
CRank: 5Score: 4410

"More than graphics need to improve next gen."

Yes, but we all knew this anyway, we didn't need him to tell us. If only graphics improve that's not gamers saying they ONLY want good graphics that's developers not thinking outside the box.

This article should have been an internal memo among developers - it's nothing we don't already know/want.

4109d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Definitely. With graphics improving (more specifically ALL the tech improving including ram/cpu for AI and bigger worlds) we'd be stuck with the status quo.

We we always wanted better tech and better graphics, it's not 'bad' to want that, it's not dirty wanting games to look less like cartoons considering how serious some of their stories are now getting.

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the *week* before!

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS4 is pre-ordered (First time I've ever pre-ordered a console). The only console I bought on day of release previously was the original playstation all those years ago in my youth... with a copy of wipeout. ahhhhh nostalgia.

PS4 + PC (GTX780) + OCULUS RIFT is my next gen sorted!

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep... I'd be all over that

4109d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe they originally intended to bundle the camera in with ps4 but removed it for price advantage (as it's not as integral as kinect) which was possibly a smart move for market share.

However I do use move and have a cam (obv) so I will indeed buy a cam for PS4. One thing, the gamepads with built in lights signals an intent for included camera, but it's not a massive deal but if I'm honest it would have been nice being bundled at a reduced cost (and to ensure...

4109d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've already got 2 move controllers so bonus time! :)

PS4 has this one in the bag.


4109d ago 34 agree8 disagreeView comment

BF3 was great (PC here). I have exactly 0.000% interest in COD. Bring on BF4!

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 original slim was great and very clean looking - I have that and original fatty here (both going strong).

This redesign will be partly for 'newness' and partly cost cutting so they can go against Wii-U and with games like TLOU and GT6... the PS3 will still make a great bargain choice against Wii-U for many newcomers (not to mention a vast/amazing library of games now)

Now, sony stop dicking around and send me my PS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!...

4109d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The Dead Bone"

4109d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

You really can't just 'code it into your game' - some games have done that (HL2) already and it's ok but hardly what VR/Rift was made for.

The best stuff for rift will be rift exclusive (or maybe have a special rift mode at least) because everything changes in there vs on a 2D screen, scale, speed, control choices etc. All of it has to be thought out properly and that's something I've wanted to happen for years. It would make even the simplest of level...

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've posted simliar sentiments about nintendo needing to raise their game and push more and of course get negged to hell from the Ninty Hardcore :)

It's true though they get an 'easy ride' from using their beloved IP over pushing more into advanced tech (not motion gaming) that could really do their old IPs justice and create opportunities for even deeper new games (with the same Nintendo 'magic' sprinkled on them).

I still want to buy...

4109d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

The rift is THE future. Everyone should get one! :)

4109d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for this link! Very revealing compared to the daily chart.

4110d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS wanted to dominate in the one space of hardware were they were actually doing OK (vs phones and tablets which they just can't win) and they go and fuck it up even there, and ruin their image even further to the point many of us now mistrust them far more than previously.

Remember every time one of those painted smile MS execs tells you about their gaming vision they are reading a script written by committee in a board room meeting about how to maximise income.

4110d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

"PS4-PC my choice for best gaming experience."


Furthermore even last generation MS were attempting to kill off the 'free market' of PC gaming (for their own profits) blackmailing using $$$ to buy games away from PC or forcing certain O/S or Direct X levels (that were only in said O/S) on people, then the whole crappy GFWL layer.

And on consoles they slowly started to suck people in with 360 - a means to an end that is...

4110d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

the first rule of bioshock is: Bioshock games will ALWAYS be overrated due to story arc and high brow concept.

But gameplay? gunplay? ergonomics? Performance? This is where they fall down a bit and make them merely 'decent games' rather than 'the best game EVAAAA!'.

The original Bioshock had so many things going for it at least until you started to play (esp on the PC version), FOV problems, physics frame rates capped, scruffy/inconsistent lev...

4110d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cliffy is stupid. Sony's choices are what helped US boycott XboxOne, even if Sony had not existed there would still have been a massive boycott of Xbone, Sony didn't do that - we did. Without us actually holding off on pre-ordering XBoxOne MS wouldn't have changed JUST based on Sony. They needed the backlash from the public and the lack of pre-orders to back it up.

Cliffy is letting himself down more and more these days, driving around in his reventon talking abou...

4110d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I bought a PS3 for that 'high price', a 3D capable bluray player AND a reliable system were very much part of why. It was a dual purpose system and filled two needed roles (for me). I can't hardly say kinect fills any gaping hole in my life?

Also my 360 died - and was no way I was buying another, so made the move to PS3.. the reliability was also a factor. I'm still on my fat ps3 from early days and have a slim too, both are still working fine. Xbox 360 b...

4110d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

Shit article is shit. Xbox One just got much better. I'd even consider buying one in future (if the hardware actually turns out to be reliable and has any performance advantages over PS4, though that's unlikely). Before this I wouldn't have pissed on an Xbox One if it was on fire... after this, I'm actually looking at it's GAMES and seeing if they would tempt me. I'm sure many are like that. Even though I like Sony's first party stuff too much to not have a PS4 and...

4110d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment