when would anyone make the smallest game they've ever made.
Ever sinc...

1344d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment