
CRank: 5Score: 4410

Company B (or M) tried to inflict evil and destroy the gaming industry for their own financial gain over the course of 2 generations, while also attempting to usurp company A (or S) along with company N who had been doing just fine building up an industry to start with and providing massive boosts to it through investments in studios, IP, talent. Company M merely used $$$ to spoil the party for everyone.

Also Company M took the piss out of consumers, we saw that but the less ...

4105d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

True, I have no interest in buying console games online, not 50GB games! Mobile is different. Then there's the fact I want to be able to resell if it's crap/short/boring.

4105d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@digitalRaptor - all I know is at 75% in to TLOU I've not had even half the fun I had playing Uncharted 2. I'm not some crazy swinging gun monkey who needs "FUN IN MY FACE" and I can appreciate nuances, but sorry - the gameplay that IS in TLOU is like a watered down gunplay of UC2. The stealth stuff doesn't really work as intended and the rest is really just relying on atmosphere and slow pacing to build the experience, which is fine, but the game tends to recycle the &#...

4105d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sorry I've played them all and no way is TLOU anywhere close to Uncharted 2 for gameplay/exploration. I love UC1 too (UC3 left me a bit cold though, it was starting to lose the interaction for even MORE QTE/cutscenes/set pieces etc - not good)

TLOU excels in cinematics and story (as UC3 tried to) and for me both suffer in the gameplay, but are still good 'games'. UC2 was the pinnacle great graphics great controls great interaction great gameplay and good story! <...

4105d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's true they should but I'm glad they didn't. PS4 wouldn't have been as good as it's going to be if it was a year early for sure!

4105d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

we'll see. Obviously they did it for 'install base' they are going to make millions on this baby!

However, if they can scale it up for PC (eventually) then they should do the same for PS4 and sell even more millions :P (in a year).

My OVERALL point is, that this late in the gen and knowing how badly GTAIV performed, unless they have sorted the frame rate than I can only see this game being nerfed graphically OR running like treacle on 360/ps3 and ...

4105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so it would have to look worse than GTAIV to run better on PS3/360 (in theory) unless they magically got better at coding and made an engine that looked much better while also running much faster on the exact same hardware.

That will be a feat I'll enjoy seeing if they can pull it off! :P

My point is, I'm surprised they are even doing GTAV for current consoles given that they could barely bring their vision to life for IV - not Rockstars fault, more t...

4106d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

When it's out for PS4 or PC is when I'll be excited. GTAIV on PS3 was an aliased slideshow so I don't have a lot of faith of great performance from V (especially if they have improved the graphics). Seems a lot of effort to put in to a game who's last version could barely run as intended on current gen consoles.

The engine did look amazing in places though, esp these days on PC with mods and fast GPU/CPU.

This should be ON PS4/PC, then we'...

4106d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

crysis 3 on ultra on my O/C 780 (past titan levels) smooth as feck (at 1920x1200 upwards). Metro on ultra quality is the only game that makes it even sweat, even then it plays fine.

4106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, it was F*U*N that's ALL I cared about. Not had that much fun in a game in ages. I actually preferred it to TLOU which was far duller and not as fun to play. NOW watch me get rated down LOL

I make my own mind up on the game and was pleasantly surprised once I got a couple hours in to the swing of it (Tomb Raider), the only bits I didn't like were the cinematic parts where you'd have to dodge stuff, not a fan of that.

Never played the MP so I ...

4106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

coolio Iglesias! My GTX 780 awaits thee official release!

4106d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I meant "madness" in a good way - still supporting PS3 this far into the generation with a racer that looks this good + all this content = madness (in a good way) as in "colour me fucked"

4106d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tomb Raider was easily one of the best games this gen. Worth playing.

4106d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment


4106d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Because I think Nintendo should have a more powerful system, better than Wii-U.

4106d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

everyone knows it was running on PS4! It's just a common fact (That and the DS4 controller being used to play it)

4107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Titanfall = PC for best version.

The other games look 'meh' at Xbox e3 god knows why people think they showed better. It was obvious Sony had little need to show games as they had won on DRM at the time. We all knew gamescon was where they would turn up the pressure.

NOTHING at MS's e3 other than Dead Rising 3 stirred any interest in me (and even that looks like it's changed for the worse) and what sony did show, while not much, was more inter...

4107d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

good rant and I agree. I didn't mind Douche Huge way back during the Unreal years but he's just a cock now. During Sony's E3 he didn't tweet a fucking word then said it was because he was watching Man of Steel, the guy didn't shut up during Microsoft's E3 and was trying to spin crap into gold. The guy needs recalibrating. He's forgotten where he started.

4107d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good work, an all time classic game like HL2 deserves to be kept looking it's best (especially until we get an HL3)

4108d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agree with the #1. I had many a relaxed wander around Super Mario Sunshine's locations. At the time they were gorgeous and the water effects were beautiful too.

A remake on a more powerful system would be good.

Waverace Bluestorm also had a great summer feel in places.

4108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment