CRank: 5Score: 18660

Who are you quoting?
Everyone knows the sun rises in the morning. But not everyone agrees this game deserved all the goty awards.

Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings of course so to be clear I'm not saying it doesn't deserve them...just odd considering all the other great games in different genres.

1337d ago 17 agree8 disagreeView comment

Seems to be the case. I'm a huge naughty dog fan. I've played all their games...probably before many of these guys learned to read.

I just think it's odd that in a year with so many great titles...the most progressive game gets all the awards...similar things happen with movies.

Especially considering other games could just as easily win game of the year...unless the consensus is that only story driven games can be goty.

1337d ago 15 agree11 disagreeView comment

There was controversy with the game so I wouldn't find that in the least bit odd.

1337d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

Didn't say anything about it being rigged not that its not a good game. Just odd considering there were also other great games.

But feel free to impose your opinion on my comment.

1337d ago 31 agree10 disagreeView comment

First outrage is stupid. There is valid criticism and that wasn't fake but that has nothing to do with my comment.

I can handle the praise, the stupid outrage and the valid criticism...seems you can only handle the praise.

1337d ago 22 agree11 disagreeView comment

I find it a little odd that it just keeps on going.
Especially considering there were some great games in 2020.

You had ff7 remake, doom eternal, ghost of tsushima just to name a few.

I think it's a bit odd. Also considering that the first last of us was 100% praised by it's fan base

1337d ago 65 agree22 disagreeView comment

You make change when what needs changing happens not afterwards.

Once something becomes a standard in any industry it takes a lot to make any change.

Fighting against the $70 game has to happen now...or the next thing will be $80.

And let me tell you....people salaries don't jump up by 10$ every year. Or even every 5 years. Most are still making the same or close to the same as 10 years ago if not perhaps less.

1339d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

I kinda like how red dead treated it.
There are some questions marks and points of interest but most of it is self explored

1339d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer games I enjoy more.
Some may not have all the elements but it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them more.

I'm enjoying rdr2 far more than either of them....i think that's the closest comparison of a game that is similar in the amount of aspects they focused in.

I've also enjoyed the following games more:
Hollow knight
Ghost of tsushima
Gravity rush
Ff7 remake

1339d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


Okay so they over promised and released early.

Going back to the actual game and what is actually in the game....yup it's all good. Except for the bugs of course.

You telling me either 3 had amazing ai?

1339d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well. I'm not spoiling anything. But by concepts I'm referring to cyberpunk lore.

It is an open world rpg lite just like the witcher was. So if you liked that you'll likely like this.

1339d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

As much as i was disappointed in uncharted 4 and tlou2...naughty dog do still make some of the best narrative experiences out there.

Well done.

Really wondering what their next game will be.

1339d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Agreed. If you like witcher 3 then you'll likely love this game as well.

It's a story driven fps set in cyberpunk...brings some awesome new concepts into the world.

1339d ago 9 agree18 disagreeView comment

Id say OOT is the best zelda game

1340d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's vastly cheaper than the rest which makes it equivalent to the service.

Don't really see the need for it either but its not greedy.

1340d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately some gamers do think that the 70 is justified.

It's not gonna happen.

I for one won't purchase any game at 70 but that's just me and I'm sure plenty of short sighted people will not care.

I also don't our base any mtx ...never have. But that's just me as well. Many others do and somehow don't bat an eye.

1340d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Almost seems planned.
They didn't listen to feedback.

They simply saw that people were....obviously unhappy with their decision to increase the price by 100%
Making it the worst online subscription in the planet for generations to come.

There reverting the decision seems kinda fake. Almost like they anticipated the reaction and we're ready for it.

1340d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm wondering if it was done on purpose to then show how they are listening etc...

But still just really dumb so idk.

1340d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well I'm glad they're learning not to double the price of anything overnight.

Geez what stupidity.

They haven't learned anything substantial. If anything they'll wait until later to increase the price or to phase out xbox live gold.

It takes the stupidest people in the industry to do something like this. Well even then a stupid person would know this wouldn't fly.

1340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldnt call it feedback. It's not lile they asked first.

All they had to do was ask anyone outside of the board room what they thought and they would've gotten the same response.

It made absolutely no sense.
I think they hoped that it wouldn't garner much attention and be able to slip it through.

Thankfully there was enough backlash to revert it.

1340d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment