
CRank: 5Score: 4410

That's not a mass produced 'gaming device' that's a bespoke, powerful multi-function unit.

I have a 4.5ghz I7, GTX780@over titan speeds ands 16GB ram. Yeah it's great, and will be awesome with oculus rift in future but a PS4 does "stand a chance" because of the way it's exclusives especially hit the hardware doing things we sometimes don't even see on PC (though we could nobody bothers). The exclusive games are why the PS4 has win written...

4093d ago 17 agree12 disagreeView comment

Xmas 2013 - Best Xmas Ever!

4093d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

as the TR reboot was to TR, RE reboot could be to RE. Make it so Capcom, containing it in a (massive) mansion means they could go to town on detailing, intricate and creepy puzzles, thought provoking gameplay and good old fashioned scares.

Can you imagine if they pushed the graphical envelope to make it almost photo realistic too? with weird little subtle horrors like strange faces reflected in mirrors or under the tiles, actually would take a more haunted aproach vs the viru...

4095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

never said JUST because they look cartoony they don't use much power, but the fact is they are hardly pushing the envelope hence the fact they can easily run at 60fps 1080p! Even wipeout hd ran at 60fps/1080p on 8 year old hardware (PS3) because it was within the limits graphically.

When Nintendo release a metroid prime for Wii U that looks photo realistic we'll see if it can run at 1080p 60fps. Not that they would of course.

Just can't get throug...

4095d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Capcom were once my favourite developer/pub. The old resident evils, resi 4 (gamecube - even the 'hd' PS3 version was still playable as hell compared to many modern games), dead rising ONE (360) which even with it's so called annoyances was an amazingly fun and atmospheric experience, esp so soon into last gen. They lost it after DR1 (pretty much around Lost planet 2/Resi 5 time)

I would love a return to form for Capcom - PROPER resident evils that are actually sc...

4095d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is NOT JUST about Frame rates and resolution!!! Yes those games are 1080p 60fps but why? cos they are SIMPLE LOOK cartoon coloured games.

If they had anything like 'the last of us' you can bet it wouldn't be at 60fps and probably not 1080p either!

Compare like for like if you are going to discuss this issue sheesh!

4095d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

Seems obvious to me Sony played a very clever game with MS this time around. Of course they didn't come out and say months back "NO DRM" because they WANTED MS to f-up even more! That's good tactics and I applaud them :)

This doesn't change the fact that Sony were probably not considering draconian DM MS style, they merely wanted to leave it un-qualified and watch MS self-destruct. I don't believe Sony were ever gonna do it - and even the patent rumo...

4095d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Frame rate isn't everything - graphically advanced for a reason. Forza 5 looks like a 360 game in comparison and is missing so many expected features.

4096d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

Exactly but specs too... it has to compete with the best third party versions, it's that simple. And for Nintendos part yes they must evolve their beloved IP and tone down the 'kiddy side' for a while. Invent new 'hardcore' ip with Nintendo fun but in a much more attractive/evoloved shell. That would make them great once again and I'd put my money down day one for such a system from them with their games.

I can only imagine how cool a new metroid prime...

4096d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Times have changed. Specs DO matter these days as people expect more. I had a gamecube and enjoyed some great games on it mostly exclusives (resi remake, resi 4 - until it was launched on ps/pc etc), I didn't have a PS2 (I had PS1, PS3 and will have PS4).

The problem is the timing was wrong for Nintendo and the spec wasn't good enough. It's a last gen system that's all there is to it.

Nintendo need to pretend the whole 'wii' thing was...

4096d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

PS4+PC - lets not excuse the wii-u just because the XB1 is even worse.

4097d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

Bundling the camera will NEVER make great games be by default, the fact is a camera just isn't a great gaming device, even using it for motion with Move it adds on or makes some niche titles feel great fun but there's only so much you can do with it. The best uses other than novelty games are for shooters - camera control instead of sticks at last - but for that you don't need the camera/move by default for devs to include support very easily and only those that want it can buy it...

4098d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree! And I played TLOU for 21 long hours - great story, but gameplay wasn't so hot. TR was a joy from start to finish and surprised me!

TR unlike the gameplay in TLOU was very addictive, I kept coming back for more GAMEPLAY and exploring, not story!! The story was pretty decent too though (and actually has similar tones of Ellie's battle in TLOU - bow and arrow included).

I will replay TR again for sure, it was that good, but can't see me pl...

4098d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Nancy Tellem made me want to puke at E3*

*like most of the rest of the MS E3 staff, she came across more like a politician than anything to do with entertainment.

4098d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft will probably charge GAMERS for patches on XB1 LOL!

4102d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah! and Nintendo would be more likely to keep it Japanese than sell out to Microderp.

Sony should do some serious investigation into this, at least while Nintendo refuse to make competitive hardware instead of playing a generation behind. What happened to the old Nintendo who made systems as good, sometimes better than their rivals? (SNES, N64, GAMECUBE) - This WII stuff is awful, and has to stop - if they do release another console I hope it's on spec with it's gen...

4102d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Anything comparable graphically to the last of us?

(serious question, as I'm out of the loop with Wii U)

4102d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment


4102d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

You must be a newb to 360 - where WERE you on 360 like me when MINE died and MS were not even admitting there was a problem let alone fixing them for free! MINE went in the bin, it wasn't even self fixable (not just gpu so back plating/oven work wouldn't sort it) it also had ANA chip error which ALSO took MS another year to 'admit' to and cover with free warranty.

MS didn't do anything for 360 owners until forced to legally or with legal threats, before th...

4102d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Ha you're joking right?

RROD was a massive epidemic! Every single person I knew who bought an early 360 had it die on them *before* MS were admitting to it, me included!

I invested in a 360 and loads of games, extra wireless controller/battery packs charger kit etc and it DIED - ana chip AND gpu faults

Myself and all those who had a 360 but one threw it in the bin and bought a PS3 - all of those PS3s are STILL working - including my two (...

4102d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment